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Career Prediction by Date of Birth- When will you get a job as per Astrology

The question "When will I get a job?" is one of the most common questions asked to any astrologer. Indian Astrology, commonly known as vedic astrology, has very good Rules using which we can predict different events Like getting a Job or Promotion or Job change etc effectively. Here we are going to discuss how planets in your Horoscope can shape your Professional Life.

If you do not choose a Suitable Career, You will face problem in your professional Life. You will not Get Success and Satisfaction Easily.

Career Prediction by Date of Birth & Job astrology

Astrology can be of immense help in predicting Job Opportunities and Career Path. By Analyzing planets in our Horoscope, Dasha etc We can know when will I get a job and how much Success we can achieve in that Job too.

Job astrology mainly predicts the career related events and provides necessary guidence to improve our Career. It will help us to make informed decisions and navigate our professional journey with confidence.

The 2nd, 6th, 10th, and 11th houses are crucial in assessing career prospects. The 2nd house relates to personal resources and income, the 6th house pertains to service and employment, the 10th house signifies career and public life, and the 11th house represents gains and Success.

In Astrology -The Sixth House, 10th House are most important house for Job and these houses are called Artha Trikona as they indicate how we manage our resources or How we earn our Livelihood.

  • 10th House- This is the house of Karma or career. This house indicates our profession, status and reputation. The planet ruling this house and planets placed here are vital for Our career.
  • 6th House- It represents our daily work environment, job, service, competition, enmity etc. This is the most important house for Job.
  • 2nd House- This is the House of Finance and indicates our Accumulated Wealth from our Work. 
  • 11th house- This is the House of Gain and Success. It indicates our Success and Achievments in our Job. So the planet rulling this House and Occupied this house will have a Say in our Career.
  • 7th house- This is the most important house for Business in astrology. So the planets in the 7th house, 7th Lord and their relationship will indicate our Success in Business. So a Strong 7th house will give us a career in Business or Self employment. Apart from seventh, 8th house is all about partnership Business. 

    Saturn is the planet for Job. Though Saturn is the Natural Significator for Profession but it also indicates Job or Working under someone. Mercury is the Most important planet for Business as it is the natural Significator of Business. That is why Mercury has become a very important planet for Money and wealth in present day because maximum wealth can only be accumulated by Business. 

We Should also use D10 chart or Dasamsha chart for predicting about our Job. D10 is the Divisional chart Specifically for Career. With D10 chart along with your birth chart or D1 chart can give a Lot of information about our Job and Career. 

Minute Analysis of D1 and D10 chart can tell us which Job is most suitable for us and Which profession will give us maximum Success. Not only that astrology can also tell us job or Business which is most Suitable. Planets Position in Horoscope, Dasha and Transit can also indicate about Job change or Switch our Job, When we can face trouble and difficulty in our Work etc. 

Job astrology

Prediction of Career and Job from Astrology

Planets in the 10th house of D1 chart, D9 chart and D10 chart will influence our Career. These planets will determine which Job we should select and Which field we should go.

Sun: Sun in 10th house is a Very Auspicious Placement as Sun gets Directional Strength in this house. It will Give you Authority, Position and Status in your Career. Sun in 10th house is good for a job in Govt Organisation. It can give you a Job Like Administrative work, Doctor, Project Management, Politician etc.

Moon: Moon in 10th house Will give you a Lot of changes in your Career. You will Travel a lot due to your work. It is also good for State Level Government Job. If Moon is Strong, it will give you Very Good Success in Glamour Industry. It can give you a Job Like Doctor or in medical field, Human resource, Sales and Marketing, Makeup Artist, Human Resource, Shipping industry etc. 

Mars: Mars in 10th house is a Good Placement for Career. Mars Gets Directional Strength in 10th house and Hence Becomes Very Strong. It will make you very Careerist and Ambitious. Mars in 10th house can give you Career in Army, Police, Engineering or Anything Related to Machine, Administrative Work, Surgeon etc.

Mercury: Mercury in the 10th house will give you intellectual Work. If Mercury is connected with 7th house or 7th Lord, it is also good for Self employment or business. The 10th House Mercury can give you a job Like Marketing, Mass communication and Journalism, Lawyer, Chartered Accountant, Cost Accountant, Economist etc.

