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Rahu in 8th house- Transformation of Life

Rahu in 8th house

Rahu in eighth house of our Horoscope is a placement of Transformation. In Vedic astrology Rahu is a Mysterious planet and can bring Lot of transformation in our Life. Though Most of the Ancient texts of Vedic astrology describes Negative results for Rahu in 8th house. But we should always consider that every placement bring both positive and negative result. I have seen many people with 8th house Rahu to be Successful in their Rahu Dasha.

In my experience, if the Owner of the Sign or Dispositor is Strong and well placed, Rahu generally gives Good result. 

Rahu and Ketu are indicators of our destiny revealing our past and future. The houses they occupy in the chart indicate the areas of life that will be relevant throughout a lifetime, especially in terms of the greatest lessons they offer. Rahu is our future, indicating what we came to do and achieve in this lifetime. Ketu is our past, including the karmas we carry from pervious lifetimes.

8th house of our chart is a Negative house and no planet is welcome in this house. The best Situation is an empty 8th house. So we should remember that the placement of Rahu in this house will definately bring Some challenges.

Importance of Rahu

Rahu is known as shadowy planets or Chaya Graha. It represents Mlecha or anything which is against Social Norms. It is a Great Manipulator. It represents Maya or illusion.

It is a Highly Materialistic Planet and In Kaliyuga it is very important planet for Materialistic Success and Growth. Even Kaliyug is under the control of Rahu. Film star, Politicians, Magicians etc always enjoys the blessings of Rahu.

Importance of 8th house

8th house is the house of Obtscales, transformation and hidden secrets. It Rules over Death and longevity, Research, Secret Relationship, Delay and Obstacles, Sustenance of Marriage, Sudden Gain or Loss, Inheritance etc. In a Female Horoscope 8th house is also known as Mangalya sthan or Longevity of Marriage or husband.

It is Very Difficult to understand the result of 8th house because the result is mostly Sudden and unpredictable in Nature.

Rahu in 8th house

Result of Rahu in 8th house

The Placement of Rahu in 8th house is a Difficult Position and not Considered a Favorable placement. We should always remember that Rahu and Ketu are Chaya Graha and the, results not only depend on the house but also depent on the condition of Dispositor (Lord of the Sign),  conjunction and Nakshatra. If the Owner of the Sign where Rahu is placed, it can give Favorable Results.

But remember-8th house is the House of Sudden events and whatever good or bad , it will come Suddenly and unexpectedly.

  • Rahu in 8th house will give Many Physical problem and Trouble, Stomach Problem etc. Specially in childhood, you can face Lot of Health issues. If the Lagna Lord and Lagna is weak, it causes Balarishta. Any New born baby with Such combination will face health trouble in the initial years.
  • You can engage with many enmity, quarrels and may face some humiliation.
  • You may have to spend Money unnecessarily on Court case or litigation.
  • Your family life or Married life will be adversely affected. This is not a Good Position for Marital Happiness. But if Rahu is with Strong Jupiter or the ruler of the Sign is exalted or in own Sign, theMarried Life will be stable.
  • There can be problem with In laws and bitter excahnge of words with In Laws is possible.
  • You can also face problems from Servants or employees.
  • If you have Rahu with Mars and Saturn in 8th house you will be prone to Accidents and injuries. When Rahu transit to this combination in 8th house, the possibility of Such Accidents increases.
  • Rahu is the planet of breaking barriers and insatiable desire. In the 8th house it wants to Achieve Fame and Success through its hidden talent and secret knowledge.

Positive result of Rahu in 8th house

Rahu generally Gives Favorable results in the Signs Like Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Aquarius etc. If the Lord of the Sign is Well placed, Rahu also gives Good Results. If Rahu is conjunct with Yogakaraka Planet or perticipate in any Auspicious Yoga, it will give beneficial results. The Navamsa position of Rahu is also important. 

Strong Rahu in 8th house will give you Financial Gain through Share Market and Speculative investments.

Marriage can happen in the Rahu Dasha. I have seen many people getting Married in the Rahu Dasha when it is placed in 8th house.

Rahu in 8th house can give you interest in Occult Subjects and you can learn Subjects Like Astrology, Tantra etc in the Rahu Dasha. Strong Rahu can make great Tantrics.

