Darakaraka Mercury
When Mercury has Lowest Degree in our Horoscope, it becomes Darakaraka Planet. Any planet which has Lowest Degree in our Horoscope is the Darakaraka Planet. As the name Suggests, Mercury become the planet of Spouse or it is the planet which indicates Our Spouse, Marriage and Relationship. When it becomes Darakaraka, Mercury will have a deep impact in our Relationship.
The concept of Darakaraka Planet is given by Sage Parasara and Sage Jaimini.
Spouse Prediction from Darakaraka Mercury
Darakaraka Mercury indicates that you want a partner who will be very intelligent, friendly, Fun loving and full of Youthful Energy. You will always try mix with people or attarcted towards who are either younger to you in age or full of youthful energy. It’s a good planet as darakaraka since friendship is considered an important part of the relationship. The spouse may be talkative and fond of leisure travel. It indicates a spouse that is younger in age.
As Mercury is the planet of Intelligence, Learning abilities etc, It shows that Your Spouse should be well educated and well behaved. Your Spouse should be generally Good in calculations. They will also have a Good sense of Humor.
But this is not good for a Loyal Partner as it can make your partner fickle minded and they will not make commitment easily. They will always try to experiment something new and this tendency of experiencing something new can drag them into Extra Marital relationship or more than one relationship.
Prediction of Marriage from Darakaraka Mercury
- If Mercury is Afflicted by Rahu or Saturn or Ketu, the Relationship can be challenging. This can delay Marriage or it can give breakup or disapointment in relationship.
- If Mercury is exalted in Navamsa or with Jupiter in Rasi and Navamsa, it shows a Good Marriage.
- If Mercury is Vargottama it shows Good financial Status of your partner and also indicates Support from your Spouse.
- If Mercury is aspected by Benefic Planets Like Jupiter or Moon, the Good Qualities of Mercury will come out. If Mercury is conjunct or aspected or influenced by friendly planets Like Jupiter, venus etc your spouse will be supportive but if it is influenced by enemy planets, your Spouse will not be very Supportive.
- If Mercury is in 5th or 9th house from Arudha Lagna or if it is conjunct with your Arudha Lagna, it can give good compatibility with your Partner.
- If Mercury is in Pushkar Navamsa it is good for Marital Peace and Harmony. Darakaraka Mercury in pushkar Navamsa indicate that your Spouse is a pure soul and quality of relationship will be good. The relationship will sustain even after difficulty and Problem.
- But if Mercury is in Gandanta degree it indicates delay in Marriage and if there is other afflictions too in Upapada Lagna, it can even deny Marriage.
- What is Upapada Lagna and how to check it for Marriage
- Some Karmic connection regarding relationship is indicated when the Darakaraka Mercury is conjunct with Atmakaraka Planet.
- If Mercury is conjunct with Rahu/Ketu/Saturn in Navamsa, it can give intercaste marriage or Marriage with a Foreigner.
Spouse Profession with Darakaraka Mercury
Darakaraka Mercury indicates that your Spouse can be associated with mercury related works. So Professions related to Teaching, Lawyer, Sales executive, Marketing executive, Banker , Chartered accountant etc are some possible professions for your spouse. If Mercury is strong, it shows good financial status of your partner.
Your Spouse can be a Businessman or eentrepreneur. Darakaraka planet is the significator of Second house, Business, prosperity etc and Mercury is also the significator of Business. So this planet can make your partner a successful Businessman.
Spouse apperance with Darakaraka Mercury
Your Spouse will be very Good Looking. The distinct feature with Darakaraka Mercury is that your partner will have a youthful apperance and will Look much younger than actual age. The complexion of your spouse will be fair. Your partner will be Slim and will have medium height. The facial expression will be attractive.
But we have to see the 7th house of Navamsa and planets in the 7th house of Navamsa. Darakaraka planet mainly indicates about soul quality of our Life Partner but the planets in the 7th house and Navamsa will have a higher influence over the physical apperance of our Spouse.
Analysis of Darakaraka Mercury will reveal Lot of informations about our marriage and spouse. The Dasha of Mercury will be very helpful regarding relationship. Not only the vimsottari Dasha which is mostly used in vedic astrology but we should also see the Chara Dasha of Darakaraka planet as well. The Chara dasha of the sign where Darakaraka planet is placed is favorable for Relationship and Marriage.
Debraj Ray is an Engineer by Profession and astrology student from last 30 years. More than three thousand people have consulted him. He has Vast experience in vedic Astrology, Nadi astrology, Divisional Chart Like- Navamsa, Dasamsa etc. you can reach him on debraj.1@gmail.com