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Darakaraka Planet-Understand Your Spouse and Marriage

What is Darakaraka Planet

The planet which has the Lowest degree in a chart is Called Darakaraka Planet. So this planet travels the Least distance in a Sign. In vedic astrology Darakaraka is the Significator of Wife or Life Partner. Dara Means Wife and Karaka Means Significator. This placement of this planet in the Horoscope will determine our relationship with Spouse and happiness in Married Life.

The planet Which gets highest Degree in a Sign is called Atmakaraka and this is the controller of the Horoscope or its Like King. Its relationship with Darakaraka will determine our married Life.

This is a Special astrological concept given by Sage Jaimini thousands of years ago and after that Eminent Astrologers Like Mr. B.V.Raman, Mr. K.N Rao, Mr.Sanjay Rath has done extensive research on this.

If we follow Jaimini Method of Astrology, All the Significations of 7th house comes under the purview of Darakaraka planet Like Marriage, Spouse, Business partnership etc. It is not only indicator of Spouse but it is also indicator of Wealth or Money as well.

Sage Jaimini has divided the planets in 7 Categories. These are called Charakaraka. Chara means dynamic and Karaka is the Significator. As the name Suggests these Karakas are not fixed. They changes in every horoscope according to the placement of planets in the Rasi chart.

Lets Understand this concept with an example. Venus is the Significator of Marriage and it is fixed for every Horoscope. We will check the condition of Venus for Marriage and Relationship. This is called fixed Karaka or Significator. But Darakaraka is not Same and it changes in every chart according to the degree of Planets in a Horoscope. In Some chart Sun can get the Lowest Degree and become the Darakaraka whereas in Some cases Moon can get the Lowest Degree to become the Darakaraka depending on the date of birth and time.

There is a debate of 7 Karaka or 8 Chara karaka. Some Astrologers take Rahu into consideration and Some do not. We use 7 Karaka System and do not include Rahu as Darakaraka or any Karaka. We have found good results with this.

Darakaraka Planet

Meaning of Darakaraka in astrology

Dara means This is a Planet which tells us about our Soulmate. It will tell us what kind of Life partner we will get in this Life. It does not deal with the Outer beauty of our partner but the inner qualities. That is why it indicates the Soulmate.

In Jaimini astrology, We use 7 Karaka and if we carefully study them, we will find that Classification of these Planets are not random and it has Similarity with the Vedic astrology. 7th house deals with Marriage, Relationship, Spouse etc and that is why the 7th Karaka has been classified as Darakaraka (DK).

Simialrly the 1st house which is the Lagna or Ascendant which represents our own existence. This is classified as the first Karaka or Atmakaraka. So there is a Simialrity between the house division System and chara karaka System.

Darakaraka is Used to Predict

  • The Quality of a Relationship and Marriage- Whether the Relationship will be peaceful and Harmonious or it will be challneging and toxic.
  • It is also a Wealth giver. So its placement and relationship with other planet can indicate about our Wealth and Financial Condition as well.
  • The Details of your Spouse- We can know about the Spouse Nature, character, profession , Financial Status etc through this Planet. We may not get a Spouse exactly Similar to the Darakaraka Planet but we will be attarcted towards persons who has the dominant traits of the DK.
  • It also Help us to Know about the timing for a New relationship.
 It reveals our past Life connection or Pending karma regarding our Marriage and Relationship.

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Sometimes our birth time are not very Accurate and Lagna or Navamsa Lagna can Change within 1-2 Minutes. In Such a Situation this comes very handy as the Degree of Planets do not change too much within few minutes. So the Darakaraka Planet will not change which will be very effective to predict about Marriage and Relationship in these conditions.

But we must remember it is not majorly related with Physical Apperance or Personality of our Spouse. For that we have to See the Planets in the 7th house of Rasi chart and planets in the 7th house of Navamsa.

How to find or calculate your Darakaraka Planet

We have to calculate the Degree of Each Planet in the Signs excluding Rahu and Ketu. After that we have to See Which planet has got the Lowest Degree in our Horoscope. That planet is called Darakaraka Planet. If two planet get Same degree, we have to check the minutes. If both the planets have Same degree and Same minute, we have to check the Seconds as well to know which Planet has the Lowest Longitude in a Sign.

