Upapada Lagna
Upapada Lagna is the Arudha Pada of the 12th house of Our Horoscope. This is also called as Vyaya Pada or A12 or Gaunapada. Upa or Gauna Means Follower. 12th House Follows the Lagna. In a Relationship husband or Wife follows the partner. So this will tell us about our Marriage Partner.
Rishi Parashar and Rishi Jaimini introduced us to the Concept of Upapada. Darakaraka Planet and Upapada Lagna is used to predict about Marriage, Relationship, Spouse etc in Jaimini Astrology.
Other than this Darapada is also important for Analysis of Relationship. Darapada is the Arudha Pada of 7th house. The Darapada (A7) indicates physical relationship or short term relationship or Courtship whereas Upapada Lagna (UL) indicates long term Serious relationship or Marriage.
Question may arise in our Mind that 7th house is considered as the Main House for Marriage and Relationship but why Sage Jaimini used the Arudha of 12th house ?
Marriage and children are one of the major objectives of human life. Marriage is not only a conjugal right, but it is the institution of faith, acceptance and love. 12th House indicates our Bed Partner and Bed Pleasure, Conjugal Relationship, faith etc. That is Jaimini Rishi Suggested us to check the Arudha Pada of the 12th House i.e. Upapada.
Moreover it is the follower of Lagna or Ascendant. In Marriage Life Partner Follows the Native- husband follows wife or the Wife Follows the husband. Therefore the Marriage Partner and Relationship is Judged from Upapada Lagna.
Planets in the 7th house and Navamsa chart indicates Physical Apperance, Look, personality etc for Your Partner. Darakaraka Planet indicates the Soulmate or the Atma of your Partner. Upapada Lagna indicates the environment and Background of our Marriage and Partner. So when we co-relate all these Parameters, we can get a complete picture about our Marriage, Married Life and How it will impact us.
At first We will discuss about few rules about UL and after that we will check couple of charts to understand how these rules work.
What is Upapada
The reflection of a house is called Pada. Every house has its “pada”. The word pada, means foot, where something is actually standing or seeming to stand. The pada of the house is a place where we will get the results of the house. The manifestation of a house is seen from its pada.
The Arudha Pada of the Lagna is Called Arudha Lagna or AL and Upapada is the pada of the 12th house.
Arudha Means Image and Arudha Pada of Various House is the Image or Reflection of Various House. How People See us or How people Perceive us. Image is not Real. It is Just a reflection of our Picture. Upapada Lagna is the Arudha Pada of 12th house. So It is the Maya or Image Associated with 12th house.
Suppose your wife is very Good Looking and You share a Lot of Pictures as a couple in Facebook or instagram. People will think you Very Happy and Lucky to have a great Partner. This is the role of Arudha or Maya.
Maya can be or can not be true. You can actually be happy or there can be Lot of issues, misunderstanding, Fights among both of you and your Married Life may not be great. The true nature can be Seen from further Analysis of our chart.
Upapada Lagna Not only tells About Our Spouse but it also indicates about condition of our Married Life and Relationship, Problems and difficulties we will face in our Relationship, Our Relationship with our In Laws etc.
How to Calculate Upapada Lagna
The calculation of Upapada Lagna is simple. Find the twelfth house in your chart and see where the Lord of the twelfth has travelled from the twelfth house. Then you can count the same number of positions from that place.
The Step by step approach should be as below.
- Check the Placement of 12th Lord
Count the Position of 12th Lord from the 12th house.
- count from 12th Lord
Now You have to count same No of House from the 12th Lord.
- Determining Upapada Lagna
After that the Sign where you Reached is known as the Upapada Lagna.
- Example
Suppose a person is born with Aries Lagna and his 12th Lord Jupiter is placed in Cancer. From 12th house Pisces to cancer, the distance is of 5 Sign. So we will add 5 sign from Cancer and we will reach Scorpio Sign. Scorpio will be the Upapada Lagna for this native.
- Exception
Upapada Lagna can not be in the 6th house. Any Arudha Pada can not be in the 7th sign from the Main Sign. As Upapada is the Arudha of 12th house, it can not be in the just opposite sign i.e. 6th house.
Now a days every Astrologer uses 12th house for the Upapada calculation but If you read the Older version of the Books written on Jaimini Astrology, a Group of astrologer Suggested to use 7th house for the calculation of Upapada.
Prof. B. S. Surya Narayan Rao in his 1949 Book on Jaimini astrology Written that ” Some comentetaors of Jaimini Sutra Says that take the 7th house from Lagna or Ascendant and find the Arudha from it. This becomes the Upapada Lagna.
However, majority of Person is in the opinion to consider 12th House for Upapada Lagna. I also uses it and get Satisfactory results during my Analysis. I also Suggest you to use 12th house for Upapada calculation.
After Calculating the Upapada Lagna, I always check where the Lord is Placed and Which Planets are conjunct with UL. This will Give us a fair idea about our Future Spouse or Life Partner. How our Partner will Look and How our Partner will treat us can be known from UL.
