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Navamsa Spouse Apperance and Marriage prediction from Navamsa

Navamsa is the most Vital or Important Divisional chart of the Horoscope and It should be checked for almost all the affairs of Our Life. The Total Astrological predictions depends on the Navamsa chart or D9 chart.

When a Sign or Rashi is Divided in 9 equal parts, each part is called Navamsa. Each Navamsa is equal to One Nakshatra Pada. The Navamsa chart give insights about our marriage, future spouse, including their nature, character, appearance, and compatibility and married Life. Some People even consider it as the Spouse chart or marriage chart.

Marriage and Spouse Prediction from Navamsa

Here are some specific things that can be Predicted about our marriage and future spouse from the Navamsa chart:

  • Spouse Nature: The Navamsa chart can reveal your spouse’s basic nature, such as whether they are kind, compassionate, or outgoing.
  • spouse Character: The Navamsa chart can also reveal your spouse’s character, such as whether they are honest, reliable, or trustworthy.
  • Physical Appearance: The Navamsa chart can even reveal your spouse’s appearance, such as their height, weight, and hair color.
  • Compatibility with you: The Navamsa chart can also reveal how compatible you are with your future spouse. This information can be helpful in determining whether or not you are a good match for each other.
  • Timing of Marriage: Navamsa chart gives important clue or Hints about our marriage timing. Without the analysis of Navamsa chart we should not predict about marriage time or marriage age.
  • Happiness after marriage: The planets in the Navamsa chart will indicate whether your married Life will be happy or not.

In the Rashi chart or Main Horoscope, which is also known as D1 chart, The 7th house is the main House of Marriage and Marriage Partner. The planets in the 7th house can have a significant impact on your marriage, married life, and spouse. The 7th house is also known as the house of “Desire”. This is because it represents the kind of partner we are attracted to and desire to marry. But whether our desire will be fulfilled or not will be determined by the 7th house of D9 Chart.

The 7th house of the D1 chart, or Rashi chart, is only a reflection of our desires but what we will actually end up getting is determined by the 7th house of the Navamsa chart.

Spouse Appearance from Navamsa

The 7th house and planets in the 7th house of D9 chart will help us to Predict the Appearance of your Spouse. The Sign and Planets in the 7th house of D9 chart will indicate the Appearance of your Life Partner. Planets Like Venus, Moon and Signs Like Libra, Gemini, cancer etc indicates a Very Good Looking Spouse. Now we are going to Discuss the result for every Planet. 

Navamsa Spouse Apperance

Sun in 7th house of Navamsa Spouse Appearance

If You have Sun in the 7th house of D9 chart, Your Partner will have Good Personality. They may have a strong presence and may be easily noticed in a crowd.

  • The placement of Sun in the 7th house of Navamsa indicates a handsome husband or beautiful wife. 
  • Sun is associated with Elegance. So its placement in the house of marriage in Navamsa will give an elegant Life partner with strong and ttractive personality. 
  • But we Should remember that the physical appearance of your spouse can vary depending on the sign and Conjunction with other planets in your chart.
  • He/ She may have short height, large head, straight hair etc.
  • Sun is associated with strength, So Sun in the 7th house of Navamsa indicate a spouse who is strong and physically fit. They may also have a Fair complexion and a glow in face. 
Navamsa Spouse Moon in 7th house

Moon in 7th house Navamsa spouse appearance

Moon in 7th house of Navamsa will give a very Good Looking and Beautiful Life partner.

