Cheating Spouse and extra Marital Affair in Astrology
Everyone wants a Loyal and honest Spouse or Life Partner. But it does not happen always. Sometime our partners cheat on us. Horoscope or Birth chart created by our date of birth tells everything about us and The planets in Our Horoscope can give a clear indication about Our Love Life. We can also know if our Partner is going to be Loyal or cheat on us.
Love and Romance is very beautiful but when it happens outside of Marriage, it can destroy the married life. We must understand that any kind of romance out side of marriage is not welcome in our traditional society. No body wants a cheating spouse and That is why we check Loyalty of partners during Horoscope Matching with great importance.
There are certain Planetary combinations in Astrology which indicates Extra Marital Affair or Secret Love Affair. With the Help of Vedic Astrology we can predict about Infidelity or Multiple Love Affair very effectively. I am going to discuss some astrological combinations in Horoscope that will indicate that a person can be involved in Extramarital affairs or Multiple relationship.
Important Planets in astrology for Cheating Spouse or Secret Love affairs
- To involve in any kind of Relation, our Mind plays an important Role. Moon is the Significator of Mind. So Moon will definately play an important role in a secret relationship. Remember Moon is an ilicit planet as well.
- Venus is the Planet of Love and Romance. In any kind of Extra Marital Affair or in case of Multiple Affairs, venus has a Direct role.
- Rahu or North Node is known as the mlechha Karaka or which provokes a person to break the social norms. So its involvement Venus or Moon can provoke us to break the barrier of Social norms or traditions regarding Love and Affair.
- Mars is the Planet of Aggression, passion and Sexual energy. This is also very important planet in astrology for analyzing extra marital Yoga.
So majorly these planets are responsible for Extramarital affairs in Astrology.
5th House is the House of Love an Romance. So 5th house and 5th Lord Should be checked. 3rd House, 7th and 11th house are known as the Kama Trikona or houses of Desire. So these houses can give excessive desire which ultimately Lead to extra marital affair or cheating Spouse.
So 3rd,5th,7th,11th and 12 house and their Lord should be connected with Rahu,Venus, Moon or Mars in Horoscope for any kind of secret love affairs.
Combinations for extra Marital affair in astrology
I am giving you Some astrological combinations which can give Multiple relationship or extra marital affairs. I have only provided the yogas Which i have seen working in Horoscopes.
- For any Secret Love affair, Our mind or desire should overshadow our wisdom and intelligence. Moon is the Mind, Jupiter is the wisdom and Mercury is the intelligence. If Mercury is conjunct or in 5th or 9th places from Moon in Rashi Chart or in Navamsa chart, it will follow the Mind or the carnal desire. So Moon-Mercury combination in Rashi chart and Navamsa chart can give multiple Relations even after marriage as well.
- If the Moon- Mercury conjunction happens in Watery Signs Like Cancer or Scorpio or in Pisces, the effect will be more Prominent. Watery signs are emotional Signs and plays very Significant role in extra marital Affair or any Secret Love affair.
- But if the Mercury is conjunct or in 5th or 9th places from Jupiter, the intelligence will follow the dharma or Wisdom. The person who has mercury connected with jupiter will never try to follow any illegal path and will always be Loyal to partner.
- In Nadi Astrology, Mercury is taken as the Significator of friendship. So if Mercury in trine to Moon is an indication of infidelity.
- Venus is the significator of Love and Romance. If Venus is conjunct with Rahu or Mars it increases passion for Love and Romance within a person. When this conjunction happens in signs like Scorpio, Aries, Libra, Gemini etc or in Nakshatra Like Bharani results are more prominent. Former US president Bill clinton had Sun in Bharani Nakshatra and We all know about his Sex Scandal.
- If Rahu-Venus or Mars-Venus conjunction happens in Navamsa, it increases the chance of extramarital affair in astrology. Rahu and venus conjunction in Scorpio sign in Navamsa is a highly potent combination of infidelity in astrology. I have Seen few person with Venus-Rahu conjunction in Scorpio Navamsa, they had a very bad marriage and they were involved in several Relationships before and after marriage.
- If Mars- venus conjunction happens in Cancer Sign in a Female chart, your husband or Partner can cheat you. Along with this combination , If Moon is also placed in Scorpio or Pisces Sign, it can make your partner alchoholic too.
- As we know Gemini is the sign of duality and it is not a good sign for Loyal Relationship, Moon and Mercury conjunction in Gemini sign or in Gemini Navamsa, is an indication of extramarital affairs in astrology. If such combination is aspected by saturn, the person gets exposed for their infidelity.
- The 2nd House of Navamsa is the house of Multiple relationship or Hidden Relationship. So if Mercury-venus or Moon-Mercury or Moon-Venus or Venus-Rahu combinations are present in the 2nd house of Navamsa, it can lead to extra marital Affair.
- The 8th house is the house of Secrecy. When the 8th lord or 8th house is connected with 5th house or 5th Lord in watery Signs, it can give Multiple Relations or Secret relationship outside marriage. if 12th house or 12th Lord is related with this combination, it can create a sex scandal and it will expose the person and tarnish the image.
- As per Sage Jaimini if 2nd house of Navamsa is owned by Venus or Mars or is having them or their aspect there in, then a person can be adulterous.