Prediction or Interpretation of Upapada Lagna
- It indicates about The Quality of Married Life or Relationship.
- Timing of Relationship- When a New Relationship will come in our Life or Possible time of Marriage can be predicted with this. There is a Special Dasha of Jaimini Astrology -Chara Dasha which is used to predict timing of Marriage or Relationship with the Help of Upapada Lagna.
- Nature, Character, Qualities, career and Financial Status of our Future Spouse can be predicted from UL.
- Whether the Marriage will Sustain or Possibility of Divorce and Separation can also be predicted from it. If there is benefic planets Like Jupiter, Mercury, venus , Moon etc is present in the 2nd house from Upapada Lagna, your Marriage will be Stable and Harmonious.
- The second House from UL is very important for the Longevity of the Marriage. If there is Malefic Influence in the second house of UL, there is possibility of breaking the marriage in astrology. So If Malefic Planets Like Rahu, Ketu, Saturn, Mars etc are present in the 2nd house of Upapada Lagna, your Marriage can break and Divorce or Separation is Possible.
- You Can Read our detail Article on Divorce Yoga in Horoscope.
- If there is Strong yoga for Spiritual Progress, presence of Malefic planets in the 2nd house from UL can give Sanyas Yoga and you can renounce the family for Spirituality.
- The 8th house from our UL indicates the Second Marriage or Second Long term Relationship.
- If the Upapada Lagna is in 5th or 9th house from Arudha Lagna or Lagna, it shows a good compatibility between Partner.
- If UL is conjunct with Venus and Ketu in 7th house, it can give multiple relationship.
- Karmik Relationship or if you have any Past Life connection with our partner can also be seen from this.
So It is Very important in the Analysis of Marriage, Spouse, Marriage Time etc. When Malefic Planets Like Ketu, Rahu , Saturn etc is conjunct with Upapada Lagna, it is not good. Specially the Conjunction of Ketu with the UL is extremely Bad. It create problem in getting Married or it can even deny the Marriage.
So the proper Analysis of Upapada Lagna Should be done.
Upapada Lagna and Spouse Apperance
Sage Jaimini tells that If Benefics Join the Upapada Lagna, Spouse will be Good Looking. So if planets Like Mercury, Venus, Moon etc is conjunct with the UL, a Good Looking Spouse can be expected. But we need to remember that Upapada indicates the inner beauty rather than the physical beauty. So for physical Apperance we also need to check the Navamsa as the 7th house of Navamsa indicates Looks and physical apperance of Your Life Partner.
Read: You can Know about Spouse Appearance from Astrology.
If the Upapada Lagna falls in the Fiery Signs Like Aries/Leo/Saggitarius, it shows that your partner will be very energetic, dynamic. If the UL is in Earthy Signs Like Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, your Spouse will be very Mature, Practical and Well organized. If the UL is in Airy Signs like Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, Your Partner will be very intelligent, Fun Loving etc. If Upapada Lagna is in Watery Signs Like Cancer/Scorpio/Pisces, It will make your Spouse emotional, Soft hearted and Sensitive.
If the Upapada Lagna Lord is exalted or in own Sign, your Spouse will come from a good family and they will have good financial Status. But if UL is debilitated or weak, your Partner will not have good Financial condition.
Upapada Lagna Lord also indicates the family of the Partner or In Laws. It shows the family background of your partner. The Navamsa Position of the UL lord has to be seen because it also reveals about the family background of Partner. If Lord of the UL is exalted or in own Sign in Navamsa , it indicates Good Financial Status of the family of the Spouse.
The Planets which conjuncts or Aspect the Upapada Lagna will indicate the Nature and Character of our Spouse or Marriage partner. Complete Analysis of this and Darapada is Necessary to understand the Marriage and Marital Happiness.
When Upapada Lagna is conjunct with beneficial Planets like Jupiter, Venus and Mercury, it is highly Beneficial. It can give you a Very Nice and well behaved Person.
If this Lagna is aspected by Jupiter, the spouse can be wise, knowledgeable and law abiding.
If Mars is aspecting the UL, it indicates a dynamic and confident person as spouse.
Upapada Lagna in different houses
UL in 1st House : If the Upapada Lagna is in 1st house or conjunct with Lagna, it shows a Good and harmonious relationship with your Partner. This also indicates Good Physical relationship or Good Sex Life with Partner.
UL in 2nd House : If the Upapada Lagna is in 2nd house, Your partner can come through your family or relatives. Your Spouse can also impact your resource and Financial Success. Upapada in 2nd house can bring wealth from Spouse and Marriage in a Wealthy Family.
Read: combination for Rich and Wealthy Spouse
UL in 3rd House : If UL is in the 3rd house, it shows growing of Family Lineage. 3rd house is the Upachaya house which shows growth, it is a Good Placement and your Marriage will be stable and Sustain. But person may lose their home and all happiness when the Marriage breaks.
