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When will i get married ? Marriage Age astrology or Marriage prediction by date of birth

When will I get Married

When will i get married ? This is perhaps one of the most asked questions to any Astrologers. It is quite Normal and Natural to become Anxious and curious about our Marriage once we reach a Marriageable Age. In India, marriage is not just a union of two individuals. It’s a sacred bond deeply tied to family, traditions, and destiny.

Have you ever found yourself wondering who your life partner will be or when you’ll meet them or how your married life will be ? Your marriage horoscope holds the key to uncovering these answers and ignoring it could mean walking blindfolded into one of the most critical decisions of our life. Here i am going to discuss some rules using which we can easily know about our Marriage. 

To predict marriage timing, several astrological factors should be considered particularly focusing on the Dasha and Bhukti periods of relevant planets, Transit of important planets Like Saturn and Jupiter etc. Here are some key indicators and methods to analyze:

1. Dasha of Relevant Planets: Marriage is often indicated during the Dasha of a planet located in the 7th house or a planet that aspects the 7th house or is the 7th lord.

If the 7th lord is associated with Venus, its Dasha or Bhukti may lead to marriage.

2. Bhukti or Antardasha Analysis: Within the Dasha period, the Bhukti or Antardasha of a planet in the 7th from the Dasha lord can also be significant in predicting marriage.

3. Benefic Influence: The presence of benefic planets in the 7th house or aspecting it can enhance the likelihood of marriage. For instance – Mahadasha of the Sun or Moon, if they are well-placed, can indicate favorable conditions for marriage. The Dasha of unafflicted Venus, especially if it is in a Kendra (angular house), can also be a strong indicator of Marriage.

4. Timing Based on Transits: The transits of Jupiter and Saturn are particularly important – When transiting Jupiter moves through the 5th, 7th, or 9th house from the natal chart, it can signify a favorable time for marriage. Saturn’s transit over the Darakaraka can also indicate marriage.

5. Special Methods:  Adding the Lagna-Sphuta (degree of Ascendant) with the Sphuta (degree) of the 7th lord can help identify a ‘Marriage Point’ in the zodiac, where transits of Jupiter and Saturn may indicate marriage.

6. Age Indicators: Specific age ranges can be predicted based on the positions of planets – Early marriage (21-25 years) is likely if benefics dominate the Lagna and 7th house.  Normal marriage age (25-30 years) is indicated by mild malefic influences.  Late marriage (30-40 years) may occur due to stronger malefic influences or retrograde planets.

7. Classical Rules: Certain combinations and placements can indicate delays or denial of marriage, such as: – Malefics in the 7th house or aspecting it. Venus or the 7th lord being combust or retrograde.

By analyzing these factors in both the Rashi and Navamsha charts, We can know when we will get married.

We Have to Use both the Janma Kundali or Birth Chart And also the Navamsa Chart. With the Help of these Two charts we can Understand at what age We will get Married. The rules discussed here are applicable for Long duration Relationships as well.

Now I am going to explain these Rules and Principles in detail for better understanding. 

Marriage Prediction Form

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Most Important House and Planets for Marriage

The 2nd House, 7th house and 11th house is the most important House for Marriage. The 2nd house indicates Family and Relatives, 7th house shows our marriage prospects and 11th house shows our success and hopes. So planets and signs in these house will play a very important role in determining the time of marriage.

The Moon represents Our mind and our thought process. Mars, the planet of vigour and energy. Mars is the Male Energy. Venus, the planet of love and sex. It is the female energy. It create mutual attraction between the opposite sex.  The blessings of Jupiter binds a man (Mars) and woman (Venus) into the bond of marriage. After marriage, the restrictive Saturn keeps marriage partners within regulated conjugal relationship. It teaches faithfulness and thereby ensures lasting bond of marriage.

We are going to discuss about the role of these planets in marriage prediction going forward. 

If you want to Know about Your Marriage Time, You can take Our Marriage consultation Straightaway. You will know about marriage Time, Spouse Details, Married Life etc.

Marriage Prediction by date of birth- Step by step guide 

We should follow the below steps for Marriage prediction. 

