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Rahu and Venus conjunction in Horoscope

Rahu and Venus Conjunction

Rahu and Venus conjunction or Rahu-Shukra Yoga is one of the Most misunderstood combination of Vedic Astrology. People often consider it as a Negative combination in the Horoscope. But this yoga Can be Seen in the Horoscope of Celebrities, Business Tycoon, Rich and Famous People.

So its not a very Bad Yoga to have in your kundli or Horoscope. It can bestow you Lot of Good Fortunes but it has some Negative affect as well. 

Planet Rahu in Astrology

Rahu is known as North Node of Moon. Rahu is the planet of expansion and Transformation. It never let you settle. Whatever it touches gets Stirred up and transformed. So When Rahu comes in contact with any Planet it amplifies the energy of that planet. Rahu is also breaking barriers and Rules. So it does not Like to follow Social Norms and Traditions.

Planet Venus in Astrology

Venus is the Planet of Love, Romance, Artistic and creative Skills within us. It is the Planet of Money, Wealth, Luxury and comfort. This is the Main planet of Relationship and Desire in a Horoscope. So this conjunction of Rahu-Shukra is Mainly a materialistic Yoga. 

When Rahu and Venus are in conjunction or in the Same sign, it increases the Qualities of Venus. It increase the Passion and Desire within us. It increase the Romantic Nature and It will also enhance our Desire and you will be more inclined towards Luxurious and comfortable Lifestyle. You want Big House Like a Big Bungalow or Luxury cars etc.

But in this Process You will also Spend a Lot of Money as well. Money you will earn will Flow out Very Fast. 

People born with Rahu and Venus togethor will enjoy secret pleasure and will be inclined towards Secret Sexual Practices. 

Rahu-Venus conjunction is not considered good for Marriage and Matital Happiness. As per Famous Astrologer Sanjay Rath ji Dharma is the Foundation of Marriage and Rahu is not a Dharmik Planet. So the involvement of Rahu will increase the tendency to go beyond Social Norms, culture, traditions in relationship and Marriage.

Rahu and Venus conjunction

Positive result of Venus and Rahu conjunction

Overall This is a good Yoga for Materialistic Gain. Many Rich and Wealthy People has this Yoga. Rahu and Venus are Natural Friends. As Venus indicates Mata Lakshmi in Hindu Astrology, its conjunction with Rahu indicates influx of Wealth and Money. So if this Yoga is present in your chart, it indicates that you will be able to earn a Good amount of money in your Life.

But this Money and Wealth may not come through Proper or righteous manner always unless a Strong Jupiter influences this Yoga. If Saturn is also conjunct with Venus and Rahu, it can make you a Big Businessman. Saturn-Venus-Rahu conjunction is a Yoga for big industrialist. Most of the Big Businessman or Industrialist gets the help of Rahu-Venus-Saturn. 

Such People also have chances of getting Hidden Treasures, Lottery or Sudden windfall Gain. 

Big House or Bunglow, Costly Cars and other Luxury items are the gift of this Yoga. The Magnitude of Wealth will be determined by the stregth of this Yoga. If this Yoga occurs in Materialsitic Sign Like Taurus, Capricorn, Aquarius, Gemini, Leo etc it can give you abundance of Wealth. 

When the Nakshtra of Rahu and Venus is also wealth Giving Stars Like Stabhisha, Purnavasu, Jyestha etc the capacity of Giving Wealth increases. 

The houses where this venus- Rahu conjunction occured is also extremely important factor. If Rahu- Venus conjunction occurs in the 6th house, 11th house, 10th house or 5th house of your chart, this yoga will definately improve your Financial Status to a Good extent.

When these two planets are placed in in the Signs of Venus Like Libra and Taurus or in the Sign of Saturn Like Capricorn and Aquarius, it become very Strong. This Yoga will give you Financial Upliftment in the Dasha of Rahu or Venus or Saturn.

Rahu-Venus-Saturn conjunction is a Kind of Raj Yoga in vedic astrology for materialistic and Professional Success. 

