Top 10 yogas in astrology for Wealth and Fame
Planetary Yogas are the most beautiful and main differentiator between Vedic Astrology and Western Astrology. These yogas are created through conjunction or mutual aspect or Sign exchange. These yogas give completely different result from individual placement of planets in horoscope.
There are numerous yogas mentioned in Ancient vedic astrology for both good and bad. Among all these Yogas, here we will discuss the most powerful and top 10 yogas for getting Wealth and Fame and how these work and when these yogas will not give effect as well.
The List of the top 10 Yogas are as below.
Pancha Mahapurusha Yoga | Vasumati yoga | Lakshmi Yoga | Adhi Yoga | Raj Yoga |
Vipreet Raj Yoga | Srinath Yoga | Maha Bhagya Yoga | Khetra Simhasan Yoga | Jaya Yoga |
How to check yogas in Kundli
Astrological yogas cen be formed by Conjunction- when two planets are in the Same sign or by mutual aspect- when two planet aspect each other or through Sign exchange- When planets are in each other Sign. In case of Conjunction- We need to see how close the two planets are- more close the planets stronger the effect of conjunction.
In case of mutual aspect -all the planets aspects the 7th house from it’s position. Saturn, Mars and jupiter has special aspect. Saturn aspects 3rd and 10th house from its position. Jupiter aspects the 5th and 9th house from its position. Mars aspects the 4th and 8th house from its position.
we also need to check the condition of planets creating the yogas. If the planets creating the yogas are in own Sign or exaltation Sign or in friendly Sign, the yoga is really very powerful. Stronger the planets, stronger the yogas.
If the yogas also repeat in D9 chart or Navamsa chart and in D10 chart or Dasamsa chart, the effect of the yogas will be felt more.
Special Points for prediction of Wealth and Fame
We must check some Special Lagna and special Points in Horoscope for prediction of Wealth and Fame.
Arudha Lagna- Arudha Lagna is a special Lagna which shows our image in Society and how people perceive us. This Lagna is very Useful for understanding of Materialistic Gains, Popularity, Social Recognition etc.
When we see any famous person, we actually see his image not the original person. For example if a student is studying in a big university, we assume that the student is very intelligent which may be or may not be true. Here comes the role of Arudha Lagna.
Indu Lagna- Indu Means Moon. This is a Special Lagna in Astrology to Understand Wealth Potential.
Arudha Pada of 10th House- The 10th house shows our professional Achievment and also our status. Arudha Pada of 10th house or A10 indicates Our Materialstic Success, Our Authority and influence in Society.
Hora Lagna- This is another Important factor to consider while checking the wealth potential of a person. Benefic Planets Like Jupiter, venus etc when conjunct with Hora Lagna, the possibility of gaining wealth increases.
Now Lets discuss most powerful yogas in Astrology one by one.
Pancha mahapurusha yoga
Pancha Mahapurusha Yoga is a rare and powerful Yoga found in vedic astrology. 5 Planets-Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, venus and Saturn creates 5 different powerful yogas which can take a person to a great height. When these 5 planets are in own Sign or in exaltation Sign in a kendra house creates pancha mahapurusha yoga. These are explained below one by one.
- Ruchaka Yoga
Mars is in its own sign (Aries or Scorpio) or exaltation Sign (capricorn) in a kendra house -1st, 4th, 7th or 10th creates Ruchaka Yoga. This yoga give Financial Success, Wealth, Fame, physical vitality and courage.
b. Bhadra Yoga
Mercury is in its own sign or exaltation Sign (Gemini or Virgo) in a kendra house -1st, 4th, 7th or 10th creates Bhadra Yoga. This yoga give Intelligence, Good education, Financial Success, Wealth, Recognition etc. Mercury is one of the most imnportant planet in toda’s age for giving wealth as it is the significator of Business and massive wealth comes through Business only.
c.Hamsa Yoga
Jupiter in its own sign (Saggitarius or Pisces) or exaltation Sign (Cancer) in a kendra house -1st, 4th, 7th or 10th creates Hamsa Yoga. Jupiter is the natural Signifcator of Wealth and Money. So Hamsa Yoga can give Good Social Status, Position along with Money and Wealth.
d. Malavya Yoga
Malavya Yoga is formed when Venus is in own Sign or in exaltation Sign in a Kendra house. Venus indicates Mata Laxmi. So it is the planet of Prosperity and Luxury. In this Yoga venus becomes very strong which can bless a person will all sort Luxury like Big house, big cars, Money, Wealth etc.
e. Sasa Yoga
Sasa Yoga is created when Saturn is in Own Sign or in exaltation Sign in Kendra House of a Horoscope. This is a very Good yoga for Professional Excellence and a Good Career. So it can give you Success in your work and make you well known in your own field.