  1. At First we must check whether Marriage is promised or Not. If Marriage is not promised or denied in the chart, there is no point in checking the marriage Age or Time. 
  2. If Marriage is Promised, We Should check whether early marriage or Late Marriage is indicated in the chart. If the horoscope indicates Delay in Marriage, we have to see Dasha or Transit after the age of 28-30. 
  3. After that We have to See Suitable Vimsottari Dasha. If Early Marriage is indicated, We have to see Suitable Vimsottari Dasha within 22-30 years of Age but if Late marriage is indicated we will see dasha period after the age of 28. 
  4. After finalising the suitable Dasha period, we have to check transit of planets. Among all the planets, the transit of Saturn and Jupiter is very important. Within the Favorable Dasha, the transit will trigger the event. 

If we can use these steps correctly, we will be able to predict our Marriage. Now we are going to discuss about each and every point in details. 

Will You Ever get Married or Not

First of All, We have to check if Marriage is Promised in our chart or Not. If Marriage is not Promised, We will not Have Marriage no matter how much effort we Give. Otherwise, We Will Have Marriage when We will be Going through a Favorable Timing.

Marriage is Promised in Your chart if Mars, Venus, 7th Lord and Lagna Lord are in a Good Position without Affliction. But if these Planets are Weak and Afflicted by Malefic Planet, it Can deprive you from Marriage.

If You have Multiple or More than one Retrograde Planet in your chart including Planets Like Mars and Venus, it shows some past Life connection regarding Marriage which can deny marriage. Mars is the Male Energy and Venus is the Female energy. Retrograde Planets Means these Planets will Work in a Opposite Way. So When these Planets Are retrograde in your chart, it will Cause Obstacles in your Marriage.

If Your Upapada Lagna is Conjunct with Ketu and the 7th house of Navamsa is Occupied by Ketu, It will give Lot of Obstacles in fixing your Marriage. As ketu is the post of separation/rejection/denial to material world- it will make You less interested regarding Marriage. Many Proposal Will come-one after Another but they will fall through and Years will Pass. You will Feel Dejected and Sometime you may even consider not to Marry.

In My experience I have seen Ketu as the most Malefic Planet regarding Marriage and relationship. Ketu is a Spiritual Planet and hence it Does not Give good result in the Matters of Marriage. So If Ketu is in the 7th house of D1 chart and Navamsa Chart, It will give delay and in Some occasion Denial of Marriage as well.

Marriage age Prediction from Astrology

Now Lets understand the Method to Calculate and Predict Marriage age from our Chart. We will get Married in the Marriage Age Indicated in our Kundali. There several Yogas in astrology which indicates Late Marriage, Some Yogas indicates Early Marriage. Once we do proper analysis we will know the exact marriage age.

  • If Moon and Venus are Placed in Signs Like Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces and Sagittarius Signs,  Marriage Can happen at the Age between 24-27 for Girls or 27-30 for Boys. If the 7th house or 7th Lord also in these Houses, You will Get Married in proper age.
  • If the 7th house of D1 or D9 chart is Ruled by Saturn, You will Get Married After the Age of 28.
  • The Saturn and Moon conjunction Creates Delay in Marriage. If Along with this if Venus is conjunct or Associated by Saturn in D1 or D9 chart, It will give you Marriage after the Age of 30.
  • If the Mars and Venus are Very close Degree wise and Any other Planet Like Saturn or Ketu is not Afflicting them, Marriage Can Happen Within 25/26 for Girls and within 27/28 for Boys.
  • If Beneficial Planets Like Jupiter, Venus or Moon conjunct with Upapada Lagna, Any Malefic Planets Are not present in the 7th house of D1 or D9 Chart and Mars is conjunct with Friendly Planets in a Friendly Sign in D1 and D9 chart, It will give Marriage within 29/30 years of Age without Much Trouble and difficulty.
  • If Jupiter or Venus Occupies 2,7,11 Houses, it will give you Timely Marriage under the Age of 30.
  • If Saturn and Ketu are conjunct or in Trine with Mars or Venus, Marriage Will Occur after the Age of 32.
  • Ketu in the 7th house can Make you Less Interested in Marriage and Along with this if you have retrograde Venus, it will make you Less interested in Marriage and Marriage is Possible only after Lot of effort not before the age of 32/33.
  • It is Observed that Leo and cancer Signs people Generally get Married Little bit late in their Life. According to Astrology Saturn Rules the 7th house of Marriage in Case of Leo and Cancer. Saturn is the planet of Delay. So it is Seen that these people generally Marry after the Age of 28/29.
  • If a Boy or Girl has Most of the Planets Near to 10th, 11th, 1st and 2nd House, they become Very Careerist. They Give their career utmost importance. Such Native do not consider getting Married before establishing themselves in a Good Position in Professional Life. This creates Delay and often Found that they generally Get Married After the age of 32/33.

