How to Read Navamsa chart
Navamsa chart is a Divisional chart which is used for Marriage Analysis majorly. But not only Marriage, We must Read Navamsa chart along with Main Birth chart or Rashi chart to make Accurate Predictions about different areas of Our Life.
- Navamsa chart reading Should start by analyzing the Navamsa Ascendant or Navamsa Lagna as strong Ascendant makes a chart strong and if the Navamsa Lagna is not strong it makes the entire D9 chart weak.
- We Should also Focus on 7th house of Navamsa to know about our Marriage and Relationship. The planets placed in the 7th house, planets aspecting the 7th house should be checked.
- If the 7th house of Navamsa is empty, we have the check the placement of 7th Lord of D9 chart.
- We should See the planets in the 1st house or 5th house and 9th house of Navamsa Lagna to know about our Good Fortune and Destiny.
- We Should also check the planets in the 10th house of Navamsa to understand our Career Prospect.
- We Must analyze the condition of Venus in Navamsa to understand our relationship.
- The condition of Atmakaraka Planet, Ketu and 12th house of Navamsa will indicate our Spiritual progress.
Now We are going to Discuss these Steps in details but before that you Should get some basic idea about Navamsa chart.
What is Navamsa
Navamsa Means Nava Amsa- Nava means 9th and Amsa means Division. This is 9th Division of a Sign and it is also known as D9 chart. 9th house indicates our Fortune or Bhagya in Vedic astrology. That is why Navamsa is sometimes called as chart of Fortune or " Bhagyamsa".
Most people have a misconception that this Divisional chart should be used for Marriage only but Great Astrologers Like B V Raman, Mr. K N Rao or Mr. Sanjay Rath Says that Navamsa or D9 chart plays an important role to understand our Destiny, talent, Marriage, Relationship, career etc.
Here we will Discuss some Principles and rules to study the navamsa chart broadly and how Navamsa chart analysis is done for Marriage, Career, Fortune, Financial Prosperity etc. We will also discuss the difference between Navamsa chart and Lagna chart.
Use of Navamsa chart
The rashi chart is never analysed without the navamsha. While other varga charts are used to highlight specific areas of the chart, the navamsha is used to determine every aspect. One of the most important rules of interpretation is that we must study every house and planet in our chart with its position, dignity and conjunctions in the navamsha.
As astrologers we carry out a detailed and in-depth study of navamsha. It is the foundation of all the planets, and their strengths or weaknesses are revealed here. We can study all the four aims of life: dharma, artha, kama and moksha. Each aspect must be studied separately. This is the chart for relationships, Karaka Venus and Jupiter.
D9 chart is mainly used for Marriage and Relationship but it should also be used to understand Financial Fortune, Career and Professional Life, Spiritual progress etc. It Helps to understand our Karma and Past Life connection as well.
The 9th house of a horoscope represents ‘Dharma’. It is called as the abode of Lord Vishnu. D9 chart being one ninth part of a Rashi, It thus indicates the fruits of one’s ‘Dharma’. This is a very important aspect of every one’s life to know about his ‘Dharma’ and its fruits.
In Bhagwad Gita Lord Krishna has said that when Dharma falls the institution of Marriage and Relationship Suffers. So Marriage is directly Linked with our Dharma or 9th house and that is why Marriage is checked from D9 chart.
Difference Between Navamsa chart and Lagna chart

Now Lets Discuss the difference between Navamsa chart and Lagna chart
So which is more important lagna chart or navamsa chart ?
Both the charts are important. Ancient astrologer and writer of Phaladeepika said Navamsa is equivalent to Lagna chart. Some astrologers attach more importance to Navamsa than the Rasi chart. For example Any planet debilitated in Rasi chart but exalted in Navamsa will give the result of exaltation. But planet exalted in Rasi chart and Debilitated in Navamsa will give results of debilitation.
Though we should remember that as Navamsa is created from Lagna chart, it can not give the result which is not promised in Lagna chart. Both of these charts are complementary to each other. Lagna chart will indicate what is possible and Navamsa will indicate how strong is the possibility.
Importance of Navamsa chart reading
why Should we read the Navamsa chart ?
Maharishi Parashara - The Father of Vedic Astrology, has given immense importance to the Navamsha chart. If Birth chart or Rasi chart is the Body then Navamsha is the Soul, D1 chart is the tree and D9 chart is the Fruit of that tree. A tree can Look nice but the fruits many not be tasty where as a tree may not look great but the fruits can be very Sweet. So the true strength and true potential of a Horoscope can only be known by D9 chart analysis.
A strong Rashi chart has to be backed by a strong Navamsa chart, otherwise it may not live up to its expectations.