UL in 4th House : If Upapada Lagna is in 4th house, Your Marriage and Relationship will be Stable. Your Marriage will give good family Life and you can marry someone known to your family. You can meet your Spouse in any Family get together or function or During your Studies. Your partner can be your class mate from the School days or college Days.
This also shows deep mental and emotional Attachment with your Partner. So if you Loose your partner, you will mentally breakdown.
UL in 5th House : as 5th house is the House of Romance and Love, Upapada Lagna in this house will give a Very good relationship with Partner. This shows a Good compatibility, Understanding and Romantic relationchip with partner.
UL in 7th House : If the UL is in the 7th house, it shows Mutual Love, Affection and Stability in Relationship. But this is 8th house from 12th and Shows some health problems, Sudden ups/downs in the Relationship.
UL in 8th House : When Upapada Lagna is in in 8th house, it can delay in Marriage. The Health of Father or your higher Studies can be affected when the Relationship breaks. It can also affect your fortune adversely when Relationship or Marriage breaks.
UL in 9th House : This is a Good placement for compatibility after Marriage. This also shows that Your Marriage will bring Good fortune for you. But if the relationship Breaks, the Significance of the 2nd house from Upapada Lagna which is related to Job and career can be affected.
UL in 10th House : Upapada Lagna in 10th house Shows a connection between your Karma or Work and your Spouse or Marriage. It can bring your Spouse from your Workplace. Both of you can Work in the Same organisation or Same Place. You can meet your Partner due to Some Work or anything related to profession etc.
But if the relationship or Marriage breaks, Financial condition can be affected.
If the Arudha Lagna(AL) and Upapada Lagna(UL) are in 2-12 Relation, there can be lack of understanding between the couple. They can try to ignore each other. If the Arudha Lagna and UL is in 6-8 position from each other, it also indicates Misunderstanding and Lack of Support from Spouse.
If Arudha Lagna and Upapada Lagna is conjunct, this is a Indication of Love marriage and Good relationship. It also indicates good understanding and compatibility.
Now Lets Analyze a few Charts to see how Upapada Lagna indicates about our Relationship.
This is a chart of One of my known person. He is Born with Taurus Lagna and his Upapada Lagna falls in Cancer. In his Chart though the 2nd House is Free from any Malefic Afflictions but the Upapada Lagna Lord Moon is in 12th house from Upapada and Afflicted by Rahu. In the Navamsa, Upapada Lagna Lord Moon is Afflicted by Saturn. Moreover the 2nd house from Upapada Leo is aspected by Saturn and Mars ( Rashi Drishti). This Shows Break or Problems in Married Life. He got Divorced within one year of his Marriage.
Lets Discuss another Horoscope
This Person is also Divorced within one year of Marriage. If you see he is Born with Cancer Lagna and his Upapada Lagna is in Libra Sign. His 2nd House from Upapada Lagna do not have any Malefic Planets. But the 2nd house is aspected by Saturn (Rashi Drishti). The Upapada Lagna Lord Venus is in Gemini Sign which is not Good for Stability of relationship as it is a Dual Sign. Moreover Venus is aspected by Rahu (Rashi Drishti). Due to all these the Relationship did not work out. If you see the Arudha Lagna and Upapada Lagna are in 2-12 relationship which shows Lack of understanding and Compatibility.
In this Way using the Upapada Lagna, we can tell whther a Relationship or Marriage will be stable or Not.
Marriage Timing from Upapada Lagna
We Should use the Upapada Lagna for our Marriage Timing as Well. Chara Dasha of Jaimini should be used. The chara Dasha of the Sign where Upapada Lagna is place or the 7th Sign from Upapada Lagna can give Marriage in its Period. So We should always Check the Vimsottari Dasha with Chara Dasha for Timing of Marriage.
You can Read our Step by Step Guide for Marriage Time Prediction in Astrology.
How to Strengthen Upapada Lagna
You Should Strengthen Your Upapada Lagna to Improve your Marriage and Married Life. You Can Strengthen this By Wearing the Gemstone for the UL Lord. For example if your Upapada Lagna is in Leo, Your UL Lord is Sun and You can wear Ruby to Improve your Marriage and Married Life. Following is the List of Gemstone.
Sun- Ruby
Moon- Pearl or Moon Stone
Mars- Red Coral
Mercury- Emerald
Jupiter- Yellow Sapphire
Venus- Diamond or Zircon or Opal
Saturn- Neelam or Blue Sapphire
Rahu- Gomed
Ketu- Cats eye
You can Also Strengthen the Upapada Lagna by Worshiping the God of that Planet. For example, If your UL Lord is Sun, you can worship Lord Ram or Shiva to make it Strong which will be beneficial for your Marriage.
You can also Fast on the day indicated by your UL. This is also effective way to improve your Relationship.
I have tried to give some hints and information about UL. If you have any doubt or confusion, feel free to Comment.
Debraj Ray is an Engineer by Profession and astrology student from last 30 years. More than three thousand people have consulted him. He has Vast experience in vedic Astrology, Nadi astrology, Divisional Chart Like- Navamsa, Dasamsa etc. you can reach him on debraj.1@gmail.com