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Foreign Travel and Foreign Settlement in Astrology

Foreign Travel and Foreign Settlement in Astrology

Foreign Travel is a dream for a Lot of Young Indians. But there are only few fortunate who can travel Abroad. Our planets and Stars plays a crucial role in this as well. Let us try to understand the astrological combinations for Foreign Travel in Astrology.

The First and most important principle of checking foreign travel in astrology is that the 4th house which represents our home Land or our Home, will be Weak and Afflicted. Because if the 4th house is not weak or Afflicted, it will not allow us to go abroad. Only a Weak and Afflicted 4th house will give us Foreign Travel. 

Now a days due to Technology Boom in India many of the Engineers or Doctors are going to abroad for short duration say 1-2 years. But there are few persons who does not return to country and settle abroad. So we will also see the combinations of foreign settlement in Astrology. 

The astrological combinations for permanent Foreign settlement or getting PR in a Foreign country is a little bit different than general indication of Foreign Travel. 

The purpose of traveling is also Important. For example if you are traveling abroad due to Job or Due to higher study etc. Different planets are involved for different purpose.  Though there are multiple combinations mentioned in ancient astrological text but here we are going to discuss only the most important ones and I have personally tested these Foreign travel yogas in numerous charts. 

At first we have to check the important zodiac Sign and their Strength in the Horoscope. Watery Signs and Moveable Signs are very important for Foreign Travel. Next we have to check the condition of the most important planets in Foreign travel and Lastly we will check the important houses for going abroad. Only after Analyzing their strength and their condition we can come into conclusion.

Important zodiac signs for Foreign Travel Calculation

In astrology, the 12 zodiac Signs are divided in three groups- Moveable, Fixed and Dual. For foreign Travel Chara Rashi or Movable signs are most important. Movable Sign means-the tendency to change is high in these signs. So when any Planets are placed in these signs, they give a tendency to change Place, Residence, Job , country etc. 

Read: How to know about Job change from Birth chart

The Moveable Signs are- Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. So these Signs and planets in these Signs are very important for Foreign Travel and Foreign Settlement. 

Dual Sign can give short term foreign travel. Like if you have multiple planets in Dual sign, you may go to abroad frequently but for very short duration may be like one month. Dual Signs Are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. 

The 12 zodiac signs are further divided according to quality or Tatwa of the Rashi. They are -Fiery sign, Earthy Sign, Airy Sign and watery Signs.

Fiery Sign-Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

Earthy Sign-Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.

Airy Sign-Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.

Watery Sign-Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

Watery Signs like Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are specially Very important for Traveling Abroad. For going to foreign countries we need to cross seas. So watery signs are of so much importance. Cancer is both Movable and Watery sign. Pisces is Watery Sign and Dual Sign. More over cancer is the 4th house of the Natural zodiac and Pisces is the 12th house of the natural zodiac. So cancer and Pisces has special importance in astrology for calculating Foreign Travel.

Important Planets for Foreign Travel and Foreign settlement in astrology

There are four main planets which helps a person to travel abroad or going out of own country-Rahu, Ketu, Moon and Jupiter. We have to see these 4 planets and their connection with proper houses in Horoscope for going abroad.

  • Rahu- Rahu is the Most important planet for travel abroad. It is the Significator of Foreign country or anything related to Foreign connection. If Rahu is well placed, it can give Foreign Travel in its Dasha. When Rahu is conjunct with 7th lord, 8th lord, 9th lord or 12th lord, it can indicate foreign travel in astrology. Rahu in Lagna or 7th can also give travel abroad.
  • Ketu- Ketu is also related with Foreign Travel but the Stays or journey can be for short duration. Rahu indicates Long duration stay or Permanent Foreign Settlement in foreign country whereas ketu indicates Short Duration Stay in Foreign country.
  • Moon- Moon being the natural 4th Lord, Moon is also equally important when judging Foreign settlement in astrology. According to classics when Moon is placed in Kendra(1,4,7,10) the person can travel a lot within country as well as outside of country. Moon in Watery sign specially when conjunct with Rahu can give foreign travel in astrology. Moon in 8th, 9th or 12th, specially exalted Moon in 12th can indicate foreign settlement in astrology.
  • Jupiter- Jupiter is also important planet for Foreign travel. Jupiter Rules two most important houses of Kalchakra or Natural zodiac- 9th house and 12th house. This shows that Jupiter has a very important role in Foreign Settlement.

