HomeLatest PostFactors beyond Nakshatra Matching or Nakshatra Porutham for Successful Marriage

Factors beyond Nakshatra Matching or Nakshatra Porutham for Successful Marriage

Nakshatra Matching

Nakshatra Matching is one of the Most important method of Horoscope Matching or Match Making before Marriage. This is the most widely used and most traditional way of Matching. But there is Some Serious flaws in this method and in todays world when Relationships have become very complex, only this method Should not be used. 

If we consider Our Society 50-60 years back, the no of Divorces were very Limited. The Problems and Socio economic condition was different. But Now a days the No of Divorce and Separation has increased Significantly and during the consultation i have seen the kind of Problems the couple are facing. These problems can not be Addressed by only Nakshatra Matching. 

So here I will tell you the factors which we should consider along with Nakshatra matching for a Happy and blissful marriage. 

What is Nakshatra Matching

Nakshatra Matching Which is also Known as Nakshatra Porutham is the method of checking compatibility between a couple in a Marriage through the Janma Nakshatra and this method is known as Ashtakoota system of Matching. The Nakshatra of Moon is Known as Janma Nakshatra. This is basically matching of Moon to determine if the charts of two people planning to marry are in agreement with each other. There are eight parameters in the famous ashtakoota matching which are checked to confirm the compatibility. Since it is based on the Moon entirely, the Kuta system is predominantly a measure of the flow of consciousness, the vital life force between the couple and how this energy harmonizes in the relationship. It is not meant to be an indicator of karmic compatibility, but rather an opportunity for love to flow between the couple. 

These Kootas are as below.

  1. Varna Koota- Marks Alotted 1
  2. Vashya Koota- Marks Alotted 2
  3. Tara Koota- Marks Alotted 3
  4. Yoni Koota- Marks Alotted 4
  5. Graha Maitri Koota- MArks Alotted 5
  6. Gana Koota- Marks Alotted 6
  7. Rashi Koota- Marks alotted 7
  8. Nadi Koota- Marks alotted 8

Now we are going to Discuss about these Parameters of Nakshatra Matching or Nakshatra Porutham.

Varna Koota

This Koota represents the degree of Spirituality and Mutual Respect in the couple. The twelve Rasis are divided into four categories of Varnas. 1. Brahmin is the highest, then Kshatriyas, then Vaishyas and the last is Shudras. Varna of Groom should be either equal to or superior to that of bride. For this one mark is given. In case of a bride marrying a bridegroom of inferior Varna (caste), no mark is given i.e. score is 0.

Vashya Koota

This Koota Represents Mutual Control. All the signs of zodiac are devided in to five Vashyas(categories) as follows.I. Chatuspada or quadruped : - Aries, Taurus, 2nd half of Sagittarius and first half of Capricorn.2. Dwipada (Manushya or human) :- Gemini, Virgo, Libra, first half of Sagittarius and Aquarius.3. Jalchar Rasi :- Cancer, 2nd half of Capricorn and Pisces.4. Banachar Rasi (Roaming in forest) :- Leo.5. Keet Rasi :- Scorpio.If bridegroom and bride belong to the same Vaishya, it is ideal and scores 2 full marks.

Tara Koota

Tara koota clearly indicate the mental compatibility and Luck between Bride and groom. Count the number of Janma Nakshatra of bride from the Janma Nakshatra of Groom and the result is divided by 9. If the remainder is 3, 5 or 7 then it is inauspicious and score is 0; otherwise benefic and score is one and half. Again count the Janma Nakshatra of groom from the Janma Nakshatra of bride and the result is divided by 9. lf the remainder is 3, 5 or 7 then its inauspicious and the score is 0 other wise benefic and score is one and half. If both are benefic then score is 3, if one is benefic and another is malefic then score is one and half and if both are malefic then score is 0.

Yoni Koota

It indicates Sexual compatibility of couple. If Yoni Kootas of both bride and groom are same the result will be favorable. If Yoni Kootas are different then result will be enmity between the couple.

Grahamaitri Koota

Mitra Koota indicates Mutual Affection betwen the Bride and Groom. From this Koota friendship between the Rasi Lords of both the bride and the groom are judged.

Gana Koota

Gana Koota indicates Nature or Attitude Compatibility between the Couple. Nakshatras have been divided into three categories-Deva Ganas, Manushya Ganas and Rakshasa Ganas. Marriage between Sama Gana is most auspicious.

Dev Gana-Manushya gana, Dev Gana-Rakshash gana and Rakshasa Gana- Manushya Gana are worst. It is a general belief that if a Rakshas Gana girl and a Manushya Gana Boy gets married, the boy will die. But this is completely baseless.