Suppose a person is born on 23.08.2000 at 1:40 am in Delhi. Below is the birth chart with Degree of each Planets. Check the Longitude of Each Planet.


We can see that Sun has got the Lowest Degree in this chart. Both Sun and Moon are in 6 degree but Sun has got 6 degree 9 minutes which is Lower that the Degree of Moon-6 degree 52 minute.  In this way, You can find your Darakaraka Planet.

Now Lets Understand Some principles about prediction through Darakaraka in different Houses.

Prediction of Relationship from Darakaraka

If Your Darakaraka Planet is in the 6th or 8th or 12th house from Atmakaraka Planet, it is not Considered Good. It can create Problem in the Relationship.

If the Darakaraka Planet is conjunct with Atmakaraka, it can give Multiple Breakups in Love and Romance.

The conjunction of Darakaraka with Amatyakaraka Planet is Good and can bring fortune through partner.

If the Darakaraka Planet is in the 5th or 9th house from Atmakaraka Planet, it is Good for a Happy Relationship.

The Darakaraka Planet in 4th or 10th or 11th house from Lagna or Atmakaraka planet can give stability in Relationship.

If the DK is in 1st house or Ascendant or Conjunct with Arudha Lagna, it shows a Good compatibility, mutual Love and Affection.

The conjunction of Darakaraka Planet with Rahu/Ketu in Rasi chart will delay our Marriage.

Combust Darakaraka in your chart, will also delay your Marriage and can give a kind of Dissatisfaction in Marriage.

If the Darakaraka Planet is in the 6th house from Arudha Lagna, Health of your Spouse can be Poor.

If the Darapada and Darakaraka are conjunct, it is Good for Sexual Life and also Good for Business Partnerships.

Darakaraka in Navamsa

As we know Navamsa is the Main Divisional Chart for Marriage and Relationship, the placement of Darakaraka Planet in Navamsa should be checked before making any Prediction.

If the DK is exalted or in Own Sign in Navamsa, it is considered Good for Marriage and you will get a Good Life Partner. This shows that Your relationship will be Stable.

If Your Darakaraka Planet is Debilitated in Navamsa, it is not considered good for Relationship and We can face Lot of Problems in the Relationship.

If it is conjunct with Rahu/Ketu in Navamsa or if it is conjunct with Atmakaraka Planet in Navamsa, it is not good and it can delay your Marriage.

If the Darakaraka Planet is Vargottama, it shows that your Spouse will be a Good Support and will be Very Strong and Independent person.

Lets Understand this with an Example chart.


This is a Birth chart of One of my Friend. His first marriage ended up in Divorce within one year of Marriage. Lets understand his horoscope with Jaimini Astrology. In his chart Mars is Darakaraka. This shows the aggresive and Arrogant Nature of his wife. The Darakaraka Planet is in the 12th house from Arudha Lagna indicating Lack of compatibility and understanding. Mars is Afflicted by Rahu in Navamsa too. This also indicates a Problematic Marriage. In the Navamsa Darakaraka Mars is in 12th house from Atmakaraka Mercury. All these combinations Shows a troubled Marriage which ultimately ended in Divorce.

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Darakaraka in different houses

When Different Planets becomes the Darakaraka it will exhibit different Kinds of Results. We can not expect the same result when Sun becomes the DK and When Saturn become the DK.

Now Lets understand different results for Different Planets.
Different Planets as Darakaraka

Darakaraka Sun

Darakaraka Sun Means Sun has the lowest degree in your birth chart. So The qualities of the Sun will be prominent in Your Wife or Husband. It also indicates Your Desire for a Partner from High Social Status and Position or You are attracted to Such People. When Sun is your darakaraka, Your Spouse can be a person with good leadership quality, confident, steadfast and with high self-respect. Sun indicates Status, Ego and Position. So your Partner can have ego and Arrogance. Your Future Spouse will be Good Looking and will have a kind of elegance in Physical Apperance.