Important House in astrology for Foreign Travel and Foreign Settlement

  • 12th house of Horoscope is the most important house for Foreign travel and Foreign Settlement. 12th house indicates Foreign Land or Far from home. So a Strong 12th house can give Foreign Travel and permanent Foreign Settlement, PR etc. 
  • Another important house is 9th house. The 9th House Signify fortune, Luck, Long Journeys or long distance travel etc. A Strong 9th house can give Prosperity in Foreign country. So this is another important house for foreign travel in astrology.
  • 3rd House indicates Short travel and displacement. It is 12th house from 4th house indicating Loss of Homeland or Leaving our own house. It is not directly connected with foreign travel always but it gives a tendency or inclination towards travel.
  • The Next important house is Lagna or Ascendant. Lagna is our physical existence. Without the approval of Lagna nothing can happen in our Life. So if Lagna Lord makes a relation with 12th lord or Lagna Lord sits in the 12th house, it is a strong indication of foreign travel in astrology. If this relations happen in Watery sign Like cancer, Pisces etc or Movable signs like Libra or Capricorn the chances are very high.
Foreign Travel astrology

Astrological Combinations for Foreign Travel and Foreign Settlement

For Predicting Foreign Travel, at first we have to See if yogas or combinations for going abroad is present in the horoscope or Not. The Most prominent Foreign Travel Yoga in kundali is discussed below. 

  • A group of Planet like 4 or 5 planet in 9th house of 12th house is a strong indication towards foreign travel in astrology.
  • If Lagna lord makes a relation with 12th lord or Lagna Lord sits in the 12th house, it is a strong indication of foreign travel in astrology. Ascendant Lord in 12th house increases possibility of Living abroad.
  • Whenever 4th House is afflicted and 4th Lord is placed in Dusthana Like 6, 8 or 12th house, the native leaves his or her homeland to settle abroad. For Traveling abroad the 4th house from Lagna, 4th house from Moon and 4th house from Navamsa Lagna should be afflicted by Malefic planets Like Sun/Mars/Saturn/Rahu/Ketu. 
  • Read : Role of Navamsa chart
  • When the 4th house is Afflicted and weak, it shows success away from homeland. 
  • If the 9th or the 12th house of a Horoscope falls in Moveable or Watery signs or the 9th & 12th lord is placed in Movable or watery signs Foreign Travel is indicated. For example If the 4th Lord is placed in the 9th house with 12th lord and the sign is also Movable or watery signs, it is a indication of Foreign Travel for higher education.
  • If there is Planets Like Moon or Ketu is in 3rd house, it can give a Lot of Traveling. If the 3rd Lord makes a relation with 12th lord and 9th lord by aspect, conjunction or Exchange it is strong Yoga for foreign Travel.
  • Planets Like Rahu or Moon or Jupiter or Saturn in 12th house will give you Foreign travel. This will further increase if there is more than one planets in the 12th house. Rahu and Saturn in 12th house increases chances of Long term Foreign Stay. 
  • The conjunction of Rahu- Moon or Rahu- Jupiter conjunction in a moveable Sign or in Watery Sign can also give you Foreign travel and Settlement. 
  • The 4th house from Lagna, the 4th house from Moon and the 4th house from Navamsa Lagna must be afflicted by Malefic planets Like Rahu/Ketu/Mars/Saturn. Malefic planets in 4th house is helpful for Foreign journey whereas Benefic planets Like Jupiter or Mercury in 4th house is not good for Foreign Travel. 
  • Lagna Lord in 12 thouse or 3rd house or in 9th house is Favorable for Foreign Travel. If the Lagna Lord and 12th Lord conjunct in 12th house or 3rd house or 9th house, it creates a very strong yoga for Foreign Travel.
  • If your chart has connection or Relation between 9th house or 9th Lord with 12th house or 12th Lord, but the 4th house is not afflicted or not Linked in any way, you are likely to travel abroad but return to your homeland after a few years. Conversely, if the 4th house is afflicted by Saturn, Rahu, or Ketu, there is a strong possibility of permanent foreign settlement. Additionally, if the Ascendant lord has a strong connection with the 9th and 12th houses in a moveable Sign or Watery Sign, the chances increases Significantly
  • We have to check D4 chart as well. D4 chart is the Divisional chart related to Foreign travel. In the D4 chart if 12th Lord is in 4th house, it indicates Foreign Settlement. 
  • Planets Like Rahu/Ketu and Saturn in the 4th house of D4 chart is Favorable for Foreign Travel. 
  • If the 9th and 12th Lord of D4 chart are conjunct, it can give permanent Foreign Settlement. 
  • 12th Lord of D1 chart in the 4th house of D4 chart is also a good Yoga for Foreign Travel and Foreign Settlement. 

Purpose of Foreign Travel

The purpose of travel—whether for studies, pleasure, Job etc depends upon relevant bhavas and planetary influences.
  • you will travel abroad for career or Profession when 10th house or 10th Lord is associated with 12th house or 12th Lord.
  • When your 7th house or 7th Lord of D1 and D9 chart is connected with 12th house or 12th Lord, it Shows traveling abroad due to Marriage or Business etc. This is a strong Yoga for Permanent Foreign Settlement After marriage.
  • If the 5th house or 9th house is associated with 12th house or 12th Lord, it shows Foreign travel due to Higher Studies. 
  • When the 12th Lord of D10 chart is in the 10th house of D10 chart or if 10th Lord of D10 chart is in 12th house of D10 chart, it indicates Success when working in Foreign country. 

