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Childbirth in astrology

Childbirth in astrology

Childbirth in a family is considered one of the most significant Life event and our horoscope can tell us about childbirth Like whether we will face any problem or delay regarding this or when can we expect a childbirth etc.

There are certain combinations in Vedic astrology which indicates Problem related to childbirth. In such case we have to perform some remedial measure to overcome these difficulties. We will discuss some Favorable and unfavorable combinations for childbirth in astrology

Important houses in Horoscope for childbirth

5th House is the most important House for childbirth. Any Affliction by Malefic planets Like Saturn/Ketu etc can create problems but Benefic planets Like Sun/Venus/Jupiter is Good.

9th house is the second most important house for having children. This is the house of Fortune and it is obvious that only a fortunate person gets the happiness of children.

11th house is another important house for childbirth in astrology. 11th house is the house of Success and fulfillment of desire. So without the help and support of 11th house and 11th Lord, you can not get a children.

Important Planets in Astrology for childbirth

Jupiter: It is the natural Significator for children in Vedic astrology. So We Should Always Judge the condition of Jupiter in the Horoscope. Any Affliction and Weakness of Jupiter is not good for childbirth in astrology.

Sun: Sun is the Ruler of 5th house in the Natural Zodiac. Further Sun is the Planet of Life and Energy. So Sun also Plays a Very Vital Role.

Mars: Mars is the Ruler of 8th house Scorpio in the Natural Zodiac. 8th house is the House of Sexual Organ or House of Conception. For Man, it is the Manly Energy which is required for Reproduction.

Venus: This is Another Important Planet as It indicates female Sex Organ and Also it is the Semen in the Male. It is the Planet of Love and Sex. So Any kind of Problem or weakness of Venus Can Cause Difficulty in childbirth.

Combinations for childbirth in astrology

5th Lord is responsible for childbirth. Along with that Sun and Jupiter are another two important planets which are equally important for having a child. Weakness of these grahas will cause delay, problem and Medical intervention during Pregnancy. Now Lets discuss some Favorable combinations which indicates the happiness of child in Horoscope.

  • The 5th House and 5th Lord Should be Free from Any Affliction. Planets Like Jupiter, Sun, venus is Good for having childbirth. Malefic Planets Like Ketu, Saturn Should not be Placed in the 5th house.
  • But Rahu is not bad for childbirth as Rahu is the planet of expansion. So Rahu in 5th house is good for childbirth. Sun is also not a Melfic planet for childbirth.
  • The 5th lord in 2nd house can bless you children Without Much Difficulty. The 5th Lord in Kendra Houses Like 4th house, 7th, 10th House or in trikone house in 1st or 9th House Without Affliction is Good and You should get a child without any significant trouble or Problem.
  • The conjunction of 5th Lord and 9th Lord or Sign exchange between 5th Lord and 9th Lord is good for childbirth.
  • The conjunction of Jupiter and Sun is good combination for childbirth.
  • The condition of the 5th Lord in Navamsa and also in D7 chart Should be checked. The 5th Lord of D1 chart Should not be Debilitated or Weak or Afflicted in D9 chart or D7 chart. The Main Divisional chart for Progeny or childbirth is D7 chart.
  • Read: How to Judge Navamsa chart
  • The 5th house of D7 chart Should be free from Malefic planets and occupied by Planets Like Jupiter, venus, Mercury for progeny.
  • The Ascendant Lord of D7 chart should be strong and well placed for a childbirth without any problems. The ascendant Lord of D7 chart should be in 1st, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th and 11th house in D7 chart and D1 chart.
  • The conjunction of 5th Lord and Ascendant Lord or if 5th Lord is in 1st house or Ascendant Lord is in 5th house, it indicates Happiness from child and it can give more than one children.

Problems in childbirth as per vedic astrology

Saturn, Ketu and Mars can create Problems and Delay in childbirth. Mercury is also not considered auspicious here as Mercury is a eunuch Planet. So the presence of Saturn or Ketu in the 5th house can give delay and obstacles in childbirth.