This chart will tell you how Much Capable or how much Strong your Birth Chart actually. Sometime we see a Chart with 3-4 Exalted Planet or planets in own Sign but that person do not get anything significant in his life.
But again a person with not so fancy placement of planet achieves lot of Status and position in Life. This happens because in the first case though the planet looked very strong in Own sign or in exaltation sign but they are debilitated or in enemy sign in D9 chart.
It is Very Significant that each Navamsa is equal to one Nakshatra Pada and Navamsa Links Rashi and Nakshatra Pada togethor. We all know how important the influence of Nakshatra is in a Horoscope.
Step by step guide to read Navamsa chart
Check the Navamsa Lagna
The First Step of D9 chart Analysis to examine the Status of D9 Ascendant or Navamsa Lagna.
Navamsa Lagna is Very crucial as the strength of a divisional chart Largely depends upon the Strength of Lagna. So if the Navamsa Lagna and its Lord is Strong and Well placed, it makes you Fortunate. The Navamsa Lagna Lord Should not be debilitated or Weak either in D9 chart or in D1 chart.
Similarly we Should also check what is the Condition of Lagna Lord or Ascendant Lord of D1 chart in Navamsa Kundli. The Ascendant of D1 chart Should not be Debilitated in D9 chart.
Check the planetary Strength
Analyze the Strength of Planets in Navamsa chart according to Sign placement, Conjunction etc. Planet in Own Sign or in exaltation Sign in Navamsa chart becomes Strong and will give you Favorable results. So if the Planets which are friendly towards you Like your 5th Lord or 9th Lord or Ascendant Lord becomes Strong by occupying a Good Sign, it makes you Fortunate.
Planets which Occupies the Same Sign in D1 chart and D9 chart is called Vargottama Planet and it becomes very Strong and Powerful. So if a good planet becomes Vargottama it can give a Lot of help whereas if a Evil Planet becomes Vargottama it can cause Lot of troubles. If the Navamsa Lagna becomes Vargottama, it is highly Auspicious.
There are certain degrees in Navamsa chart where a planet becomes extremely powerful and beneficial. These are known as Pushkar Navamsa. Any planet in Pushkar Navamsa give Lot of Good Results.
Learn about Vargottama Planets
Find out Your Vargottama Planet and what are so special about them.
Learn about Pushkar Navamsa
Find out the Strength of Pushkar Navamsa.
Check the planets in the trine of Navamsa chart
Planets in the trine of Navamsa chart- Like 1st, 5th and 9th house indicates our Natural talents and Skills which will help us to achieve Success in Life. Planets in the 1st house of Navamsa chart or in Navamsa Lagna indicates Our inborn talents and Skills. Planets in the 5th house of Navamsa indicates the Skills and talents which we can acquire by Practice and intelligence. Planets in the 9th house indicates the Skills which we can Learn with the help of Guru or modern day college or university or coaching.
For Example Moon in Navamsa Lagna can give in born talents and Skills in Music and SInging, Moon in 5th house of Navamsa indicates that Skills of Singing can be Acquired by practice and Moon in 9th house indicates that Skills of Singing will come through any School or Teacher.
Check the Placement of Venus in D9 Chart
Venus is the most important Planet for Navamsa chart. As Navamsa is primarily used for analysis of Marriage and Relationship and Venus is the Main Significator of Marriage. So the condition of Venus in D9 chart is very Important. If Venus is in own Navamsa- Libra or Taurus, it is good for Marriage and Relationship. But if Venus is in Virgo Navamsa-it becomes debilitated and can give trouble or Problems in Marriage.
Examine the Condition of 7th House of Navamsa
Navamsa chart is primarily used to Predict Marriage, Relationship and Spouse. So the 7th house of Navamsa is most important as it will decide our Marriage. The 7th house of Navamsa can make or break our Marriage. So we need to see which planets occupy the 7th house. If benefic planets Like Mercury, venus or Jupiter is in the Navamsa 7th house, it indicates a Stable Marriage. But if planets Like Mars or Saturn or Rahu is in the 7th house of Navamsa, it shows problems in Marriage.
Analyze the placement of 7th Lord in Navamsa chart
The Placement or Navamsa Sign of 7th Lord of D1 chart will give important information about Our Marriage, Spouse etc. The 7th Lord of D1 chart Should not be debilitated or Afflicted in Navamsa chart. The Navamsa Sign occupied by 7th Lord of D1 chart can indicate Profession of Spouse.
Learn about Spouse Profession
Read About the career and Financial Status of Your Future Spouse.