During Lagna Patrika matching, Gana is given too much importance. It simply signifies whether the person traditional or liberal in mindset. Mismatch of Gana Can give Lack of Mutual understanding at the most. Not more than that. You can read about my case study on Misconception of Rakshas Gana and Manushya gana.

Must Read Misconception and fear about Rakshas Gana

Rashi Koota or Bhakoot Koota

Rashi Koota indicates Mutual Love between the Couple. Examine the position of Janma Rasis in the horoscopes of both the bride and the groom. If they are located mutually in 2/12 or 6/8 or 5/9 positions, this is treated as malefic and no point or mark is given. For location in other places full 7 marks are given. 2/12 position indicates poverty, 5/9 indicates loss of children and 6/8 placement indicates death.

Nadi Koota

Nadi Koota Indicates the Health of the Couple. The nakshatras are divided into three groups called 1. Adi Nadi 2. Madhya Nadi 3. Antya Nadi. Marriage is not compatible when the Janma Nakshatras of both the bride and the groom are the same. It scores 0 marks. If nakshatras are dissimilar it scores full 8 marks.

Problems or Flaws in Nakshatra Matching

Is Nakshatra Matching Sufficient for a Happy and Successful Marriage ? the answer is No. This matching only consider the Moon Nakshatra. It completely Ignores the Ascendant, Sun and other planetary combination. Venus is the Significator for marriage but it also ignores it too. How can a person with Weak Venus and 7th house lead a happy married life with Matching of  Moon Stars ? This is not the way a Janma Kundali should be matched.

Not only that Navamsa chart is the Main Divisional chart for Marriage and it will have the ultimate Say in our Marriage but in this Matching process Navamsa is also not considered. 

The Maximum Point can be obtained in this Matching is 36 points. Ram and Sita had got the perfect 36 point in their matching. Any score above 24 is considered good for Marriage. You can easily get the Matching score of bride and groom with few clicks of Mouse in any Astrology Website or any astrology Software now a days.

But In Today's Socio-Economic Scenario Matching with Only Moon Nakshatra or Janma Nakshatra is not a Correct Procedure. That is why we See a Lot of problems, Separation etc even after Horoscope Matching. I Personally do not consider this to be a very Reliable process and do not use this method for Horoscope Matching. 

Many people who come to me for consultation on Marriage Problem and When i check the Ashtakoota Score of them, i have found that most of them has high scores and they also inform me that they had done Horoscope Matching before marriage. So we need to understand that without in depth Analysis of Individual Horoscope on below mentioned points, Marriage Should not be performed. 

Important Factors must consider during Matchmaking

  1. Longevity : We must check the longevity of both bride and groom before starting of Kundli Milan process. What is the meaning of marriage if the boy or the girl is short lived. We Should also check if any of the couple are going to face any Major health problem or Accident etc in Near Future.
  2. Health : We know that Health is wealth. We must judge the Health prospect of both Boy and Girl. We must see if there is any possibility of incurable disease very soon or not. Couple with poor health can not enjoy the married life.
  3. Finance : It is better to cry in a Mercedes than open foot path. Money is an important factor for living a good life. Poverty will bring miseries and will destroy the happiness of married life. So we must check during kundli matching that no Horoscope should have Poverty Yogas or daridra Yogas.
  4. Future : One might born poor. But the future may be much promising. In such case we must inform about the bright future of the couple and marriage should be recommended if other factors are suitable.
  5. Children: As the trees look beautiful with flowers and fruits, similarly married life becomes complete with children. When we judge the Horoscope compatibility for marriage, this is an important factor which we should keep in our mind. No Horoscope should have any affliction to child birth. Even if there is slight affliction in one chart, the other chart must compliment and supersede the affliction.
  6. Mutual Understanding: One may have long life, lot of money, sound health but if there is no mutual understanding between the couple, the married life becomes hell. So astrologers must see the mutual harmony between the boy and girl during Lagna Kundali matching. The Planets should be placed harmoniously specially Venus, Mars Jupiter and Rahu. If theer is no harmony how the couple will face the ups and downs of life.
  7. Loyalty and Extra Marital Affair : I have seen during my journey as an Astrologer that many Marriage breaks because of Extra marital Affair or husband or Wife. So while checking Horoscopes for Marriage we must see that no birth chart should have yoga for Extramarital Affair. The placement of venus, Mars and Rahu must be studied in both D1 and D9 chart properly for this. 
  8. Flexibility and Ability to Adjust : Every Long term relationship requires Lot of Adjustments and Compromises. So both the bride and groom have to make lot of adjustments after Marriage. If they are too much egoistic and rigid, they will not be able to make adjustments and their Marriage will not work.