Venus-Rahu Conjunction in Navamsa

Navamsa is the Main divisional chart for marriage and relationship. Rahu-Venus conjunction in Navamsa chart or D9 chart is not considered Good for Marriage and Relationship. This yoga will Affect your Relationship Adversely. As this yoga increases the passion within us, we do not get satisfaction from a relationship easily.So more than one relationship or Multiple Relationship is Possible.

Venus-Rahu conjunction in Navamsa can give you a Good Looking Life Partner. Your partner will have attarcative personality. If you want to know more about Your Spouse and Life Partner, You can read Spouse Apperance from Navamsa.

If this conjunction is present in Navamsa chart, Love and Romance will come easily in Your Life but you can also face heartbreak or Broken relationship.

The Signs where Venus- Rahu conjunction is Occurs in Navamsa chart is Very Important. When this conjunction occurs in Signs Like Scorpio or Gemini or Cancer, it mostly do not Give Peaceful Love Life. Multiple Relationship will come in your Life but it will be difficult to find completeness or fulfillment from one Relationship.

I have seen Many charts with Rahu-Venus conjunction in Navamsa and i have not seen a Single person with a very Good Marriage.

I can remember One chart where the girl had Venus-Rahu conjunction in Scorpio. She was in deep relationship with guy from different caste for more than 10 years and She married that guy inspite of Family Objection. But the most interesting part is that though she was in relationship with that Guy for Such a Long period, she got involved with 2-3 other guys for a short Periods during that time as well. This is the Nature of Rahu-it never allows a person to settle down. 

Rahu-Venus yoga is good for Sexlife and conjugal Happiness.

If in this Conjunction is further afflicted by Planets Like Saturn or Mars, it can even give extra Marital Relationship or Infidelity as well. Saturn-venus-Rahu or Mars-venus-Rahu combination in navamsa indicates extra marital Relationship.

If Venus becomes Darakaraka Planet and it is conjunct with Rahu in Navamsa chart, it indicates Some Pending Karma regarding Relationship. It will delay your Marriage or it can cause difficulty in Married Life. 

If Venus is Atmakaraka Planet in your chart and it is also conjunct with Rahu, it will give Success in the field of Internet or computer Oriented works. But it is not good for a Relationship. 

Many Spiritual Persons has Rahu-Venus conjunction in their chart where Venus is either Darakaraka or Atmakaraka or Upapada Lagna. Dissatisfaction and Troubled Relationship has taken them towards Spiritual Pursuits. 

If the Rahu-Venus conjunction happens in the 10th house of Navamsa chart, it is good for a Career in Modeling, Acting or any kind of Creative Work. Huge Success is possible in Media and entertainment industry. 

Impact of Rahu -Venus conjunction in Marriage

This is a Strong Yoga for Love Marriage. If this Yoga occurs in both D1 and D9 chart both or if Mars is also conjunct with this yoga, the Love Marriage Yoga becomes stronger. When Mars or Saturn is also with Venus and Rahu, it can give Marriage with different religion going against family. Marriage with Foreigner is also Possible.

You Can read Yoga for Foreign Spouse

But this Yoga is not good for the Stability of Marriage. It can create havoc in the Married Life if you also go through unfavorable time. Even it can Cause Divorce or Separation during the Dasha of Rahu.

If Venus is strong in this Yoga like if it occurs in Libra,Taurus and Pisces, the Marriage will not break. It will give a Good Relationship with Partner. Some disstaisfaction or turmoil is possible but due to the Positive venus, the Marriage will Work. If Strong Jupiter also aspects this Yoga, it will also Protect the Marriage.

Venus and Rahu conjunction in female chart

This Affliction of venus is more harmful in a female chart. Venus and Rahu conjunction in female chart will give her very attarctive physical Apperance and Magnetic personality which will attarct others towards them easily. Most of the models and actress has this Yoga in their horoscope.

In our Hindu tradition Wife or Girls are considered as “Griha Lakshmi” or representation of Godess Lakshmi. They are expected to follow Family tradition and manage the family relationship. But this conjunction will give her the tendency to go against Social Norms and She will not be interested in following family traditions. So She will not hesitate to go against family culture/Norms etc. 