  • Moon is the Planet of Attractiveness, Beauty and Charm. So Moon in the 7th house will give an Attractive and charming Life Partner.
  • He/she will have fair complexion and attractive Face.  
  • He/she will have large eyes, and would have clear and smooth skin.
  • Moon in the 7th house of D9 chart will Give your partner clear skin, and a well-proportioned body. 
  • Your Spouse may have a soft and melodious voice.
Mars in 7th house Navamsa Spouse

Mars in 7th house Navamsa spouse appearance

  • Mars is the Planet of Aggression, Energy and Raw Power. So when Mars is placed in the 7th house of Navamsa, it will give a Partner who will have Good height, Sharp Eyes and very Prominent Nose. 
  • If Mars is Strong in the 7th house of Navamsa, The Female Native will get a Partner with a very Masculine Figure.
  • Your Spouse will have a well built physique and Who will have a slim & athlete like physique. In Case of Male, you will get a Tall and Slim wife.
  • Mars in the 7th house of Navamsa can make your Partner a Sports Lover.
  • Mars generally gives a Medium fair or wheatish complexion. But If Rahu or Saturn comes in conjunct with Mars in the 7th house of D9 chart, It Can give Dark complexion to your Spouse.  
  • A Femal will get a very Attractive and Good Looking Spouse with Mars in the 7th house of Navamsa. 

Mercury in 7th house Navamsa spouse appearance 

  • Mercury in 7th house of Navamsa will give a Good Looking Life partner.
  • Spouse will look younger than his or her age. It can also Give a Younger Spouse too.
  • Mercury in the 7th house of D9 chart generally Gives a fair complexion to your Spouse if it is not Afflicted or weak in the Navamsa chart.
  • Your Spouse will be Slim and will have Medium Height when Mercury is placed in your 7th House of Navamsa chart. 

Jupiter in 7th house Navamsa spouse appearance

  • Jupiter in the 7th house of D9 Chart will make your Partner Beautiful or Good Looking.
  • The complexion of your Spouse should be fair. 
  • It will give your Partner a Well-proportioned body. Jupiter in the 7th house of Navamsa will Your Partner a Medium fair complexion.
  • He /she will have Good height. 

Venus in 7th house Navamsa spouse appearance

Venus is the planet of Beauty and Luxary. So the apperance of your Spouse will be 

  • Venus in the 7th house of Navamsa will give you a Very good Looking Spouse. Your spouse Should be beautiful, charming, and attractive. Your Spouse will have Such a pleasing personality which will attract opposite sex very easily.
  • Your Partner will have an Attractive eyes with Smooth Skin and Fair complexion with Venus in the 7th house of Navamsa.
  • He or She will have a Kind of Elegance which will attract others. 
  • Your Spouse will be Slim and will have medium height.

Saturn in 7th house Navamsa spouse appearance

  • Saturn in the 7th house of Navamsa (D9) chart May not give a very Good Looking Spouse.
  • Your Partner will have a Medium Fair or dark Complexion. 
  • Saturn in the 7th house of Navamsa can give your Partner a Good Height. 
  • He or she might appear to look quite older or mature than his or her real age.
  • But Results can change with Sign Placement. 
  • Saturn in the Navamsa chart can indicate long-lasting karmic lessons and responsibilities in relationships, which may manifest more strongly or persistently compared to the influence of Saturn in the Lagna Chart. 

The Effect of Sign is also Important. For example Sun in the 7th house of Aries will not give the Same result as Sun in the 7th house of Capricorn. So we have to Understand the zodiac Signs of the 7th House too. Your Spouse will have the traits of the lord of 7th house from the Navamsha Ascendant.

When your 7th house of Navamsa is Aries, Your Spouse will have Lean personality, small eyes, pointed nose, angry speech. He or She will be quite impulsive and Energetic.

When Your 7th house of Navamsa is Scorpio, Your Life Partner will have rough skin, Very Emotional, Secretive.

Spouse Prediction Navamsa

Prediction of Spouse from 7th house Sign in the Navamsa

Scorpio and Aries in 7th house Navamsa

Mars is the Owner of Aries and Scorpio Sign. So this will Make the Spouse rich, courageous, interested in sexual matters, inclined to bilious problems. Aries in the 7th house will give your Spouse good height whereas Scorpio in the 7th house can give medium height. 

Taurus in 7th house Navamsa- Spouse prediction

When your 7th house of Navamsa is Taurus, Your Spouse will have Good personality. He/ She will bring Luck and fortune. He or She will have big eyes, long face, big eyebrows, small forehead, drooping nose, thick voice, medium height.