Darakaraka Sun can give your Spouse Professions related to Govt Work, Administrative work, Project Management, Medical or Healthcare Professional, Politician etc.

We have to see the Aspect of the Planets also during spouse prediction. If Sun is aspected by its friends like Mars, Jupiter, Moon, the partner will add value to the life of the native. But if it is aspected by its enemy like Rahu or Saturn, Your Life Partner will be unhappy.

Read: you can read more details on Darakaraka Sun

Darakaraka Moon

Darakaraka Moon Means, the Moon has the lowest degree in your birth chart. It can make Your Life Partner emotional, caring, home loving and soft hearted. They will be very flexible. If Saturn or Rahu afflicts this moon, it will give the selfish tendency, meanness of mind etc.

If Jupiter aspects, it will give wisdom and knowledge to the person. Jupirter will give broadness of Mind to your Partner. Moon Rules our Emotions, Sensitivity etc. Moon is also Family Oriented Planet. So it will make your Partner Adaptable and Caring towards Family Members.

Darakarka Moon indicates that Your Spouse can have Professions related to Sales and Marketing, Medical Field Like Doctor/Nurse , Insurance Sector, Shipping, Navy etc. Your Spouse will be very Good Looking and will have a Fair complexion, attarctive Physical Apperance.

Read: you can read more details on Darakaraka Moon

Darakaraka Mars

Darakaraka Mars Means, Mars has the lowest degree in your birth chart. As Mars is the planet of Energy and Aggression, Your Spouse can be very head strong and competitive in nature. He/she will always be ready to fight. They will not bow down to any SItuation easily. So in difficult Situation also they will Support You.

If Mars is afllicted by Planets like Saturn or Mars the dark side of Mars Like fighting, abusing etc will be more prominent. But if it is aspected or conjunct by friends like Jupiter or Moon, it will show its courage and dynamism in good work. You will be happy with spouse.

Darakaraka Mars indicates that your Spouse can be in Profession related to Engineering or any Technical work, Police, Army, Sports field etc.

If Mars gets the Lowest Degree in a birth chart, it becomes the Darakaraka Planet of that Horoscope. Mars as darakaraka can make Our Partner Aggresive, Independent , Competitive, full of energy and Vitality.

Read: you can read more details on Darakaraka Mars

Darakaraka Mercury

Darakaraka Mercury Means, Mercury has the lowest degree in your birth chart. Mercury indicates a very talkative, friendly and Fun Loving Spouse. Mercury is the Planet of Youthful energy. So Darakaraka Mercury will make your Spouse very Energetic and enthusiastic. They will be able to make friendship with others easily.

This will also give Good Sense of humor to your partner. They can have Good Business Acumen.

But this is not good for Loyal Partner. It can make your Partner very Fickle minded. He/She will not make commitment easily. They will always try to experiment something new. This tendency of Something New can Sometime drag them to relationship Outside Marriage also. When Jupiter aspects the Mercury, this tendency is controlled Largely.

Darakaraka Mercury indicates that Profession of your Spouse cane be related to Banking Sector, Financial Sector, Accounts related work, Journalism, Marketing etc.

Read: you can read more details on Darakaraka Mercury

Darakaraka Jupiter

Darakaraka Jupiter Means Jupiter has the lowest degree in your birth chart. You will be very fortunate Regarding your Life Partner with this. When a person has Jupiter as Darakaraka, the spouse can be very Loyal, religious, optimistic and status driven.

This is also good for a Honest and Loyal Life partner. When you have Jupiter as Darakaraka, you will give More importance to the character of your spouse than Look or any other things.

Darakaraka Jupiter indicates that Your Spouse can be working in professions related to Teaching, Consultancy, Judiciary, Lawyer, Banking Sector etc. Your Spouse will have Medium height. They may not be very Slim but will have a Well developed body.

