Darakaraka Sun
If Sun has the Lowest Degree in your Birth chart, it becomes the Darakaraka Planet. As per Vedic astrology, Darakaraka Planet is the Planet in your chart which has Lowest Degree in Horoscope. This is a Concept given by Sage Jaimini thousands of years ago. This is used to understand the qualities and nature of your future spouse, Married Life and also Timing of Marriage.
You can read about Darakaraka Planet analysis to know the prediction tips and technique.
So Sun becomes a Very Important Planet to Predict all the Marriage and Relationship related matters.
Darakaraka Sun and Spouse
The Sun, indicates leadership, confidence, ego, status, and authority. When it becomes your Darakaraka, it indicates that these traits will be prominent in your future spouse personality. Your future partner is likely to have strong leadership qualities. Your Spouse will be Confident, Determined. He/She will have High Self respect. They will have Good Personality and Their presence will be felt in any room they walk into. Your Partner will enjoy Good Social Status and Authority.
Darakaraka Sun can give you a desire for a partner who holds a significant position in society or You may be drawn to someone who has achieved a high level of success in their Life.
As Sun is the planet of Ego and Pride, it can make your Partner very Egoistic and Arrogant. It will not be easy for them to make Adjustments and compromises in Relationship or Marriage. So Possibility of Ego clash and friction is High.
While the Darakaraka Sun gives us a general idea of your future spouse’s qualities and career, it is important to consider the aspects of other planets in your birth chart too. If the Sun is aspected by its friendly planets like Mars, Jupiter, or the Moon, it will enhance the positive results. Mars could add courage and determination, Jupiter could bring wisdom and moral values, and the Moon can increase Sensitivity in your Partner.
On the other hand, if the Sun is aspected by Enemy planets like Rahu or Saturn, it can create dissatisfaction in Relationship. The conjunction of Rahu/Ketu with darakaraka planet is not good for a Happy Marriage.
Darakaraka Sun and Spouse Apperance
Darakaraka Sun can give a certain elegance or grace in the physical appearance of Your Spouse. Your partner will likely be good-looking, with a natural charm that draws others toward them. Your Partner will have a Fair complexion, Medium height.
Read: Spouse apperance from 7th house planets and Signs
Read: Spouse prediction from Upapada Lagna-Jaimini Sutra
Darakaraka Sun and Spouse Profession
Darakaraka Sun can also provide insights about the type of profession your spouse might be involved in. Your Partner can be working in fields related to government, administration, or project management. They can also work in healthcare, possibly as a doctor or a healthcare administrator. As Sun indicates Govt or Govt Authority, it indicates the involvement of your spouse in public service or Political Work.
We also need to Check the Placement of Sun in the house and Nakshatra of Sun. Suppose Sun is in 6th house in Hasta Nakshatra or in Ashwini Nakshatra. 6th house is Good for Profession related to Medical Field and Nakshatra Like Ashwini or Hasta is also Good for Medical Profession. So in this way we can predict about the Spouse profession from Darakaraka Planet.
You can read How to know Spouse profession to get more information.
Darakaraka Sun and Timing of Relationship or Marriage
We can use the Chara Dasha of Jaimini to know about the timing of Relationship or Marriage. The Chara Dasha of the Sign where Sun is placed or the 7th Sign from Sun is a very Favorable time for Relationship and Marriage. During these period, you can enter in a Long term relationship. The Chara Dasha of the Navamsa Sign of the Darakaraka Sun or the 7th Sign of the Navamsa Sign of Sun is also Good for Marriage and relationship. These time period is Good for Love and Romance.
Darakaraka Sun in 1st House
Darakaraka Sun in 1st house indicates a Good bonding or attachment between the couple. This also shows a good understanding and compatibility between the couple. This is indicative of Good Love Life and Sexual Life. This will make your spouse very independent, ambitious and freedom Lover. Your partner will be very Supportive and will always stand beside you. Your spouse will help in your personality developmenet.