Venus-Rahu conjunction in female chart can make them Spendthrift and they can Spend money on costly dress, Jewelry, Luxury items, Restaurant etc. 

Venus-Rahu conjunction in a female chart can attarct or bring wrong partner if Rahu or Venus is debilitated in the chart. So they will face breakup or divorce etc in Relationship. 

Venus and Rahu conjunction in different House

Venus and Rahu Conjunction in 1st House : if Venus and Rahu are placed in 1st house togethor, it will give you a Good Physical Apperance and Look. It will give you attractive personality which will attract people towards you easily.

Read:  Future Spouse apperance from Horoscope

Venus and Rahu Conjunction in 2nd House : Venus-Rahu conjunction in 2nd house will give you good Speaking Ability and good communication Skills. But it is not Good for Financial Stability. You will Struggle to Save money due to High expenditure. 

Rahu-Venus conjunction in 3rd House : This will give you Good  Creative Skills Specially Acting Skills, drama, theatre etc. Rahu-Venus combination can give you a Profession in the field of Media, Entertainment, Finance department of of IT Sector etc. 

Venus and Rahu Conjunction in 12th House : 12th house is an important house for Sexual Pleasure and Physical intimacy. Rahu-Venus conjunction in 12th house will give you good Sexual Happineess. You will enjoy good physical intimacy with your partner. It can give you Benefit through Foreign connection and Foreign Travel. 

Rahu-Shukra conjunction for Creative Works

Navamsa is also a chart of your Talents. So Rahu-Venus conjunction in Navamsa can also give you Good inborn talents or skills in creative field. It can make you a Good Designer, Actor, Singer etc. If Moon is also Associated with this or if this conjunction is in Signs Like Leo or Taurus or Libra, the creative skills will be even more.

So this combination is Good for Professions Like Interior Designing, Fashion Designing, Media Personality, Entertainment industry, Singer, Music Director etc. Many Bolywood celebrity, TV Actor, Music Composer has Strong Rahu- Venus Yoga.

If this combination is in the Sign of Leo or in 5th house, it will definately give you Creative Ability specially in Acting or any kind of Stage performance. 

Rahu and Venus conjunction

Negative Effect of Rahu-Venus conjunction

This yoga is not good for a Loyal Relationship. This is also not good for Married Life and Marital Happiness. You Could be Sexually very Active and there is a craving for undivided attention of the partner. Due to this Yoga, Satisfaction from Love and Marriage will not come easily and you will always Search for Love and Affection. Rahu can spoil the Positive effect of Venus and activate the negative prospects in married relations.

If Venus and Rahu are Negative in the chart, It can make the person Gambler or interested in Gambling and Loosing Money in Such Activities. 

Weak venus and Rahu can make a person unethical and Loose Moral. 

We also need to see the closeness of Rahu and venus in a Perticular Sign. If the distance between the two planets are within 10 Degree, the Yoga is very Strong and the effects will be felt quite Strong. If the distance between the two Planets are between 10 degree to 20 degree, the Yoga is Moderately Strong and the effects will be Medium. Beyond 20 degree, the effects will be Much Less. 

It can even give extra Marital Relationships too. You Can read about yogas for extra Marital relationship to understand more. 

Notable Person with Rahu and Venus conjunction

Priyanka Chopra- She has Rahu-Venus conjunction in her chart. She is a Model and World famous Actor. Rahu-Venus conjunction has given her Name, Fame and all kinds of Materialistic Success. It has Given her Foreign Spouse and Success in Foreign Land. 

Goutam Adani- Famous Businessmess Goutam Adani also has Rahu-Venus conjunction which has given him Materailsitci Gain, Money, Wealth and everykind of Luxury. 

if you consider this helpful, you can share it and if you have any questions regarding this conjunstion, you can comment. 

Debraj Ray is an Engineer by Profession and astrology student from last 30 years. More than three thousand people have consulted him. He has Vast experience in vedic Astrology, Nadi astrology, Divisional Chart Like- Navamsa, Dasamsa etc. you can reach him on debraj.1@gmail.com

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