Read : D10 chart or Dasamsa chart analysis

In this way, we can understand the purpose or reason of traveling abroad. 

Success in Foreign Land in astrology

  • If the 12th Lord is Strong and if there is good connection between 9th Lord and 12th Lord, it shows good fortune through Foreign Connection.
  • If the 12th house has more than 30 Ashtakvarga point, it indicates fortune in Foreign country.
  • Exalted Rahu in 12th house will give you gains from Foreign country.
  • 3 or more planets in the 12th house also indicates Success in Foreign country.  

Want to Know about your Foreign Journey ?

Book your Personalized Horoscope Analysis to know about Foreign Travel or Foreign Settlement.  

Permanent Foreign Settlement in the US or Canada or UK or Germany

Some astrological combinations indicate settlement in Western countries like the US or Canada. If the Signs Which indicates Western Direction Like Gemini or Libra and Aquarius, is very Strong and occupied by Multiple planets, Possibility of Foreign Settlement in Western Countries Like USA or Canada will increase. Involvement of Western Direction Signs in creating the Yogas for Foreign Settlement indicates traveling in countries in Western Direction Like US or Canada. 

If the zodiac Signs which indicates Northern Direction Like Cancer or Scorpio or Pisces are very Prominent, it will increase the possibility of traveling and Settlement in European Countries Like UK or Germany etc. Involvement of Northern Direction Signs in creating the Yogas for Foreign Settlement indicates traveling in countries in Northern Direction Like Uk or Germany or Netharlands. 

If the zodiac Signs Which indicates Sounthern Direction Like Taurus  or Virgo or Capricorn is very Prominent in the Horoscope, Possibility of traveling and Settlement in countries Like Australia will increase. Involvement of Southern Direction Signs in creating the Yogas for Foreign Settlement indicates traveling in countries in Southern Direction Like Australia. 

Timing for Foreign Travel Yoga in Kundali

Rahu and ketu Dasha is most promising and Favorable period for Foreign Travel. If you are going through Rahu Mahadasha, your chances of traveling abroad is high. After Rahu, the Mahadasha of Jupiter and Saturn is good for foreign journeys. 

The Vimsottari Dasha of 12th Lord is another Favorable time for Foreign Travel. Dasha or Antardasha of the 9th or 12th house lord can give you Long distance journey including Foreign Journey. 

When will i get PR -permanent residency- When will i Settle abroad

If you are in Foreign country and want to know when you will get PR, the first thing we have to see in your Horoscope that if you have strong yoga for Permanent Foreign Settlement or not. If your chart do not have strong yoga for Foreign Settlement, You can not get a PR. 

Next we must see if your chart indicates returning to home land within 1-2 Years. In that case also possibility of getting a PR is Less. 

when your chart indicates permanent Foreign Settlement and a Long duration Foreign stay, You can get PR during the Dasha of 3rd Lord or When When Jupiter transits over 3rd or 9th or 12th house.

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Case Study for Foreign Settlement and Foreign travel

Now Lets analyze few charts for Foreign travel and Foreign Settlement. 

Foreign travel in astrology

In this chart 4th house is afflicted. The 4th house is aspected by 12th lord Saturn. This is Good for Foreign Travel. 

There is an Exchange between 10th and 12th lords, which gives us an indication that this person can have a career abroad or he can travel abroad for Work. His 4th house is also connected with 12th lord. So he went abroad. 

In D4 Scorpio is rising. Saturn which is the 12th lord of D1 is placed in 4th house of D4 chart. His 9th and 12th lords of D4 are conjunct. This is also Good for Foreign travel and Settelment.  He Went abroad in dashas of Ra- Ven and then again in Ra- Moon Period. 

Case Study-2

This person is Working and Staying in London. 

Foreign Settlement in Astrology

If We see this Horoscope, we find that the 4th house is occupied by Mars and 4th house from Moon is occupied by ketu which afflicts the 4th house and indicates Success away from homeland. The 12th house is occupied by strong Saturn in the Nakshatra of Rahu. It indicates Foreign travel. If We See the D4 chart, the 12th Lord Mars is in 4th house. This is also a Good yoga for Foreign Travel. Due to these Favorable yoga the person Traveled London in the Rahu Dasha and settled in London now. 

So in this way, we can find out if the horoscope has strong yoga for Foreign Settlement. 


Traveling abroad has become much easier now a days. So if your chart has few of the above mentioned yogas, you can travel Foreign country. But how long will be your stay will depend upon Dasha and transit of planets. 

Know about your Horoscope- Foreign Travel, Foreign Settlement, Career, Finance

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Debraj Ray is an Engineer by Profession and astrology student from last 30 years. More than three thousand people have consulted him. He has Vast experience in vedic Astrology, Nadi astrology, Divisional Chart Like- Navamsa, Dasamsa etc. you can reach him on debraj.1@gmail.com

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