If the 5th Lord of D1 chart is debilitated in D9 chart or D7 chart, it indicates Problems in having children.

If 5th Lord is combust due to close conjunction with Sun or if 5th Lord is Afflicted by ketu and also weak in D9 chart, it shows Problems related to childbirth.

Sun is conjunct with Rahu or Ketu or Saturn can give delay in having children. If the Conjunction is very close within 5-10 degree, Problems can be very serious.

If Jupiter is retrograde or Afflicted by Rahu or Ketu, Retrograde 5th Lord, Retrograde or Affliction of Putrakaraka is not good and indicates some difficulty in childbirth.

If the Ascendant Lord of D7 chart or 5th Lord of D7 chart is debilitated or Retrograde or Afflicted by Rahu/Ketu and 5th house is also occupied by Malefic planet Like Ketu or Rahu or Saturn or Atmakaraka planet, indicates some past Life Karmic result regarding childbirth.

The placement of 5th Lord of D1 chart in Barren Navamsa Signs Like Gemini or Virgo is not considered Good.

If Mars joins Jupiter and Venus in 8th, a women Can Face abortions or Complications During Pregnancy Specially if the 5th Lord is in the Star of 8th or 12th Lord.

If Ketu is Transiting over the 5th house During the Pregnancy, Complications or Problems Like Miscarriage or Abortion is Possible.

If the 5th Lord is in 8th house and in the Star of Mars or Rahu, it can give problem Like Miscarriage or Abortion.

If there is conjunction or Mutual Aspect of Saturn- Mars is Present in the Horoscope and If 5th house is also Occupied by Malefic Like Rahu or Ketu, Abortion or Miscarriage is Possible.

Timing of Childbirth

If Your chart do not have any Malefic yoga, You will have children without any Problem. But if your chart has some negative yoga and also some positive yoga, if the Positive yogas are stronger you will have own child.

Childbirth is possible during the Dasha of 5th Lord or planets placed in the 5th house.

The dasha of planets placed in the 5th house of D7 chart or Ascendant of D7 chart is Favorable for childbirth.

The Vimsottari Dasha of Putrakaraka Planet or The Chara Dasha of Putrakaraka Planet is Favorable for chidlbirth. The chara dasha of the Signs aspected by Putrakaraka Planet (Rashi Drishti) is also Good.

If both Jupiter and Saturn transit to 5th house, Double transit to 5th house, is good time to have a child or conceive a child.

When Jupiter is transiting over the Natal Sun, it is also a Good time for having a child.

Now Lets discuss a chart to understand these Principles.

In this chart the 5th Lord Mercury is well placed in Kendra House without any Affliction. The 5th Lord Mercury and Lagna Lord Venus are conjunct. This is also a Good yoga. Jupiter-Sun conjunction is also a Favorable Yoga. The 5th Lord Mercury is free any Affliction in Navamsa and D7 chart. But in the D7 chart the Ascendant Lord Mars is debilitated and 5th house has Sun-Rahu combination. This shows Some delay in childbirth. So the person has got a children at the age of 40.

In his chart Saturn is Putrakaraka planet and it is placed in the Libra. His child was born in the Saturn-venus Period. Saturn is the Putrakaraka and venus is the Lagna Lord. so this is a Favorable period for having a child. He was also going through the Chara Dasha of Saggitarius – Taurus Period and his wife conceived during the Saggitarius – Aquarius Period. Aquarius is the sign ruled by Putrakaraka Saturn and Taurus is the Sign aspected by putrakaraka Saturn (Rashi drishti as per Rishi Jaimini).

In this way we can check the possibility and also timing of childbirth with the Help of Vedic astrology.

Debraj Ray is an Engineer by Profession and astrology student from last 30 years. More than three thousand people have consulted him. He has Vast experience in vedic Astrology, Nadi astrology, Divisional Chart Like- Navamsa, Dasamsa etc. you can reach him on debraj.1@gmail.com

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