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what is Vargottama Lagna and Planets in Navamsa Chart


Vargottama means uttam Varga. Uttam means Best and Varga means Divisional Chart. Thus any planet in its best position in a divisional chart can be called a Vargottam planet. But here generally Varga is referred to Navamsa. So When any Planet occupy Same Sign in Rashi chart as well as in Navamsa chart, it is called as Vargottama Planet.  

The Vargottama status of a Planet strengthen the Planet and its ability to do good or Bad increases manifold.

Vargottama Lagna and Vargottama Planet

Vargottama Lagna

If the Lagna or Ascendant of Rasi chart and Navamsa chart is Same, it is Called Vargottama Lagna or Vargottama Ascendant. For example if you are born with Aries Lagna and your Navamsa Lagna is also Aries, Your Ascendant or Lagna is called Vargottama.

Among all the Planets Significant importance has been given to Vargottama Lagna and Vargottama Moon.

When Ascendant or Lagna of a Person Becomes Vargottama, it is highly beneficial. The Vargottama Lagna becomes extremely powerful and it makes the entire Chart Strong. a Powerful and Strong Lagna will help us to overcome all the obstacles and Lagna Lord will be able to take us to a great height. 

In case of Vargottama Lagna or Vargottama Planet, its Natal and Navamsa dispositor is Same. 


When a Planet Occupy the Same house or Bhava in both D1 and D9 chart, it is called Bhavottama. Suppose Mars is in the 4th house in both D1 chart and D9 chart, it is called Bhavottama. 

In Vargottama planet is in Same Sign in both D1 and D9 chart whereas in Bhavottama Planet is in Same Bhava or house in both D1 and D9 chart.

Results of Vargottama Planet and Lagna

All the Classic as well Modern astrologers universally has accepted the importance of Vargottama Planets. Vargottam Planet Needs a Careful examination. Mere Vargottam Position is not Auspicious Always. 

  • The sign in which a planet is Vargottam is the most important factor. This sign should be checked in birth chart. This sign should be in good house to get good results. If this sign is in 6th/8th/12th house then results could be adverse. For example, a planet is in eighth house of birth horoscope and is Vargottam then it will enhance the results of eighth house and this will increase struggle and difficulty of Life.
  • In some cases We will see that a Planet is debilitated in Rashi chart and also debilitated in Navamsa chart. In Such a Situation even though the planet becomes Vargottama, it is not considered as an Auspicious Position. The intensity of Negative results will increase in Such a condition. 
  • We must check the planet who is gaining strength by getting Vargottama. When an Malefic lord Like 6th Lord or 8th Lord gets stronger then it will create more difficulty.
  • The placement of a Vargottam planet in Kendra (1st/4th/7th/10th) in birth horoscope is considered good. 
  • The Vargottama Atmakaraka Planet is exteremely Good. It is good for both Financial Success as well as religious and Spiritual Progress. Many great Saints are born with Vargottama Atmakaraka.
  • If the Vargottama Planet or Lagna is in Pushkar Amsa or Pushkar Bhaga, its Strength increases even more and its ability to give good results increases manifold. 
  • When a planet occupies an Upchaya house and is Vargottam then it indicates the growth in Materialistic Matters.

Swakhetra Vargottama– When a Planet is in its own Sign in both D1 chart and D9 chart, it is called Swakhetra Vargottama. The ability to give Good effects increases Significantly. If Mars is an Aries in the Rashi chart and also in the Aries Navamsha then Mars is said to be Swakhetra Vargottama or own house Vargottama. Such a person enjoys Fortune and prosperity during the Period or Dasha of the Planet.

Uchha Vargottama or Exalted Vargottama– When a Planet is in its Exaltation Sign in both Rasi chart and Navamsha Chart, it is called Uchha Vargottama or Exalted Vargottama. If Sun is in Aries sign in the Rashi chart and also in the Aries sign in the Navamsha chart, then Sun is called Uchha Vargottama or exalted Vargottama. During the Period or Dasha of Such a Planet you will Achieve excellent Success in work and recognition in Professional Life. 

Neecha Vargottama– Any planet in its Debilitation Sign in both D1 and D9 chart is called a Neecha Vargottama. For example Moon in Scorpio Sign in both D1 chart and D9 chart is called Neecha Vargottama. 

Shubha Vargottama– A planet or the ascendant is said to be in ‘Shubha Vargottama’, when it is placed in the same sign in natal as well as in Navamsha and that sign is owned by a natural benefic planet Like Jupiter, Venus, Mercury etc. 

Sometimes the planets which are in their own house in the Rashi chart will move to the other house owned by them in Navamsha, such a position is called as Swa-Navamsha. For example, Mars is in Aries in Rashi chart but in Navamsha if Mars is posited in Scorpio then Mars is said to be in Swa-Navamsha. These Planets also give Good results according to Lordship and Karakas. 

Result of Vargottama Planets

  • When the sun is vargottam the person has leadership qualities and if it occupies
    Kendra good chances of working for the government. It will also give magnanimity of Heart. Vargottama Sun will also give you High Self respect and inner Pride. So a Person with Vargottama Sun will not bow down to anyone easily.
  • With Moon vargottam a person is emotionally intelligent and has attributes such as
    empathy, caring, feeling and healing other’s pain like a mother. Vargottama Moon has been given special importance as it will give us mental Strength and we will not break easily. This is also important as Moon has special role to play in Wealth related Yogas. 
  • With Jupiter vargottam the person is wise and righteous. They are very knowledgeable
    and always follows dharma. Moreover Vargottama Jupiter is also Good for having a child and Accumulating Wealth as child and wealth are Signification of Jupiter. 
  • With Venus vargottama a person knows how to appreciate beauty, is creative and
    artistic, having wealth and luxury. This is Good for Marital Happiness and it can give a strong Women as Life Partner. 
  • With Mars vargottam the native is courageous and valorous, always ready to take
    action. This can make Good army commander, Police officer etc. Vargottama Mars can give us benefit from Land and Real estate. 
  • With Mercury vargottama, the native is very intelligent and good in education and learning. He could be a good teacher/professor. Vargottama Mercury can also give good Business Acumen. 
  • With Saturn vargottam, the native might be very Strict and follows discipline and Routine. Such a Person does his work with utmost sincerity and responsibility. They are good in management and administration.

If any chart has more than 2 or 3 Vargottama Planets, Such a Chart is Special and needs more Attention.

Debraj Ray is an Engineer by Profession and astrology student from last 30 years. More than three thousand people have consulted him. He has Vast experience in vedic Astrology, Nadi astrology, Divisional Chart Like- Navamsa, Dasamsa etc. you can reach him on debraj.1@gmail.com

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