You can read more details on Darakaraka Jupiter

Darakaraka Venus

Darakaraka Venus Means Venus has the lowest degree in your birth chart. When a Person has got Darakaraka Venus, the spouse will be very romantic, artistic and refined in Nature. He or she will be very much interested in Look and Beauty. So they will be very careful and Cautious about their Dress, Perfumes, Overall Personality. They will Like to Purchase costly Items, Gold, Jewellery etc.

Darakarak Venus indicates that your Life Partner will be Very easy going and Friendly too. Such person can have Some creative Skill in Music or Painting or Writing etc. They will Love watching Movies, doing party with friends, Traveling new Places etc.

Darakaraka Venus indicates that Your Spouse can be working in profession related to Media and Entertainment industry, Acting, Modeling, Designing etc. It also indicates Good Physical Apperance of your Future Spouse. You will get a very Good Looking Life Partner.

Darakaraka Saturn

Darakaraka Saturn Means Saturn has the lowest degree in your birth chart. You Will get serious kind of older partner who is very committed in relationships with Darakaraka Saturn.

It also mean, With Darakaraka Saturn, you want a Partner With the qualities of Saturn. They are least romantics people but very loyal to partner. Saturn is the Planet of Maturity and Practicality. So with Saturn as Darakaraka Planet, you can expect your partner to be very Grounded, Humble and Practical. But this Does not mean that you will always get an older Spouse or Life Partner. Your Spouse will have the Qualities of Saturn more prominent. Saturn as Darakarka mean Your Spouse Will be sincerely committed and dutiful. It is Good for long term relationship.

Darakaraka Saturn indicates that your Spouse can be working in a Profession where hard work and discipline is necessary Like Lower division clerk, Human Resourse, Man power supply, Agriculture, Mining etc. But Saturn may not give a Very Good Looking Life partner. Your future spouse will have a Medium or dark complexion, Slim, Good height.

Relationship Timing from Darakaraka

We can Predict the timing of Marriage or Love Relationship through Darakaraka Planet. With the help of this Planet we can tell what is the most probable time for Marriage or a New Relationship. We have to use Chara Dasha of Jaimini which is a Rasi Dasha used for Different Predictions.

During the Period and Sub period of the Sign Occupied by the Darakaraka planet can Bring Relationship or Marriage in our Life.

Rasi Dasa of the 7th Sign from the Darakaraka Planet can also bring Relationship in your Life.

The Rasi Dasa of the Navamsa Sign where Darakaraka Planet is placed can also give Marriage or bring New Relationship in our Life.

The Marriage of the Person whose chart we discussed above occured in the Vimsottari Dasha of Mars which is the Darakaraka Planet.


This is Primarily used to predict about the timing of Marriage or a New Relationship. Apart from this it also gives us information about the quality of our relationship with Our Soul mate or if there is any Past Life connection with our Partner or any Kind of Pending Karma towards Relationship. You can take our Marriage consultation to know about your marriage predictions. 

what is the difference between 7th house and darakaraka

The 7th house and Darakaraka in Vedic astrology both relate to marriage and partnerships but offer different perspectives. The 7th house primarily reflects our approach to marriage, the type of partner we may attract. Darakaraka is the Significator of Spouse and indicates relationship karma and a Soul Level connection.

What happens if Darakaraka is debilitated

A debilitated Darakaraka indicates challenging situations in a Relationship and marriage. This also indicates that the Soul of your Partner is not very evolved in spiritual path and will be very much inclined towards material world. This also shows some misdeed in past Life regarding Marriage and Partner due to which problems can come in this Life.

Can both partners have same darakaraka

Yes, both partners can have the same Darakaraka. In Vedic astrology, the Darakaraka is the planet that signifies the qualities of a spouse. It’s possible for two people in a relationship to have same Darakaraka, which will create a natural harmony in their relationship.

Which Darakaraka gives Younger Spouse

Darakaraka Mercury indicates Younger Spouse. Not only that it also indicates that Spouse will Look much younger than actual age.

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Debraj Ray is an Engineer by Profession and astrology student from last 30 years. More than three thousand people have consulted him. He has Vast experience in vedic Astrology, Nadi astrology, Divisional Chart Like- Navamsa, Dasamsa etc. you can reach him on debraj.1@gmail.com

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