- The 9th House is the House of Dharma or righteousness. A person with strong 9th House generally do not deviate from the path of righteousness. Jupiter is the planet of Morality. So Jupiter should not be debilitated or weak. A person with strong Jupiter and 9th house will treat marriage as Dharma or duty to perform with purity and will not involve in extra marital relationship easily.
- But If Jupiter is weak or in Guruchandal Yoga (Rahu-Jupiter conjunction) and the 9th house is afflicted by Rahu or Mars or Moon, it increases the chance of infidelity in astrology.
- Upapada Lagna or UL shows marriage, Arudha pada of 7th House shows physical relationship, Arudha pada of 5th House shows Love or Romance. If the Upapada Lagna is connected with Arudha Pada of 5th House(A5) and Arudha Pada of Seventh House (A7) or Darapada, there is chance of falling in love affair after marriage. Specially If it happens in the Watery Signs like Cancer/Scorpio/Pisces as they represents our emotions. For Example if the Arudha Pada of 10th house (A10) is connected with Arudha Pada of Seventh House(A7) and Upadapada Lagna(UL) in scorpio sign it indicates physical relationship in workplace out side of marriage.
- Ketu in 7th house or A7 and Venus in 12th house or in Upapada Lagna(UL) can give two spouse at the same time i.e. it can indicate Illicit relationship out side marriage or cheating spouse in Vedic astrology.
- If the Upapada Lagna (UL) and Arudha Pada of 7th house (A7) is in 2-12 condition, it indicates lack of physical pleasure in marriage. If there is other Yogas present in D1 and D9 chart for Love and Romance, it can leads infidelity or Extramarital affairs in astrology.
- If the Moon is conjunct with Rahu, it makes the mind clouded and we become incline to all sort of illicit relationships automatically.
- The Moon-Saturn Conjunction or in mutual aspect creates Punarbhu Dosha. A person with punarbhu Dosha in Horoscope can Cheat his or her partner. This is highly potent Yoga for cheating spouse in Vedic astrology.
- 3rd House,7th house and 11th house is known as Kama Trikona. These are the houses of desire. If there is heavy affliction of malefic planets in these house chances of getting involved in extramarital relationship increases.
- Involvement of 3rd house or 3rd Lord with 5th house and 5th Lord shows a Secret relationship. Person with such Yoga keeps one or two Secret relationships.
Astrological Rules for Multiple relationship and instant Attraction
The Mars of a man if coincides with the Venus of a women or vice versa they will be attracted towards each other immediately.
If the Upapada Lagna of one person coincides with the Atmakaraka Planet of other, there is a relation from past birth and such relations are very difficult to avoid. So if such persons come in contact after marriage, the chances of infidelity or extra marital Affair increases.
If Upapada is in a Dusthana from Arudha Lagna while Darapada is in a Kendra, extra marital relations could develop due to enmity / rejection of spouse. In Such Situation if two persons with Strong connection comes in contact, there is a possibility of creating a Secret relationship increases.
While judging extramarital affairs in astrology we must check the condition of Jupiter. It should be afflicted by Rahu/Ketu and should be in 6th/8th or 12th or should be Debilitated. Well placed Jupiter protects the marriage and does not allow the Spouse to cheat.
Scorpio is the Sign of Secrecy or Hidden elements. So if the Scorpio Sign is very prominent with planets Like venus or Moon or Rahu, it can give Secret relationship.
If there is Vish Kanya Yoga present in a Horoscope, It can give Multiple Relationship or Secret Love affair.
Timing of extra marital Affair or Secret Love Affair
The Dasha of Venus, Rahu, Moon and Mercury is the most prominent time when extra marital relationship can start. We should also check the chara dasha of Darakaraka planet. The chara Dasha of the Sign where Darakaraka planet is placed in D1 or D9 chart, the 7th Sign from it is very prominent phase when any Love and affair can start.
Remedies for Extra marital affair in astrology
Worshipping Lord Shiva and Mata parvati togethor after marriage. It will improve your marriage and relationship with your Spouse. So it reduces the possibility of extra marital affair.
We Should Strengthen the Upapada Lagna by either wearing gemstone or chanting the mantra of Upapada Lagna Lord.
Chant the mantra for the main planet creating the extra marital affair.
Chant maa Bagalamukhi Kavach everyday and it works Like a charm. Maa Bagalamukhi is one of the Dasa Mahavidya and very powerful remove extra marital affair.
I am also giving you another Totka to remove extra marital Affair. Take a clove and take the name of the person with whom you think your spouse is having an affair for 5 times and burn the clove. Do this for 7 Days and it will break the relationship with that person.
Marriage is treated as the biggest Dharma in our society and purity in it is of supreme importance. Basically the concept of Marriage was created only to keep the sexual partners loyal to each other. But in recent days the no of extra marital affair increased Significantly. So the role of Astrologers has also increased.
We must remember that in indian Society, Marriage is not only a relation between a Man and a women only but it is a relation of two family. This is completely based upon mutual trust. We should not break this trust for our own selfish desires. Our entire Life is controlled by planetary influence. So before marriage we must check the planetary influence that is responsible for extramarital affairs in astrology. Judging Infidelity in Horoscope should be given due importance during Horoscope Matching or Kundli Milan.

Debraj Ray is an Engineer by Profession and astrology student from last 30 years. More than three thousand people have consulted him. He has Vast experience in vedic Astrology, Nadi astrology, Divisional Chart Like- Navamsa, Dasamsa etc. you can reach him on