2. Vasumati Yoga
Vasumati yoga is a very Strong yoga for Financial Success. This yoga is Mentioned in Ancient Sanskrit Book- Jataka Deshmarg. If all the Upachaya houses-3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th house from Lagna or Ascendant and Moon is occupied by Natural Benefic planets Like Jupiter/Mercury/venus/Moon, Vasumati Yoga is created. This yoga provides Wealth, increase in Position, Prosperity and Popularity.
3. Lakshmi Yoga
When Ascendant is Strong and 9th Lord is placed in Kendra House in own Sign or Exaltation Sign, Lakshmi yoga is formed. As the name suggests, this Yoga will give Lot of fortunes, Wealth and Money.
This yoga is mainly depends upon the strength of Lagna Lord of Ascendant Lord and 9th Lord. Both these are very important for any person. Strong Ascendant Lord is mandatory requirement for Success in Life. Only a strong Lagna and Lagna Lord helps a person to grab opportunity and extract maximum benefits from it.
4. Adhi Yoga
When Benefic planet Jupiter, Mercury and Venus are in the 6th,7th or 8th house from Moon, Adhi Yoga is formed. If the planets are separately in these 3 houses or if the 3 planets are conjunct in any of these houses from Moon, the Yoga will be formed. People born with this yoga becomes well educated, Famous, Successful.
5. Raj yoga
Raj yoga Lifts a person to a great height in comparison to their birth condition. Every Successful person must have a strong Raj Yoga in their Horoscope. Among all the Raj yogas the strongest one is conjunction of 9th Lord and 10th Lord. This yoga is also known as Dharma-Karmadhipati yoga which makes a person Successful in their work, professional Life, earn good reputation etc.
6. Vipreet Raj yoga
This yoga is described in Ancinet Scripture Uttar Kalamrit. 6th house, 8th house and 12th house are known as Negative houses in Vedic astrology. Vipreet Raj yoga is created when 6th Lord or 8th lord or 12th lord conjuncts or aspects or involved in Sign exchange in a Horoscope and Good fortune, Financial gain is possible. This yoga is actually based on the principle that Negative-Negative makes positive.
7. Srinath Yoga
This yoga is mentioned in the ancient Book-Phaladeepika. This Yoga is created when venus, Mercury and 9th Lord are in Kendra-1st,4th,7th house and 10th house or in trikona- 5th,9th house in own Sign or exaltation sign. Srinath yoga makes a person very Famous in Spiritual field.
8. Maha-Bhagya Yoga
A person becomes very fortunate and Successful when Lagna, Sun and Moon are in Odd Sign during the time of birth. As the name suggests, this yoga is related to increase in fortune and Status.
9. Khetra Simhasan Yoga
This is one of the rare yoga which si generally found in the charts of King, Emperor, Business tycoon etc. When all the Kendra Houses-1st,4th,7th and 10th house is occupied by planets, this yoga is formed. This yoga has the ability to take you to the highest position. The strength of this yoga will depend on the strength of the individual planets. But still mere presence of this yoga indicates above average Success.
10. Jaya yoga
Jaya yoga makes a person Victorious in every competition, Ventures etc. This yoga is formed when 6th Lord is Debilitated and 10th Lord is in deep exaltation. As the Name Suggest person born with this yoga is able to overcome all the hurdles, obstacles and achieves Success in all the works.
How to check the possibility to become Wealthy and Famous from Horoscope
We need understand that there are several crores of people with these yogas and Dhana Yogas but forget about fame they are not even successful. So only the presence of these yogas does not gurantee Success. There are something more which we have to check.