After getting the Marriage Age, We have to Use Transit and Dasha to get the Time Period of our Marriage.

Timing of Marriage by astrology

Once we identified the Probable Marriage age, we have to see Dasha and transit to determine the Timing or year of the Marriage. 

The most important aspect to judge our marriage time is by looking at the dasha or Time period of a Planet. Most of the Learned Astrologer suggest the use of multiple Dasha -My favourite are Vimsottari Dasha and Chara Dasha. 

Marriage usually occurs in the Dasha of

  • a planet in the 7th house of D1 chart or D9 chart
  • a planet aspecting the 7th house in D1 and D9 chart
  • a planet owning the 7th house or 7th Lord in D1 and D9 chart

Marriage is Possible in the Dasha and Antar dasha of 7th Lord of Rasi chart or Venus. Venus is the natural significator of marriage and relationship. So its Dasha is good time for marriage. Rahu Dasha is also a Favorable time for Marriage. It is often observed that Rahu is the match maker planet. So If You are Running Rahu Dasha in the Marriageble Age, You will get Married in that period.

The Dasha of the planets placed in the 7th house of Rasi chart or any planet placed in the 7th house of Navamsa chart is also good for Marriage.

The Dasha of Navamsa Lagna Lord is also Good for Marriage.

The Chara Dasha of 7th House or the 7th house of Navamsa or the Sign containing the Upapada Lagna can Give You Marriage. Chara dasha is a Rasi dasha and very useful for Accurate prediction. We have to use chara dasha as a secondary dasha to confirm the timing indicated by the Vimsottari Dasha.

As per Famous Astrologer K.N Rao, Marriage is also Possible in the Vimsottari Dasha of Darakaraka Planet as well.

Planets Signifying the House of 2,7, 11 are Most Important in Marriage related Matters. Transit of Jupiter and Saturn is also very Important. So if during transit Jupiter and Saturn occupies 2,7 or 11 sign or aspect these signs, there is a Strong Possibility of Marriage. This is known as Double transit when Saturn and Jupiter transit influence a house togethor by occupation or aspect.

If Jupiter transits over Natal venus or Natal Mars, it is Favorable time for marriage.

Marriage is Possible When Saturn and Jupiter both aspect the Moon Sign during transit.

When in transit Saturn aspects the Darakaraka planet (Jaimini aspect), marriage can occur.

So Once we get the Marriage Age,  Need to check the Dasha and Transit to Know the Actual Time of Marriage. Saturn approves if an event can happen or not and Jupiter gives the divine blessing to trigger the event.

In a Favourable Dasha, Marriage Proposal will come and we will Start considering Marriage and during Favorable transit Marriage will happen. Dasha will Create the environment or Situation and the Transit will trigger the Event.

Marriage Age or Marriage Timing through Divisional Charts

In Vedic astrology, divisional charts provide deeper insights into specific life areas. The Divisional chart known as Navamsa chart (D9) is particularly important for marriage. Without Analyzing Navamsa chart, we Should not predict anything about Marriage. 

1. If You have Well placed venus without any Affliction in the 7th house of Navamsa, it shows an early Marriage. In that case Marriage age can be within 22-28 years. 

2. If venus is conjunct with Saturn or Ketu in the Navamsa chart, it Shows Delay in marriage or Late Marriage. 

3. If Venus and Mars both are Afflicted by Malefic planets Like Saturn, Ketu, rahu etc and venus is in the 12th house of Navamsa Lagna, it indicates denial of Marriage or Extrenmely delayed Marriage. In Such case marriage can occur After the age of 35. 

By examining the 7th house and 7th Lord, key planets like Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn in the Navamsa chart, we can get important hints about our Marriage. 