Examine the Placement of Atmakaraka Planet in Navamsa chart
The placement of Atmakaraka planet in Navamsa indicates our Spiritual Journey, Overall Financial Progress and our Purpose in this Life. Exalted or Strong Atmakaraka in Navamsa is good for Financial prosperity. Atmakaraka in Navamsa Lagna makes a person Lucky.
We Should remember that Lagna Lord mainly Deals with our Physical Body or Physical Existence. Spirituality and Moksha is more related with Our Soul or Atma. So the Position of Atmakaraka planet in D9 chart is very important for Analysis of Spiritual progress in Our Life.
So find the placement of Atmakarak planet in Navamsa to understand the journey of your Soul and Ishta devata which is responsible to make us free from this Karmic bondage and provide Moksha. Atmakaraka Should not be Debilitated or Afflicted by Malefic planets in D9 chart.
Learn about your Atmakaraka planet & Ishta Devata
Read what is the purpose of your Life and what your Atmakaraka planet says.
Interpretation of Spirituality from Navamsa
A person who wants to progress in Spiritual path should have a Strong indication in his D9 Chart. As it is 9th Division of zodiac, it shows our Dharma and also spirituality. Placement of Jupiter in Navamsa chart is important for understanding the Spiritual progress of a person.
The Dharma Houses Like 5th house, 9th house of D9 chart will have Planets Like Jupiter, Ketu, Sun etc for Spiritual Progress of a person.
Examine the Financial Prosperity and Fortune from D9 chart
The 10th house of Navamsa chart is known as Lakshmi Sthan and planets placed in the 10th house of Navamsa can give money and wealth. Not only that the Kendra Houses of Navamsa chart (1st,4th,7th and 10th) Should be Strong to make you Fortunate. So we should examine these houses and planets placed in these houses to understand Financial Prosperity.
The Sign which is occupied by Atmakaraka planet is known as Karakamsa Lagna and it is used to predict career and Financial Success. Planets in Karakamsa Lagna and 10th house from it should be checked.
There is a very wrong conception among Some People that Navamsa chart activates after Marriage. But it is completely Wrong. Navamsa chart is derived from Main Birth chart. The planets Position in the main Birth chart are Physical Positions or Positions in the Zodiac during our birth. But any divisional Chart including D9 chart is only Logical placement or interpretation. SO the moment we have taken birth in this world all our Divisional Chart D9, D10, D12 are activated.
Further, Great astrologer Like K N Rao, B V Raman has suggested to check education, Job etc from Navamsa chart also along with main chart. It is quite obvious that you will not go to school after Marriage or you are not going to search Job after Marriage. So Navamsa Chart is active from the very first day you have taken birth.
We need to remember that only Planets has some activation year but not any chart. And that activation year is also for certain Purpose only. It does not mean that the Planet will be inactive till the activation year.
D9 Chart Analysis- Advanced technique
We will discuss some Advanced techniques and rules on how you can read Navamsa chart for Marriage or Career or overall Fortune etc. These Rules are tested in Different Horoscopes and you Should also use these for Analyzing the D9 chart.
Note the sign occupied by a planet in the navamsha chart. Also note the house which is occupied by that sign in the birth chart. This placement from the Lagna of birth chart is given a nomenclature based on the house occupied. This table is given below.
House | Navamsa |
1st House | Lagnamsha |
2nd house | Dhanamsha |
3rd House | Vikramsha |
4th House | Sukhamsha |
5th House | Putramsha |
6th House | shastamsha |
7th House | Bharyamsha |
8th House | Nidhanamsha |
9th House | Bhagyamsha |
10th house | Karmamsha |
11th House | Labhamsha |
12th House | Vyamsha |
For Example you are born with Aries Lagna and Jupiter is present in Scorpio Navamsa. So Jupiter is in Nidhan Amsha. If Jupiter is in Saggitarius Navamsa, it is in Bhagyamsha.
Planets do not give Good result if Occupy Shastamsha, Nidhanamsha and Vyamsha. The Events given by their Significations are not happy one.
In Simple Words Planets which occupy the Navamsa of 6th, 8th and 12th Sign from Lagna or Ascendant of D1 chart, will not give expected results. If these planets are good for your Ascendant due to Some other yoga, the Beneficial result will Reduce and if it is a Malefic planet for you, the negative results will increase.
2. Any planet placed in Kendra and Trikona Navamsa from the sign occupied in birth chart is auspicious and is a strong placement.
Count the Navamsa Sign from the Position in Birth chart or Rasi chart. For Example Jupiter is in Aries Sign in Main birth chart or Rasi chart and it is in Cancer Navamsa. So Jupiter is in 4th house from Natal Position in the Navamsa chart.