Jupiter: Jupiter in the 10th house is generally not considered Good. It will make you honest and you will be interested for any Noble Profession. But Jupiter in 10th house can not take you to the Highest Position in Your Career Alone. Jupiter in 10th house can give you profession Like Teaching, Lecturership, Trainer, Consultant, Judge etc. 

Saturn: Saturn in 10th house is Good if it is Strong. It can Give you Very Good Success in your Profession. But Saturn is the Planet of Delay. So Success in Career will come with some delay. Saturn in the 10th house can give you Job in Steel and Iron industry, Business Management, Lawyer, clerical work, Hard Working and Low Profile Job etc.

Venus: Many Celebrity are Born with Venus in 10th house. This is a Good Placement for a Successful career. Venus is the Planet of Creativity. So Venus in 10th house can give you Career in Acting, Modeling, Painting, Fashion Designing, Graphics Designing, Financial Sector, Public Relationship etc.

Ketu: Ketu in the 10th house is good for Job in Research Oriented work, Pharma or Medicine, Electronics or Computer Engineering etc. 

Which career is Better -Job or Business as Per Astrology

It is a Very Common question which people often ask, Whether we should do Business or Job ?

Some People Go for Job and feel Satisfied in it. But Some people does not feel Satisfied in Job. So even if they Start a career with Job, After Some time they Will Go for Business. Your Horoscope and Planetary Combination in the Horoscope will indicate Job or Business, which is Most Suitable for You.

If our Horoscope is Strong and Maximum Planets are well placed in both Natal Chart as well as other Divisional Charts, We Should Go for Business. Otherwise, Job is Most Suitable.

If the Ashtakvarga Points in 7th house is Higher than the Sixth house, Business will be better than Job. 

The 6th House is the Main House for Job and 7th house is the Main House for Business. If 6th house is Stronger than 7th house, You Will be more Successful in Job and if 7th house is Stronger, You will be more Successful in Business.

If the 10th Lord and 10th House is connected with 6th house or 6th Lord, Job is Suitable for you. But if 10th Lord or 10th house is connected with 3rd or 7th Lord or house, Business Will be better for you.

In the D10 chart if Mercury is in 10th house or if 7th Lord is in 10th house or 10th Lord is in 7th house, it creates a strong yoga for Business. 

But we must see the upcoming Dasha and transits as well. If the Dasha and transits are not Favorable and does not indicate Success in Business, we Should not venture into it. 

When Will i get a Job according to Astrology

Dasha and Transit will determine when we will get a Job. But before that we must see if our chart indicates delay in getting a Job or not. If the 10th house is Occupied by Planets Like Ketu or Saturn, it shows that you have to wait for Some time to get a Job after completion of your education. Ketu and Saturn are the planets of Delay. If you have planets Like Sun, Moon or Mars in the 10th house, it shows that you will get a Job quickly after completion of your Study.

To determine the timing of getting a job through astrology, We should analyze the planetary positions and their combinations in the horoscope, using Dasa, Antar dasha and transit. We are going to Discuss a Step by step method.

  • Check the Dasha Periods : Look for the Dasha periods that signify combinations related to career, specifically the combinations of houses 2, 6, 10, and 11. The presence of these combinations in the Dasha can indicate favorable times for job opportunities. So You can get a Job if you run the Dasha of  10th Lord, 11th Lord, 2nd Lord and 6th Lord or planets placed in these houses in the Suitable time.
  • if the Dasa planets signify combinations involving the 8th or 12th houses, it may indicate obstacles or delays in securing employment. The 8th and 12th houses are associated with misfortunes and losses. 
  • We must see the Mahadasha Lord and the antardasha Lord both.  
  • We Should also check the Chara Dasha of Amatyakaraka planet. The Chara Dasha of the Sign where your amatyakaraka planet is placed in D1 chart or in D10 chart, is suitable for getting a Job. 
  • The transit must be Supportive as well. Along with Favorable Dasha, We also need a favorable transit to get a job as well. Favorable transits of benefic planets through the 2nd, 6th, 10th, or 11th houses can enhance the chances of getting a job.  Examine the transits of planets that signify the same combinations (2, 6, 10, 11). The transiting planets should either:
    • Conjunct in one house,
    • Mutually aspect each other
    • Transit over the significator houses (2, 6, 7, 10, 11)
    • Transit over their natal positions
  • When both Jupiter and Saturn transit over our 10th house, We can Land a Job. This is known as Double transit and this triggers the event. This is a Bhrigu Nadi Principle.
  • The time when Jupiter and Saturn transit over the 10th Lord is good for getting a Job.
  • A job opportunity is likely to manifest when:
    • A transiting planet signifying 2, 6, 10 or 11 transits exactly over the natal degree of a planet signifying these houses.

