D10 chart
In Vedic astrology, the D10 chart, also known as the Dashamsa chart, plays an important role in prediction of career and professional life. While the birth chart (Rasi chart) provides a broad overview of our life, the D10 chart offers a more detailed and focused analysis of professional prospects and achievements.
By analyzing the D10 chart With the birth chart, We can get a more comprehensive understanding of our career path. This will help you to make informed decisions and navigate your professional life with greater clarity.
Whether you are exploring new career opportunities or seeking guidance on professional challenges or simply looking to understand your Suitable Profession, the D10 chart offers precise and focused information that can guide you toward a fulfilling career.
Calculation of D10 chart
D10 chart or Dashamsa Chart is a Divisional Chart which is Used to know about our Career and Professional Life. It is the 10th Part or 10th Division of a Sign of Your Horoscope or Main Birth chart. As the 10th house of Our Horoscope is used to determine our Karma or Work, It is also Known as Karmamsa.
Dividing a sign into ten equal divisions, each one of 3° gives rise to D10 chart. As we know that a sign is of 30° therefore its 10th part is equal to 30°/10=3°. So Dashamsa comprises of a arc of 3° and each Sign has 10 Dashamsa.
In Vedic Astrology 16 Divisional Charts or Vargas are Most Important. D10 chart is One of them and used for Profession, Status, Fame, Promotion, increment, transfer etc.
Within every 12 Minute D10 chart changes. So Birth time Should be correct for analysis of D10 chart.
Difference of D1 chart and D10 chart
The D1 chart is the Main birth chart which covers all the aspects Like Personality, Relationship, Health, Wealth, Education etc. On the other hand D10 chart is Focused Specifically on 10th house or Our career, Profession and Public Life.
It gives more detailed analysis of the 10th house Which Shows career, Achievment and Reputation. We can get More details about our career from D10 chart.
In the D1 chart interpretation, We have to See and check all the Houses. But in D10 chart Analysis we can Focus mainly on career Houses Like 10th house, 6th house, 2nd House etc.
But D1 chart is the Fundamental chart and what is not promised in D1 chart can not be given by any Divisional chart like D10 chart.
Importance of D10 chart analysis
In Astrology, 10th house is the Mid heaven of the Horoscope. This House Deals with Karma or Profession of a Person. So the 10th Part of Your Horoscope is an Important Chart for Career. It Specifically used for Minute analysis of Profession or Career in Astrology.
The 10th house zodiac Sign, Planets in the 10th house, the placement of the 10th Lord indicates what kind of Profession we will take and What kind of Success we can expect in our Life. But For the confirmation of the judgment of occupation, it is always Suggested to go through the Dasamsa (D10) chart, in addition to natal Rasi chart and Navamsa chart.
The D10 chart will show the actual Stregth or True Potential of our chart in regard to Career Progress or Success. As per Indian Council of Astrological research, we May have a Very Strong D1 or Rashi chart with 3-4 Exalted Planets but if these Planets are not well placed in Dasamsa Chart, It becomes very Difficult for getting a Success in Professional Life.
Most of the time we see that Planets are exalted or well placed in our chart but we do not get desired result. The reason is the D10 chart. If we check minutely we will find that the D10 chart is not strong enough to Give us required Success.
For example- Michel Jordan, the greatest Busketball Player and Richest Sportsman for quite a Long time has 4 Debilitated Planets in his D1 chart or Rashi chart. But he has a very Strong D10 chart. So if anyone predicts his Career based on birth chart only, it will be wrong.
So Dashamsa Chart will Actually gives a Clear Picture about our Career and Professional Life.
D10 chart can identify the reason for Delay and dissatisfaction in Profession.
As Nothing should be predicted about Marriage and relationship without Navamsa chart, Same goes with D10 chart for Career and Professional Life.
I have Seen in my practice that without a strong D10 chart and Favorable Yoga in D10 chart, it is not possible to Achieve Success in Life. In my client List people who have achieved Significant professional Success, all of them have a Very Strong D10 chart.
D10 chart Houses
The First House or Ascendant of D10 chart indicates our intent and ability to perform Karma. Strong Ascendant is Necessary for Success in Career.
2nd House is the House of Artha or Resource. We work or Main object of our work is to earn Money for our Family and 2nd house indicates both Money and Family Support in our Work.
The 3rd house Shows our effort, communication, Short Travel, changes in Profession and Career.
The 4th house of D10 chart Shows recognition of your Talents and Public Image.
The 5th house of D10 chart shows creative Works, Gain in Business and also your immediate Subordinates.
6th House is another important House in D10 chart as it indicates Job or Services.
7th house of D10 chart shows Business Partnership and Success in Business ventures.
