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Darakaraka Mars

Darakaraka Mars

Darakaraka Mars means, Mars has got the Lowest Degree in the Horoscope. It becomes the Significator of Spouse and Marriage for You. So we have to check the condition of Mars in Rasi and Navamsa chart for predicting Relationship.

Read: You can read about Darakaraka Planet to get more insights.

Spouse Prediction from Mars Darakaraka

Mars is a planet that represents energy, courage, and determination. When Mars becomes your Darakaraka, it Indicates that you will be Attracted to people who has Martian Qualities. It suggests that your spouse will possesses a strong competitive nature. They can be headstrong and always ready to take on challenges. Your partner will not easily back down from any situation and will stand by your side, especially during difficult times. They will be very Independent and confident.

As Mars is the planet of Sports, it shows that Your partner can be a Sports Lover.

With Mars as the Darakaraka, your spouse’s assertiveness and determination will be some of their defining characteristics. This strong-willed nature means that they are unlikely to give up easily, no matter how tough the situation may be. In fact, their resilience and ability to confront challenges head-on can be a source of strength and support in your relationship.

Qualities of Marriage with Darakaraka Mars

  • If Mars is Afflicted by Rahu or Saturn or Ketu, the Relationship can be challenging. As the affliction by Rahu/Ketu is problematic for any Planet but with Mars it increases many fold as both Mars and Rahu/Ketu are bitter enemy.
  • This Affliction of Mars can be even more problematic for Female.
  • If Mars is exalted in Navamsa or with Jupiter in Rasi and Navamsa, it shows a Good Marriage.
  • If Mars is Vargottama it shows Good financial Status of your partner and also indicates Support from your Spouse.
  • If Mars is aspected by Benefic Planets Like Jupiter or Moon, the Good Qualities of Mars will come out making your spouse’s courage and determination more balanced.
  • If Mars is in 5th or 9th house from Arudha Lagna or if it is conjunct with your Arudha Lagna, it can give good compatibility with your Partner. 
  • If Mars is in Pushkar Navamsa it is good for Marital Peace and Harmony. But if Mars is in Gandanta degree it indicates delay in Marriage and if there is other afflictions too in Upapada Lagna, it can even deny Marriage.

Spouse Apperance as per Darakaraka Mars

People with Darakaraka Mars often have a well-built body and an aura of strength and confidence. They will be Slim and will have a Good height. This strong personality can be both attractive and intimidating to others, making them someone who stands out in any crowd.

Read: Spouse Apperance as per planets in the 7th house.

Mars Darakaraka and Spouse profesion

We can also know about the Profession of Your Spouse from the Placement of Darakaraka Mars. Mars is associated with action, energy, and technical skills. So Your Spouse can be in the Professions related to Engineering or any Technical field, Police or Army, sports field etc. 

As Darakaraka Planet is wealth Significator too, If Mars is in 6th house or 10th house from Lagna or Arudha Lagna, it can give Good Wealth and Money.


When Mars is your Darakaraka, it indicates that your future spouse will be a strong, determined and competitive Person. They will stand by you in difficult situations. But we need to see the conjunction of other planets with Darakaraka Mars to get more information. 

Debraj Ray is an Engineer by Profession and astrology student from last 30 years. More than three thousand people have consulted him. He has Vast experience in vedic Astrology, Nadi astrology, Divisional Chart Like- Navamsa, Dasamsa etc. you can reach him on debraj.1@gmail.com

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