Libra in 7th house Navamsa- Spouse prediction

When your 7th house of Navamsa is Libra, Your Spouse will have lean body, beautiful nose, does not have fixed mind-set, Romantic in Nature. He or She will Love to make friends.

For Taurus and Libra Signs in the 7th house of Navamsa chart, Venus is the 7th Lord. 7th Lord Venus will Make your Partner extremely rich, successful, spiritually oriented, does good deeds, good children, enjoys plenty of riches and conveyances, has company of good Person.

Gemini in 7th house Navamsa Spouse prediction

When your 7th house of Navamsa is Gemini, Your Life Partner will have long hands, small nose, sheepish eyes, thick legs and thighs, talkative, knowledgeable. Your Spouse will have a childish Look and will Look younger than his Actual Age. He or She will be very curious and loves to do multitasking.

Virgo in 7th house Navamsa Spouse prediction

When your 7th house of Navamsa is Virgo, Your Spouse will have long hands, small buttocks, polished character, talkative, extra fond of sexual activities. He or She Will be intellectual and practical.

For Gemini and Virgo Signs in the 7th house of Navamsa chart, Mercury is the 7th Lord. Mercury will Give Your Partner attractive eyes, curly hair, broad chest, with love and affection, expert in business, intelligent, educated, happy, interested in expensive jewellery and clothes.

Cancer in 7th house Navamsa Spouse prediction

When your 7th house of Navamsa is Cancer, Your Spouse will have small nose, very small forehead, thick hair on legs, angry behaviour, wandering in nature. The 7th Lord Moon will Make Your spouse happy, Loved by people, expert in agriculture, talkative, fond of liquids.

Leo in 7th house Navamsa Spouse prediction

When your 7th house of Navamsa is Leo, Your Partner will have broad forehead, thick hair on legs, angry behaviour, Independent nature. The 7th Lord Sun will make your Spouse very Strong, confident and Independent. 

Saggitarius in 7th house Navamsa Spouse prediction

When your 7th house of Navamsa is Sagittarius, Your Spouse will have joyful nature, board forehead, big ears, gets angry occasionally, truthful, talkative.

Pisces in 7th house Navamsa Spouse prediction

When your 7th house of Navamsa is Pisces, Your Spouse will have Charming personality, has good eyes and nose, truthful in nature, fearless person, sacrificing attitude.

For Sagittarius and Pisces Signs in the 7th house of Navamsa chart, Jupiter is the 7th Lord.  So Jupiter will give your Partner a charming personality, attractive eyes, bulging tummy, intelligent, unbiased attitude, courageous, rich, loved by people, artistic inclination, respected by women, has good children and friends.

Capricorn in 7th house Navamsa Spouse prediction

When your 7th house of Navamsa is Capricorn, Your Spouse will have Ideal physically body structure, Dark Complexion, broad face, sharp in intelligence, Cautious.

Aquarius in 7th house Navamsa Spouse prediction

When your 7th house of Navamsa is Aquarius, Your Partner will have Big ears, board shoulders, lazy, intelligent, talkative, sometime acts foolishly. He or She Will be philanthropic. 

For Capricorn and Aquarius Signs in the 7th house of Navamsa chart, Saturn is the 7th Lord. So Saturn will make the native independent, Patient and Tolerant. It Can Sometime give Late Marriage or delayed Marriage. 

So we will see which planet is placed in the 7th house of D9 chart and after that we will check the Sign of the 7th house of D9 chart. Mixing these two influences, we will be able to know about our Spouse. Only an experienced astrologer can understand the influence of different planets in different Signs and how they will affect our life. 

Debraj Ray is an Engineer by Profession and astrology student from last 30 years. More than three thousand people have consulted him. He has Vast experience in vedic Astrology, Nadi astrology, Divisional Chart Like- Navamsa, Dasamsa etc. you can reach him on debraj.1@gmail.com

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