8th house indicates Obstacles and Hurdles in Career, Sudden fall from Power and Position etc. This house also indicates retirement from Job, Loans etc.
9th house is the Fortune and Dharma House. Our Management or Higher Authority, Long Travel related to Work is also indicated by this house.
10th house of Our Horoscope indicates Karma or Work. So what kind of Profession we will take can be predicted from the 10th house of D10 chart. Different Yogas in 10th house or different Yogas with 10th Lord in the D10 chart will indicates what kind of Success we will achieve in our Life or What kind of Obstacles we will face in our career.
11th house is the house of Success and gain in Career.
12th house is the House of Foreign Connection. If 12th Lord is associated with 10th house or 10th Lord in the D10 chart, it can give gain in career from Foreign connection.
Significant Planets for D10 chart Prediction
Sun, Moon and Saturn are Most important Planets for D10 chart Analysis.
Sun Signify Status, Position, Authority, Leadership Skill, Govt etc. These Are Very Important Parameter in Professional Life. Sun in 10th house also gets Directional Stregth which also makes it very important planet for D10 chart.
Moon indicates our Mental Aptitude and our intellect. Stability of Mind is equally important for taking right decisions in Professional field. So Moon Should be checked in the D10 chart.
Saturn is the Another Important planet in Dashamsa chart. It is known as Natural Significator of Profession or Work. It rules the 10th house of Natural Zodiac. It indicates Discipline, Structure and Hard work which are extremely necessary for Career.
How to Read D10 chart or Dashamsa Chart
Below are Some important Rules for D10 chart Analysis. I have tested these Rules in many charts practically.
- We Should first check the condition of D10 Lagna and Lagna Lord. In any Divisional chart Ascendant is very Important. So if the Ascendant Lord of D10 chart is Well placed, it makes the chart Strong and increase the chances of Success in Professional Life.
- If the Dasamsa Lagna is Aspected by Benific Planets Like Jupiter or venus, it gives a strong Foundation to the Career.
- If Powerful Sun is placed in the 6th house or 10th house of the D10 chart aspected by Jupiter, You will get recognition and Honour for your Work.
- The 10th Lord of D1 chart Should be well placed in the D10 chart for a Smooth Career. It Should be either in own Sign or Exaltation Sign without Any Affliction. The 10th Lord of D1 chart Should not be placed in the 8th house or 12th house of D10 chart.
- The 10th Lord of D10 chart Should be Well placed in both D10 chart and D1 chart. The 10th Lord of D10 chart Should not be debilitated or Placed in 8th or 12th house of D10 chart.
- Good Success in Career is Possible when Dashamsa (D10) Lagna is occupied by the 6th lord of the Rasi Chart or D1 chart.
- You will be Successful in career when 10th lord of the Rasi chart is placed in/owner of 6th house of the Dashamsa Chart.
- When D10 Lagna is occupied by the 6th lord of the D10 chart, your career will be Good.
- If the D10 Lagna lord Occupies the 6th house of the Rasi chart, It can Give Good Success.
- If the D10 Lagna lord is the owner of the 6th house of the Rasi chart, You will get Good Progress in Job.
- You Will Achieve Success when D10 Lagna Lord is placed in 6th house of Dashamsa chart or D10 ascendant lord owns 6th house in D10 chart.
- Good Success in Career is Possible when 6th lord of the Dasamsa chart is placed in 10th house of the Dasamsa chart or 10th lord of the D10 chart is 6th lord of the Rasi chart.
- Good Career is indicated if the 6th lord of the Dashamsa chart is placed in the 10th house of the Rasi chart Or 10th lord of the D10 chart occupies the 6th house of the Rasi chart.
- You will get Good Progress in Career If 10th lord of the Dashamsa chart is placed in the star of a planet that is directly placed in 6th house of the Dashamsa chart/ Rasi chart or If D-10 Lagna lord is placed in the star of a planet that occupies 6th house of the Rasi chart.
- Another Good Yoga for Professional Success is when D10 lagna lord is placed in the star of a planet which owns 6th house in the Rasi chart/the Dashamsa chart or 6th lord of the D-10 chart occupies the Nakshatra of a planet that owns/is placed in 10th house either in the Dashamsa chart or the Rasi chart.
- We Should check the karaka Saturn in the D10 Chart and its Condition.
- If the 10th Lord of D10 chart is conjunct with 9th Lord of the D10 chart in a Good House, Significant Rise in Career is Possible.
- If the 5th Lord or Ascendant Lord of D10 chart is conjunct with 10th Lord of D10 chart, High Position with Authority can be expected.