Lagna Lord or Ascendant must be strong. Lagna or Ascendant is perhaps the most important parameter in any horoscope. Everything is judged with respect to Ascendant. Ascendant is the intelligence and If the Ascendant is Weak, a person can not reap the benefit of the good yogas. If the Ascendant and its Lord is strong, the foundation of the chart is strong and any good yoga will be able to function properly.
Benefic Aspect to the Arudha Lagna plays an important role. If Planets like Jupiter and Moon aspect the Arudha Lagna(AL), it can make a person famous even after their death. when the Lord of AL is well placed, it protects the image of the person. The strong Kendra houses (4,7,10) is required to support the AL and the 2nd house from AL sustains the Image. So this is another important astrological combination for fame.
For getting a Mass Appeal, we Need a Strong Saturn. As Saturn is the Karaka for Masses, a strong Saturn with rahu or Venus can make a person famous among masses. Like a Popular Mass Leader or a politician.
If there is any stellium of planets in any particular house. Like 4 planets or 5 planets in one particular house. It gives very heavy emphasis on that particular area of life.So it is a vital astrological combination for fame.
When judging exalted planets, need to check the dispositor or owner of that house too. Suppose Sun is exalted in Aries but Mars is debilitated in Cancer, the power of Sun will reduce a lot where as if the mars is also exalted in Capricorn and also aspecting the Aries sign, it will increase the strength of sun manifold.
The most important thing is that we need to check the strength of Navamsa or D9 chart and Dasamsa or D10 chart. If the planets are not well placed or do not create Strong yoga in D9 and D10 chart, the strong yogas of Birth chart will be useless. If the indication in all the three chart is similar, we can assume that the person will be famous.
Astrological combination for massive fame
Rahu wants everything in abundance, so whenever it is favorably posited it can give massive fame among masses specially as an actor or a politician etc. The 10th house is the house of Fame in astrology. A well placed planet is a boon here. Even a Planet Like Rahu(north node) can give massive Fame. Bolywood Actor Shahrukh Khan has Rahu or north node in 10th house and in the period of Rahu, he reached to the top.
If Rahu is also conjunct with Arudha lagna, it can also give Massive Fame. Rahu-Venus conjunction in the chart can also give Fame, Money and Luxury in abundance. Rahu/ Venus sitting in Magha Nakshatra is favorable in this respect.
All most all the people who has got massive amount of Fame, Money or Power has a powerful Rahu. Dhirubhai Ambani also achieved the Success in Rahu Dasha.
Lets Discuss the Chart of Film star Shahrukh Khan
As you can see he is born with Leo Ascendant which is good for acting career. He has two Pancha Mahapurusha Yoga- Ruchaka Yoga by Mars and Sasa Yoga by Saturn. He also has Vipreet Raj yoga. In his chart conjunction of 11th Lord Mercury and 9th Lord Mars created a powerful Yoga for financial Success. The Arudha Lagna is conjunct with venus and 2nd house from Arudha Lagna has Moon indicating his Fame and Popularity. Rahu is very well placed in the 10th house. The Kendra Houses-4th, 7th, 10th are all occupied by planets. This makes the D1 chart very Strong.
In the Navamsa Moon is in own Sign and conjunct with Arudha Lagna. The Rahu is conjunct with its dispositor Venus in Navamsa chart. This is good and shows that Navamsa chart is strong.
In the D10 chart also the 10th house is occupied by venus which is very favorable for a career in acting field. The Kendra houses- Lagna, 10th house, 7th house are occupied by planets which makes the D10 chart strong. The 9th Lord Mars and 5th Lord Moon are conjunct in D10 chart which makes him fortunate in Professional Life. So all of his Chart- D1, D9 and D10 chart shows Success in Career, Arudha lagna and Rahu has given him this massive Fame in creative field.
In this Way we can analyze a Horoscope and understand true potential of a chart. After that we have to see the Dasha and antar Dasha as the results are delivered during the dasha of the planets. So it is very important to get the dasha of Favorable planets in proper time.

Debraj Ray is an Engineer by Profession and astrology student from last 30 years. More than three thousand people have consulted him. He has Vast experience in vedic Astrology, Nadi astrology, Divisional Chart Like- Navamsa, Dasamsa etc. you can reach him on