Darakaraka Sun in 2nd House
As 2nd house indicates Financial resources and wealth, Darakaraka Sun in 2nd house shows improvement of Financial stability after marriage or through spouse. This also shows a good and harmonious relationship between your spouse and your family members. It can also make your spouse very family Oriented or they will take good care of family.
Darakaraka Sun in 3rd House
Darakaraka Sun generally makes Your Spouse creative and its placement in 3rd house will increase the creativity within your Marriage partner. 3rd house is the house of communication. So it can make your partner very communicative and intelligent. So both of you will communicate a lot with each other. This will make your partner very romantic but there is possibility of secret relationship if Sun is afflicted.
Darakaraka Sun in 4th House
Darakaraka Sun in 4th house can make your partner very homely, affectionate and Caring. This also indicates happiness through Marriage and Marriage partner. You can get property Like House or car etc through spouse and your spouse can work in the field of education, Consulting, real estate etc.
Darakaraka Sun in 5th House
Darakaraka Sun in 5th house shows a Loving and Romantic Relationship between the couple. This is also a good yoga for childbirth but after childbirth the relationship can suffer. If Sun is afflicted or Debilitated, it shows a failed Romantic Relationship. Your Spouse can be working in Stock market, Media and entertainment industry, creative field etc.
Darakaraka Sun in 6th House
This is not a Good placement and it shows obstacles and difficulties in Marriage and Relationship. So it is an undesireable position. You can face breakups in Relationship. Lot of fight and Problem is possible in Marriage and Relationship. This placement can make your spouse very hardworking. Your Spouse can be working in professions related to Healthcare Sector, sports person, anything related to Legal work etc.
Darakaraka Sun in 7th House
This is a Good placement for stability of Marriage. This is very Similar to 7th Lord being in the 7th house. If the Darakaraka Sun is not weak or Debilitated, Your Spouse or Your marriage will be good for your Public Relationship and your image in Society. As 7th house is the house of business and partnership, this also indicates that a partnership business with your Spouse is possible. This can give your partner good negotiating and Business Skill.
Darakaraka Sun in 8th House
Darakaraka Sun in 8th house is not good placement as it can create difficulties and problems in Marriage. It can delay your Marriage. This also shows some past Life connection or Pending karmas related to Marriage.
Darakaraka Sun in 9th House
Darakaraka Sun in 9th house shows that your Marriage will influence your fortune or Bhagya. If Sun is well placed, Your fortune will improve through Spouse or Marriage but if Sun is weak and Afflicted, your fortune will be negatively affected. This also shows that your partner Should be well educated.
Darakaraka Sun in 10th House
Darakaraka Sun in 10th house indicates that you can meet your partner in your workplace or you can marry any of your co-workers. As this is the house of Status and position, if Sun is strong, your status and position will improve after Marriage. Your partner can be very career oriented.
Darakaraka Sun in 11th House
Darakaraka Sun in 11th house can bring your partner through Social connection or friends circle or through your elder Siblings. Your Marriage Should be Successful and material gain through Marriage or Marriage partner is possible.
Darakaraka Sun in 12th House
12th house is the house of Loss. So Darakaraka Sun in 12th house is not good for compatibility with your Spouse. This is also not good for Marital Happiness. You or Your spouse can travel abroad or a far away place which will affect your Marital Happiness. Your Spouse can be interested in Spiritual and religious matters.
In conclusion, when the Sun is your Darakaraka, it indicates that your future spouse will be Confident, Authoritative and influential. Their Physical Appearance and Nature will have the influence of Sun which will make them someone who is not only good-looking but also admirable in their actions and achievements.

Debraj Ray is an Engineer by Profession and astrology student from last 30 years. More than three thousand people have consulted him. He has Vast experience in vedic Astrology, Nadi astrology, Divisional Chart Like- Navamsa, Dasamsa etc. you can reach him on debraj.1@gmail.com