Mars in 7th house in Navamsa chart
Navamsa or D9 chart is a very important Divisional chart mainly used for Marriage, Luck, overall Fortune and Spiritual Advancement. So the 7th house of Navamsa is the most important house for Prediction of Marriage, Spouse and Relationship. The 7th house of Rasi chart is what desire in our life and 7th house of Navamsa is what we actually get. Mars is a very Aggresive and Fiery Planet. So its placement in the 7th house of Navamsa is not considered good as it can increase Fights and Friction within the couple.
But the results will change with the influence of other planets on Mars.
Read: How to read Navamsa chart
Mars in 7th house Navamsa Spouse Apperance
- Mars is the Planet of Aggression, Energy and Raw Power. So when Mars is placed in the 7th house of Navamsa, it will give a Partner who will have Good height, Sharp Eyes and very Prominent Nose.
- If Mars is Strong in the 7th house of Navamsa, The Female Native will get a Partner with a very Masculine Figure.
- Your Spouse will have a well built physique and Who will have a slim & athlete like physique. In Case of Male, you will get a Tall and Slim wife.
- Mars in the 7th house of Navamsa can make your Partner a Sports Lover.
- Mars generally gives a Medium fair or wheatish complexion. But If Rahu or Saturn comes in conjunct with Mars in the 7th house of D9 chart, It Can give Dark complexion to your Spouse.
- A Femal will get a very Attractive and Good Looking Spouse with Mars in the 7th house of Navamsa.
- Read: Physical Apperance of Future Spouse from Horoscope
Results of Mars in 7th house Navamsa
Mars is the planet of action, energy, and aggression. When it is placed in the 7th house of Navamsa or D9 chart, it can indicate a spouse who is strong, assertive, and passionate. Mars is not good for Marital Happiness as it will increase fights and friction. But if Jupiter or Sun is with Mars, the negative results will be controlled to Some extent. Here is a List of expected Results.
- Mars is a Hot and Fiery Planet. So Mars in the 7th house of D9 chart Can Make your Spouse Impulsive too.
- Mars is the planet of aggression. so its placement in the 7th house of Navamsa can indicate a spouse who is quick to anger and may even be physically aggressive. They may be someone who is always ready to fight for what they believe in, even if it means getting into a physical altercation.
- Mars is also a planet of short temper. so its placement in the 7th house of D9 chart can indicate a spouse who is easily angered and may lash out verbally or physically. They may have difficulty controlling their anger.
- Mars is the planet of rigidity and inflexibility. so its placement in the 7th house can indicate a spouse who is unwilling to compromise or Adjust. They may have difficulty admitting when they are wrong. Your Spouse will not be able to make adjustment and compromise easily after Marriage.
- It is also a planet of Ego and dominance. so Mars in the 7th house can indicate a spouse who is dominant and Egoistic. They may be someone who likes to be in control and make the decisions. They may not be very supportive of their partner.
- Mars is associated with sports and physical activity. so its placement in the 7th house can indicate a spouse who is a sports lover. They may be someone who is very active and enjoy Outdoor games.
- They Will be Very competitive and enjoys winning. They have strong will power to overcome any obstacles and opposition.
- He or she can be very argumentative as well.
- Mars is also associated with sexuality, so its placement in the 7th house can indicate that they may have a high sex drive and they are Good in Love Making.
- if Marsis with Venus in Navamsa., the Passion and Romanticism will increase. The Mars-Venus conjunction in the 7th house of Navamsa indicates good sex Life and attraction.
- Mars in the 7th house of Navamsa indicates that your spouse can be working in a profession related to Engineering or any Technical work, Medical field, Police, Army, Navy etc.
- Marriage is Possible during the Dasha or Antardasha of Mars.
- Rahu-Mars conjunction in the 7th house is not good for Marital Happiness and Peace. This can increase Rigidity, friction and fight among the couples. It can give Divorce or Separation.
- Rahu-Mars conjunction in 7th house of Navamsa is also not good for health of your Life partner as well. Your Spouse can Suffer from Some health issues and untimely death of Partner is also Possible. So this combination creates a Second Marriage Yoga.
- Saturn-Mars conjunction in the 7th house of Navamsa is also not good for Happy Marriage. It can delay Marriage and indicates Late Marriage. This will make your Spouse very Quarrelsome
The Best remedy to reduce the negative influence of Mars is to chant Hanuman chalisa Daily or Prayer to Lord Narsimha.

Debraj Ray is an Engineer by Profession and astrology student from last 30 years. More than three thousand people have consulted him. He has Vast experience in vedic Astrology, Nadi astrology, Divisional Chart Like- Navamsa, Dasamsa etc. you can reach him on