These factors are more important than the Nakshatra Matching. If these factors are are Favorable, the couple will be happy after marriage even if the Nakshatra Matching Score is Low. One of the Top 5 vedic Astrologer of this century Late prof.Krishnamurthy Suggested to check these factors for Horoscope Matching and Adviced not to depend on Nakshatra Matching only. 

In case of Marital Problems Occuring inspite of Marriage Matching, the root cause was inherent within the Horoscope itself and it was either overlook and Neglected Possibly because it was thought that Ashtakoota Matching or Nakshatra Matching is Sufficient.

Kundali Matching

Rajjotok in astrology

Rajjotok Means a Perfect Couple or Highly Auspicious Match from Astrological Perspective. When the Rashi of the Boy and Girl is Same or the Rashi of the Girl is in 5th house from Rashi of the Boy or Vice Versa, it is Said to be a Rajjotok Matching. For Example if the Rashi of the Bride is cancer and the Rashi of the Groom is either Cancer or Pisces , it is said to be a Rajjotok Match.

Same Rashi indicates Same mentality. So it is considered in astrology that Rajjotok will give excellent Family Life.

So Rajjotok Matching Means a Very Good Matching of Rashi chart and the Horoscope of Bride and Groom is Perfect for Marriage. This is considered excellent for Physical and Mental Compatibility. So it indicates a Good marital Peace and Happiness.

But this Does not happen always. We have Seen a Lot of People Who Suffer in their Married Life inspite of this Kind of excellent Rashi Matching. So Rajjotok is not a Guarantee of Happy Marriage.

I will Again Say, Without In-depth Analysis of Individual Horoscope though Divisional charts, No one Should Confirm happy or unhappy Marriage.

Which guna is very important while matching kundli

Though we Should not consider the Nakshatra Matching Solely for the purpose of Marriage but among all these eight gunas, Nadi Dosha is most important guna for matching Kundli and Nadi Guna has been allotted Highest Point of 8 Point. Nadi Guna or Nadi Dosha determines Physical compatibility and possibility of childbirth after Marriage. It focuses on the likelihood of healthy progeny and overall vitality.

There are three Nadis: Adi , Madhya, and Antya. Partners belonging to the same Nadi are often considered incompatible due to potential health or fertility issues. Nadi Dosha is considered a  significant flaw, potentially affecting the couple's well-being and their children's health.

My Personal Opinion is that if the Boy's chart and Girl's chart has strong yoga and Favorable yoga for childbirth and do not indicate any problem regarding childbirth in main birth chart or Divisional charts Like Navamsa or D7 chart, the couple will have their kids inspite of Nadi Dosha. 

How Many Gunas Should Match in Kundli

Generally Gunas above 18 is considered an Average Match and 24 and above gunas are considered as Good Match. So atleast 18 Guna Should match in Kundli Milan. In Ashtakoota Matching System total no of Guna is 36. So the Highest Point any couple can obtain is 36. It is Said that Lord Ram and Mata Sita had the perfect 36 Gunas matched. But today it is not only difficult but very Rare to get a Matching Score above 30. So 24 and above Guna should Match in Kundli for Happy and Successful Marriage.  

Lagna Matching or Ascendant matching for Marriage

Lagna Matching means the compatibility between the Lagna or Ascendant of bride and groom. Lagna is Our Physical Existence, personality, behaviour and Overall Approach to Life. So Lagna Matching ensures a good understanding between the couple. The Lagna of Bride and groom is compared in both the Horoscope and if the Lagna are Same or in 7-7 relationship, it is considered a Good Match. 

The Lagna Sign Should also be considered. For Example a Fiery Sign does not go well with a Watery Signs. So compatibility of Leo Lagna and Scorpio Lagna is not good though the Lagnas are in 4-10 relationship or in Mutual Kendra to each other.  The Fiery Lagnas are mostly compatible with Fiery Signs or Airy Signs. 

What happens if the Lagna are not Matching ? Do not Worry because it is one of the Several requirements for a Happy Marriage. If Janma Lagna or Ascendant is not Matching, We Should check the Navamsa Lagna, Arudha Lagna and Upapada Lagna. Without Considering Navamsa Lagna, Marriage Matching Should not be done as Navamsa is the chart for Marriage. 

A Proper Janma Kundali Matching can Reduce the ill effect of Marriage. Except Astrology no other study can give us hints about future. So we should use it and must take the benefit of this beautiful Science.

Debraj Ray is an Engineer by Profession and astrology student from last 30 years. More than three thousand people have consulted him. He has Vast experience in vedic Astrology, Nadi astrology, Divisional Chart Like- Navamsa, Dasamsa etc. you can reach him on debraj.1@gmail.com

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