HomeLatest PostAshtama Shani & Kantaka Shani- Effect and remedies - Saturn Transit 2025

Ashtama Shani & Kantaka Shani- Effect and remedies – Saturn Transit 2025

In 2025 Saturn will transit to Pisces Sign and this change of transit will affect millions of People around the world. People with Leo Rashi i.e. Moon in Leo sign will start the period of Ashtama Shani after Feb 2025 when Saturn transit to Pisces. People born with Dhanu Rashi i.e. Moon in Saggitarius Sign will face the difficulty of Kantaka Shani as Saturn will enter their 4th house. So for the next 2.5 years, Leo and Saggitarius will go through Ashtama Shani and Kantaka Shani. 

Ashtama Shani and Kantaka Shani

Ashtama Shani and Kantaka Shani

When Saturn transit to the 8th house from the Natal Moon Sign or Rashi, it is known as Ashtama Shani. During this time Saturn and Moon will be in (6/8) Shashta ashtaka position. This Transit is considered challenging and associated with Various Difficulties and Obstacles.

Kantaka Shani means Saturn behaving like a thorn in the leg and the person has to limp in all activities of life. Profession/Career is hampered and finances dwindle. The transit of Saturn in the 4th, 7th and 10th signs either from Lagna, Arudha Lagna or the Moon sign is known as Kantaka Shani.

The Position of planets during our Birth is known as Natal Position of planets. But these planets keep on moving in this universe. So the current position of any planet in respect to the Natal position or Position in the Birth chart is known as Transit or Gochar. There are Some Specific transit positions mentioned in Ancient Astrology books which are very Important and trigger important events in our Life. Ashtama Shani and Kantaka Shani is one of them.

Rules to analyze Ashtama Shani and Kantaka Shani

  • Transit should be judged from Moon, Ascendant and Arudha Lagna. It is a general practise to check transit from Moon only but for acurate result we need to see it from all three.
  • Lagna is Our intelligene. So when a bad Transit like Kantaka shani ocurs from Lagna we take wrong decision and suffer due to that.
  • Arudha Lagna is how others percieve us. So when bad transit like ashtama shani occurs it affects the finance or career more.
  • Moon is our Mind. When it happens from Moon, the person suffers physically and emotionally.
  • We have to see the Ashtakvarga points of the transiting House also.
  • The impact of Ashtama Shani can be influenced by the Navamsa chart and the current dasha (planetary period) we are undergoing. A favorable dasha can help mitigate the adverse effects of this transit.
  • The overall strength and placement of Saturn in the natal chart and its aspects during the transit can also determine the intensity of the effects experienced.

Effect of Ashtama Shani and Kantaka Shani

  • As 8th is the wealth created through partnership or business, During the period of Ashtama Shani it will create problem regarding finance or possession you have with others. It will create conflict with others. At the time of need others help will not be available. So at this period do not count on any one else.You will not get any financial help from any one.
  • As 8th house indicates Sudden events, It may create some kind of sudden health problem to you specially piles related problem.
  • From 8th house saturn will aspect the second house of eating habit. So during the period of Ashtama shani you may take inappropriate Food which will cause health problem.
  • Death of some close relative may happen.
  • This phase of life will teach you how to deal with other people. You will also come to know actual worth of your own finance, relative’s, partners, people around you etc.
  • This transit of Ashtama shani can hold us in one place and We can feel restricted. It creates frustration also as it creates restriction in career and finance due to its aspect on 10th house and 2nd house too. 
  • We can feel obstruction and impediment in every sphere of life. We may have to face separation from our loved ones also.
  • This period will bring humiliation to us. There is a proverb that people who were very happy for many years will suffer during the ashtama shani. For example one may be committing a crime for many years but he will be caught and punished when the Saturn goes to 8th house from moon.
  • During the Ashtama Shani period We may face criticism for our action and troubles from relatives.  There may be unwanted wasteful expenditure which may create conflict within the family. 
  • But we have to understand that 8th house is the house of transformation. So once this transit is finished, you will come out as a better person.
  • 8th house is the house of sudden gain also. If the Saturn is favourable in Natal chart and also if the Rashi Lord i.e. the owner of the moon sign is favourable, the ashtama shani can give rise in career too. Yes of course it will make you work very hard but you will also reap the benefit of your hard work too. 

Actually this is the period of Transformation.  This period will transform us completely as a person. Ashtama Shani may prove to be fatal especially when the dasha is adverse. It will not be very much harmful if the ongoing Dasha is good and Saturn is benefic planet for the Lagna or Ascendant. When Saturn inflicts some losses, separation from relations etc these are blessing in disguise which we must accept accordingly. It is like churning of the ocean, lot of poison will come up initially but Amrita or nectar will also come at the end.

Remedies for Ashtama Shani and kantaka Shani

The Following are the most simple remedy to avoid wrath of saturn during a Bad transit like Kantaka shani and Ashtama Shani.

  • Reduce taking Alcohol, Non-Veg etc. Completely stop illicit relationship & unlawful activity.
  • Avoid arguments. Shani gives majority problems with activating your Anger & Blood Pressure.
  • Help disabled and handicap people, sick and elderly people. Do not neglect your  parents.
  • Recite Sri Rudram (especially the stanza on Chamakam) for transits of Saturn like Kantaka Sani. It works well. Else Mritunjaya Mantra can also be recited.

Shani or Saturn is called Eshwar (Shanieswar) or Shanidev because of its impartiality in performing its duties. Even Gods were not spared from the clutches of Shani as per puranas. Unlike other planets which are incharge of secondary things (wealth, career), Shani affects the primary, OUR LIFE or Longevity itself.  Shani acts like a strict judge. It not only catches the culprit but punishes them too.  So when Shani is not in our favour like during Ashtama shani or Knataka shani it is always advised to keep a clean character, avoid cheating & honour commitments.

Debraj Ray is an Engineer by Profession and astrology student from last 30 years. More than three thousand people have consulted him. He has Vast experience in vedic Astrology, Nadi astrology, Divisional Chart Like- Navamsa, Dasamsa etc. you can reach him on debraj.1@gmail.com

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