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Pushkar Navamsa or Pushkaramsa & Pushkar Bhaga

What is Pushkar Navamsa or Pushkaramsa

Pushkaramsa is also called Pushkar Navamsa which means a prticular Navamsa in a Sign which is very Auspicious. This is not only important in checking Horoscope but also important to know about a Auspicious time or Muhurat for any event. We need to check this Pushkar Amsa while reading Navamsa Chart

The word Pushkar means to nourish or nurture. Pushkar-Amsa is a Specific Degree of each sign which gives Very Auspicious result when any planet is posited there. Any planet placed in this area gets its qualities enhanced and acquire the potential to give good results of its significations. The Planet becomes extra ordinary from Ordinary. 

Pushkaramsa or Pushkar Navamsa is a range of Degree of a Sign whereas Pushkar Bhaga is a Specific Degree which bring Good Luck to us. Late Astrologer C S Patel had done a great research on this.

Out of 108 Navamsa only 24 Navamsa are called Pushkar Navamsa. Each Sign has two Such Navamsa and the entire Zodiac has 24 Such Navamsa.

These Navamsa are all Benefic Navamsa owned by Natural Benefic planets.

Calculation of Pushkar Navamsa for Different Sign

Aries-Leo-Saggitarius- In case of all the three Fiery Signs, 20° to 23°20’ and 26°40’ – 30° falls under Pushkar Navamsa or pushkar Bhaga. 

Taurus-Virgo-Capricorn : In case of all the Earthy Signs, 6°40’ -10°  and 13°20’ – 16°40’ falls under Pushkaramsa or Pushkar Bhaga. 

Gemini-Libra-Aquarius : In case of Airy Signs 16°40’ – 20° and 23°20’ -26°40’ falls under Pushkar Navamsa. 

Cancer-Scorpio-Pisces : In case of all the Watery Signs, 0°-3°20’ and 6°40’ -10° falls under Pushkar Navamsa. 

If you See, all the Navamsa Signs will fall in Benefic Signs only. 

Pushkar Bhaga

Pushkar Bhaga is the Specific Degree within the Pushkar Navamsa degree Range where any planet becomes extremely Strong. These are Powerful Degree in a Sign where they bring Good Luck and Favorable Results. 

The Specific Pushkar Bhaga Degree are as per Signs given below. 

Aries-Leo-Saggitarius- 21° of Aries, Leo and Saggitarius Sign. All these degree falls in the Nakshatra of Venus. 

Taurus-Virgo-Capricorn- 14° degree of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn Sign. All these Degree falls in the Nakshatra of Moon.

Gemini-Libra-Aquarius- 24° of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius Sign is Pushkar Bhaga. All these Falls in the Nakshatra of Jupiter. 

Cancer-Scorpio-Pisces- 7° of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces is calles Pushkar Bhaga. All these Falls in the Nakshatra of Saturn. 

Result of Pushkar Navamsa and Pushkar Bhaga

Placement of more planet in Pushkar Navamsa is indicative of a Strong Chart and indicates Success in Life. If there is 3 or more planets in Pushkar Navamsa, it shows that such a chart has strong potential.

Different Planets in Pushkar Degree will give different Results. 

If Sun is in Pushkar Navamsa it will increase the Leadership qualities and if Supported by other factors in your chart can make you one of the best leader. But remember Leader does not always mean political leader. It can make us a Good Manager or Leader in our work, a good captain in sports etc. 

Mercury in Pushkar Amsa can give us quick intelligence, ability to Learn, Good Education etc. 

Venus in Pushkar Navamsa can give us Help and Support from female friends, Material Wealth and Luxury etc. This is very Good for Marriage and Relationship. 

Jupiter is the significator of wealth. When Jupiter is in pushkar navamsha and the sign occupied by Jupiter in navamsha falls in Kendra or trikona of the birth chart then the person is very wealthy and lucky.

We know that There is a Relationship between Nakshatra and Navamsa. It is Significant that the Nakshatra Quarter or Nakshatra Pada are of Same extent. Both are in a arc of 3°20’ of a Sign. 

Pushkar Navamsha can be Classified in Some special Categories. 

  • Pushkar Amsa as well as Vargottama Navamsa– Out of 24 Pushkar Navamsa, in only 3 cases Pushkar Amsa is also Vargottam Navamsa. Only a Few Lucky one can have planets in these Navamsa. These People Achieved Great Heights in their Respective field.
  • In case of Pushkar Navamsa, if Rashi Lord and Nakshatra Lord are also Benefic Planets then they must give good results. Planets in Such a Pushkar Navamsa can take us to a great Height.
  • If a Planet is exalted in Rasi Chart and Debilitated in Navamsa chart yet planets are in Pushkar Navamsa, they do not give expected favorable Results. For example Sun in Aries in Rasi chart in 22°. So Sun is exalted in Rasi chart but it is in Libra Navamsa where Sun is Pushkar Navamsa but it is debilitated. Thus Sun though in Pushkaramsa can not give expected beneficial results. 
  • Generally when planning a muhurta or time for an event, it would be good to choose a pushkara degree for Auspicious result.
  • If 9th Lord or 10th Lord or Lagna Lord of a Chart is in Pushkar Navamsa and also in Kendra house in Navamsa, it will make the person Very Successful and reach top Position of Society.

For example Jupiter is in Scorpio Sign within 1° to 2° falls in Pushkar Amsa and it is in Cancer Sign. This will be a very Good placement for Aries Ascendant, Libra Ascendant or Cancer Lagna. Jupiter will be able to take Such a person to a great height. If we get the Dasha of Such a Jupiter in Perfect age, We can be very Successful during that period. 

Amitabh Bachhan has Jupiter in Pushkar Navamsa and also in Cancer Sign in D9. So Jupiter is exalted in Navamsa, it is Vargottama and also in Pushkar Navamsa. The Significance of Jupiter enhanced Significantly which has given him Huge wealth and Money, has given him knowledge in his own field, happiness from children etc.

This is a Topic which requires further research and testing to bring more information. If you have any doubt or query, you can comment to let us know.

Debraj Ray is an Engineer by Profession and astrology student from last 30 years. More than three thousand people have consulted him. He has Vast experience in vedic Astrology, Nadi astrology, Divisional Chart Like- Navamsa, Dasamsa etc. you can reach him on debraj.1@gmail.com

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