Any Planet which is in Kendra Houses (1st, 4th, 7th & 10th) or Trikona House (5th & 9th) in the Navamsa chart from the Natal Position is beneficial. It will give good Result but any planet which is in 8th house or 12th house in Navamsa from its Natal Position in D1 chart will not give Favorable Result. You Will face difficulty during the period of Such Planet.
4. In addition to this if the Navamsa Sign is in Kendra and Trikona House from the Janma Lagna or Ascendant of D1 chart, it also indicates Favorable Results. The planet is well placed and gives excellent results.
3. Any Planet which is Vargottama is strong and will give you beneficial results. It gives name and fame. Even a debilitated Vargottam planet gives wealth and fame but with some problems like health or mental tensions.
4. Any planet placed in benefic signs in Navamsha are considered strong and gives good results.
5. Planet exalted in the navamsha chart is considered best even when it is debilitated in birth chart.
6. If the Navamsa Lagna is Vargottama and the Kendra Houses of the Navamsa is occupied by benefic planets Like Jupiter, venus, Mercury etc makes the Navamsha chart strong and will make you fortunate in Life.
7. If all the Kendra Houses (1st,4th, 7th & 10th) is occupied by any planet, indicates that you have come with good fortune and will gain lot of Materialistic Success.
- with Sun in Kendra- A Well placed Govt Officer.
- With Moon in Kendra- a good Businessman.
- With Mercury in Kendra- A Good Professor or Scholar
- With Jupiter in Kendra- a Highly Spiritual and Religious Person.
- With venus in Kendra- a Very Wealthy Person.
8. Planets in the 7th house of your D1 chart will indicate what kind of Person you want as a Life Partner but the Planets in the 7th house of Navamsa chart will indicate what you will ultimately get.
So planets in the 7th house of Navamsa will give details about our Marriage partner, Spouse Appearance, profession etc.
9. The Trikone- 5th and 9th house of Navamsa chart indicates how much fortunate we are and strengthening the 5th and 9th Lord of Navamsa actually improves our fortune. This shows how strong is our destiny.
These are Some Broad Rule to Read the Navamsa chart.
How to analyze Navamsa chart for Planet Strength
Navamsa chart is very important to Analyze Strength of planets in your Horoscope. If a Planet is exalted in your D1 chart but Debilitated in D9 chart, this planet will not give Favorable Results. So we are going to discuss how to understand the strength of planets from Navamsa chart.
- If a planet is in Friendly Sign or in own Sign or in Exaltation Sign, it becomes strong and give Favorable Results.
- If a Planet is in Same Sign in D1 chart and D9 chart, it is Known as Vargottama planets. As the Name Suggest- Vargottama means uttam Varga which indicates that a Vargottama Planet becomes very strong and give Favorable result. You can read more about Vargottama Planets from our Article.
- Planets in Pushkar Amsa or Purshkar Navamsa gives Favorable results. There are certain Navamsa where any planets Give Highly Auspicious results. This is known as Pushkar Navamsa. If you want to know more about it , you can read my article on Pushkar Navamsa.
- If a Planet is in the Enemy Sign or in Debilitation Sign in Navamsa, it gives unfavorable results.
- If the planets improve their condition in Navamsa, it indicates that You will be able to improve your Life by own Effort. This also show that you will get the Support of your fortune.
Navamsa Analysis for Marriage
Navamsa chart is the main chart for Marriage. Now we are going to discuss the techniques to analyze Navamsa for Marriage.
The Navamsa Lagna or Ascendant of D9 chart is Very Important because if the Ascendant or Lagna of D9 chart is not strong, the Marriage may not Sustain. The Navamsa Lagna Lord Should be well placed not only in the D9 chart itself but also in the birth chart as well.
We have to check the 7th house of Navamsa. As we know 7th house is the most important house for marriage, planets placed in the 7th house of Navamsa will play an important role in Marriage. We should remember that planet in the 7th house of D1 chart or Rasi chart is the Desire but planet in the 7th house navamsa indicates what we actually get.
Malefic planets Like Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu are not good in the 7th house of Navamsa for Marriage.
The 7th Lord of D1 chart Should not be debilitated in the Navamsa or Afflicted by Malefics Like Rahu/Ketu/Saturn in the Navamsa chart for a Successful Marriage.
Navamsa Divisional chart is most fascinating to me. It has so many Layers and so many principles that it is practically very difficult to master all. But if we can apply the Navamsa chart Properly and effectively, lot of hidden informations can unfold. So You Should always read this chart Properly before making any conclusion.

Debraj Ray is an Engineer by Profession and astrology student from last 30 years. More than three thousand people have consulted him. He has Vast experience in vedic Astrology, Nadi astrology, Divisional Chart Like- Navamsa, Dasamsa etc. you can reach him on