- If Jupiter aspects both Sun and Moon in Navamsa and D10 chart, You will Reach a Good Position.
D10 chart Analysis for Business and Self Employment
This Divisional chart can help us to know whether Job or Business will be Better for our Career and if our chart is Suitable for Business. 7th House is the Main House for Business. 1st House is also important for Business. So for any Successful Businessman we will See the infleunece of 7th hour or 7th Lord and 1st house or 1st Lord with 10th House or 10th Lord in the D10 chart.
- The 7th Lord and 10th Lord conjunction in D10 chart is a Good yoga for Business.
- The 7th Lord in 10th house or 10th Lord in 7th house of Dasamsa chart is a Good yoga for Successful Businessman.
- The conjunction of Ascendant Lord or 10th Lord in 7th house or 10th house is a Good Yoga for entrepreneurship.
- The Magnitude of Success in your Business or entrepreneurship will depende upon the stregth of the Planets in the D10 chart Like if the planets are in Own Sign or Exalted etc.
Mercury is Main planet for Business or Self Employment. So if Mercury is in the 10th house in the D10 chart, it increases the chances of Business.
Now Lets Analyze few Charts to understand these Principles. These examples will make the concept clear.
This is the chart of Uttam Kumar. He was a Legendary bengali Actor and Most Suuccessful bengali Actor. He is called as Mahanayak and no one has been able to Surpass his Fame till date. If you Look into his chart he is Born with Cancer Ascendant with Venus in Lagna as well as in Navamsa Lagna. This gives a Very Good Looking Physical Apperance and a Personality which attracted others. Venus gave him inborn talent in Acting and creative field. His 10th Lord Mars is in 10th house and Mars is in own Sign in D10 chart makes it Very Strong. The Lagna Lord of D10 chart is also Venus and it is placed in 2nd house with 2nd Lord Mars. This makes the D10 chart very Strong. The 5th Lord of D10 chart-Saturn in 10th house is another fantastic Yoga for Success in Creative field. The 10th Lord of D10 chart- Moon is in 6th house. This is another Good Yoga. Moreover the Kendra Houses of both D1 and D10 chart is occupied By planets. The Kendra Houses of D1 chart is occupied by Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. In the D10 chart also the 4th house and 10th house is occupied by Planets. This is a Rare yoga and makes his chart extremely Strong and indicates Big Success in Life.
Lets Discuss another Chart
This is the chart of Great Cricketer Sachin tendulkar. In his chart the Lagna Lord Sun is exalted in 9th house. The 10th Lord Venus is in 9th house with Lagna Lord Sun. This is a Very Good Yoga. The 6th Lord Saturn in 10th house is also Good. In the D10 chart the 10th Lord Sun and 9th Lord Moon are involved in Sign exchange which creates a great Yoga for Success in professional Life. The 10th Lord of D1 chart- venus is in 10th house. The 6th Lord of D10 chart- Mars is in the 6th house of D1 chart. The 2nd Lord of D1- chart Mercury is in 6th house of D10 chart. All these Yogas indicates Successful Career. There is another good Yoga in his D10 chart- The 5th Lord Jupiter and 9th Lord Moon are in Mutual aspect in the D10 chart. These yogas makes him fortunate in Career. In the D10 chart all the Kendra Houses-1st, 4th, 7th and 10th house is occupied by Planets. Presence of So many good combination in D1 and D10 chart is extremely rare and it shows why Sachin Tendulkar has been Able to reach Such a great Height.
Problems and Challenges in career from Dasamsa chart Analysis
We can have a Strong D1 chart Like we can have 10th Lord in 10th house with 9th Lord. But We can not Achieve Desired Success if Our D10 chart is Weak. Now Lets discuss few combinations which shows Challenges and Difficulty in Career.
- If the 10th Lord of D1 chart is Debilitated in the D10 chart, We can face trouble and difficulty in Career.
- If the 10th Lord of D10 chart is debilitated in the D1 chart, it can delay our Success.
- The 10th Lord of D1 and D10 chart Should not be Afflicted by Malefic planets Like Rahu or Ketu.
- The 10th Lord of D10 chart Should be in 8th house or 12th house in D1 or D10 chart. This will bring Lot of hurdles and Obstacles.
- If the planets condition does not improve in D10 chart, You may not get Desired Success.
Ultimately, the D10 chart complements the birth chart by providing detailed career-related information, making it an essential component of a thorough astrological analysis.
Debraj Ray is an Engineer by Profession and astrology student from last 30 years. More than three thousand people have consulted him. He has Vast experience in vedic Astrology, Nadi astrology, Divisional Chart Like- Navamsa, Dasamsa etc. you can reach him on debraj.1@gmail.com