Case Study for Marriage Prediction

The birth details is below

Date of birth- 7 November 1979

Time of Birth- 01:23 am

Place of birth- Delhi

Let analyze this chart for Marriage Timing

  1. Venus is aspected by Mars and Saturn.
  2. Libra Rashi is also afflicted by Debilitated Sun
  3. 7th house is afflicted due to Rahu-Ketu axis in both Rasi chart and Navamsa chart
  4. 7th Lord is between Malefic planets.

So all these indicates Late Marriage. But the Navamsa Lagna Lord Moon is strong. So Marriage is possible.

He got Married in 2014 in the Jupiter-venus period. Jupiter is placed in Lagna and venus is the natural significator of Marriage. So this time indicates Marriage. He was going through Chara dasha of Saggitarius-Aquarius. As Aquarius is the 7th Lord, it indicates marriage. During this time Jupiter was transiting over the Gemini and aspecting the 7th house. Saturn was also transiting over the Libra Sign. So all Dasha and transit is Favorable for marriage.

In this way we have to deduce the Marriage Timing for individual Horoscope.

Marriage Prediction by Date of Birth

Marriage prediction by date of birth involves analyzing various astrological factors in a Horoscope. Key elements to consider include the positions of planets in the 7th house and its lord as well as the influence of benefic and malefic planets. 

  • If Your 7th Lord is Placed in 4th House or 4th Lord is in 7th house, You will be Married with Someone Known to Your Family Members. This is a Yoga for Arranged Marriage. You can Know will you have Love Marriage or Arranged Marriage
  • The condition of the 7th house and its lord in the Horoscope is crucial. If the 7th house is occupied by benefic planets and is not influenced by malefics like Rahu/ketu, it indicates a Good marriage.
  • The running Dasha (major period) and Antardasha (sub-period) of planets is significant in marriage timing. Benefic planets like Jupiter and Venus during their Dasha can indicate a higher likelihood of marriage.
  • The transits of planets, especially Jupiter and Saturn, over the 7th house or the 7th lord can also indicate potential marriage periods. For instance, when Jupiter transits through the 5th, 7th, or 9th houses from the Lagna, it may indicate a favorable time for marriage.
  • The Sarvashtakavarga system can be used to assess the strength of the 7th house. A low score in the 7th house (below 21 bindus) may raise concerns about marriage prospects, while a higher score indicates better chances.
  • In the Navamsa chart if 4th Lord is in 7th house or 7th Lord is in 4th house, You will be Married to a Person who will Stay Very Near to Your Location.
  • If Saturn is in the 7th House or Conjunct with Venus, You will be Married to a Elderly person or with person who will have a elderly Attitude. Red to Learn About Detail Life Partner Prediction.
  • If the 7th house of Navamsa is Gemini or Occupied by Mercury, You will be Married to a Youthful or Younger Person.
  • If Rahu is in the 7th house with 12th Lord, Venus is Afflicted by Saturn, You Can Marry a Foreign Person. Read about the Direction of Your Spouse
  • If the 7th Lord of Navamsa is exalted, You will be Married to a Rich Person. You can read more to know the Profession of your Spouse.


Without proper kundli analysis, you could unknowingly choose a partner whose chart clashes with yours, leading to years of tension, misunderstandings etc. If Late Marriage is indicated or Marriage is indicated after the age of 30 but you tied the knot much before that, there is obvious possibility that the marriage will not work. What if your family’s happiness, your career growth, or even your health are impacted by the wrong marriage ? Many people discover these issues too late, after facing heartbreak, separation or a failed marriage. The placement of Venus, Jupiter, the 7th house lord, and the influence of Navamsa (D9 chart) provide a detailed picture of your marital Happiness and your destiny of Relationship.

Your horoscope analysis will provide clarity, guidance and remedies to overcome Problems and other obstacles. So make the first move towards taking an informed decision by using the Astrology. 

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Debraj Ray is an Engineer by Profession and astrology student from last 30 years. More than three thousand people have consulted him. He has Vast experience in vedic Astrology, Nadi astrology, Divisional Chart Like- Navamsa, Dasamsa etc. you can reach him on debraj.1@gmail.com

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