By combining these astrological techniques, We can make a more accurate prediction regarding the timing of a new job.

Predicting Promotion in job

A strong connection between 2nd house, 10th house, 6th house and 11th houses can indicate favorable conditions for promotion. We should Look for combinations involving the planets that signify success and authority, such as Jupiter (expansion and good fortune) and the Sun (authority and recognition) or conjunction of 9th and 10th Lord creating dharma karmadhipati yoga. 

The Dasa of planets that signify the 10th or 11th houses is active, it may indicate a period Favorable for promotion. For instance, if Jupiter or the Sun is in Dasa and is favorably placed in relation to the 10th house, it can indicate a promotion during that time. The Planets placed in the 10th house of D10 chart or in the Lagna of D10 chart is very Significant for Career Success and can give us Promotion in their Dasha. 

We Should also check the transits of significant planets over the natal positions of the 10th and 11th houses. Positive transits, especially from benefic planets like Jupiter, can enhance the chances of receiving a promotion.

Know Job change from Astrology

The third house is Associated with Job transfer, changes and Short travel. So the Dasha of the 3rd Lord of D10 chart or Planets placed in the 3rd house of D10 chart can bring Job change.

If the 10th house and 10th Lord is in Chara Dasha or in a Movable Sign, it Shows multiple change in job or career. The Dasha of 5th Lord or 9th Lord is important for Job change. As 5th house is the 12th from 6th house. So it can end the existing employment and Starting of a New Job. We should Identify any auspicious yogas (planetary combinations) that may indicate favorable career changes, such as Karmasidhi Yoga or Pancha Mahapurusha Yoga which can enhance career prospects.

The transiting planets, especially Jupiter and Saturn, can significantly impact career changes. For instance, if Jupiter transits over the tenth house or aspects it, it may indicate opportunities for a new job or promotion. On the other hand, malefic transits can suggest difficulties or the need to seek new employment. 

This is another important calculation that can indicate financial prospects and job changes. If benefic planets influence the Indu Lagna, it may suggest positive changes in employment, while malefic influences could indicate challenges.

Read: How to know Job change from Horoscope

Planetary combination for a Job in Astrology field

If you want to become an Astrologer or if you want to work in the field of astrology , Numerology or any other Occult Subject, you must have a strong Ketu and Mercury. An astrologer must have Skills in Mathematics and calculation. Ketu and Mercury are the planets of Mathematics, Calculation and all kinds of Analytical work. 

Ketu in the Navamsa Lagna and 10th house of Navamsa is very Good for becoming an Astrologer. Scorpio and Pisces Signs will be very Prominent in the chart of an Astrologer. 

Many great Astrologer has been born with Ketu and Mercury in the Navamsa Lagna or in the 10th house of Navamsa Lagna. 

If i Discuss my chart, I have Jupiter and Ketu in the Navamsa Lagna and i have 4 planets in the Scorpio Sign in D1 chart. Pandit Sanjay Rath ji is born with Scorpio Navamsa with Ketu in Navamsa Lagna. 

Jupiter-Mercury- Ketu conjunction in D1 chart is Good for a career in Occult field. 

If the 10th Lord is related with 5th house and 8th house, it is good for a Job in astrology related work.


Astrology can help you to select the most Suitable profession for you so that you can Achieve maximum Success in your Life. We Should always take the help of Astrology before taking any major decision because only astrology can tell us what is lying ahead and what kind of precaution we Should take. If you need any kind of Guidence regarding your Work, you can book our career consultation Service. 

Debraj Ray is an Engineer by Profession and astrology student from last 30 years. More than three thousand people have consulted him. He has Vast experience in vedic Astrology, Nadi astrology, Divisional Chart Like- Navamsa, Dasamsa etc. you can reach him on debraj.1@gmail.com

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