Rahu can give unexpected or Sudden Financial Gain or wealth through Inheritence or Lottery etc.

Rahu in 8th house is Good for Profession related to Doctor or Surgeon or Scientist, Share trader, Chartered Accountant etc. it can also give Significant Success and fame in the field of investigation and works in field Like CBI or Spy Agents, Income tax officer etc. 

This is a Good Placement for Foreign Travel and it can give us Success in Foreign Land.

Negative Results of 8th house Rahu

Rahu is weak in Signs Like Scorpio, Saggitarius, Pisces etc. A weak and Debilitated Rahu or Afflicted Rahu in 8th house can give Financial Loss through SHare Market or Lottery etc.  It can make you attarcted towards Gambling and you will waste Lot of Money on Gambling.

Weak and Afflicted Rahu in the eighth house can drag a person in problem due to Fraud, Bribe, Scandals etc. Rahu also makes you prone to theft and casual theft is possible in your house or property especially in the Rahu Dasha.

This is also not Good for Marital Happiness. Weak Rahu can give Lot of Problems and difficulty after Marriage. This placement of Rahu can give you Problems with In Laws and relatives of your Spouse.

It can also bring Secret Relationship or Affair after Marriage. If Venus is also Afflicted, possibility of Secret relationship increases.

This is also not Good for Partnership Business.

The Negative results of Rahu will reduce after the Age of 42.

Rahu in 8th house Death

8th house indicates our Longevity and planets in this house indicate the type of death we can expect. In the eighth house, the Rahu promises a peaceful and natural death, and a happy ending to the life. If Our Lagna Lord or Ascendant Lord, Sun and Moon are strong, Rahu will give a Long Life.

If Saturn is also in the 8th house with Rahu, it can give death after chronic or Long illness. Mars-Rahu combination in the 8th house can give death due to Accident, Injury, Fire etc. Sudden and Violent death is Possible when these two planets occupy the 8th house.

 Rahu in eighth house for Aries Ascendant

Scorpio is the 8th house for Aries Ascendant and Rahu is weak in Scorpio Sign. So Rahu in eighth house for Aries Ascendant is not good placement and will not give Favorable results. Rahu in this house can make us very Rigid and inflexible. Rahu in eighth house for Aries Ascendant can give trouble from Maternal Uncle if it occupy Jyestha Nakshatra. If Rahu is in Visakha Nakshatra, it can give Long distance Travel and Foreign Travel.

Rahu in eighth house for Taurus Ascendant

Saggitarius is the 8th house for Taurus Ascendant. Rahu becomes debilitated in Saggitarius Sign and become Weak. So Rahu in 8th house for Taurus Ascendant is not be good for wealth. In case of any Foreign Journey, you will not get Satisfactory result. This can make you indecisive. Rahu in the star of Sun in Sagittarius sign can cause heart problem.

Rahu in eighth house for Gemini Ascendant

Capricorn is the 8th house for Gemini Ascendant and Rahu is comfortable in Capricorn Sign. So Rahu in 8th house for Gemini Ascendant may not give much trouble or difficulty if Saturn is well placed. But it can give you some delay in your career. It can also give you traveling due to Work. If Jupiter is also placed in Capricorn with Rahu, it can give a Bad Marriage life and delay in Marriage. For Gemini Ascendant, Rahu may not give significant trouble in the 8th house as it is in a Friendly Sign.

Rahu in eighth house for Cancer Ascendant

Aquarius is the 8th house for Cancer Ascendant and it is a Friendly Sign for Rahu. Rahu in the 8th house will give favorable results for Cancer Ascendant when it is in Satabhisha Nakshatra. As Aquarius is an Airy sign and Rahu is very comfortable in Airy signs. So it will not give Significant Malefic result in Aquarius Sign. Rahu with Jupiter in 8th house can give Success in Foreign Land but can give health trouble to Father for Cancer Ascendant People. Rahu in 8th house Aquarius Sign is most Problematic in Dhanistha Nakshatra because it is owned by Mars and it can give inherent ego and Arrogance.

Rahu in eighth house for Leo Ascendant

Pisces is the 8th house for Leo Ascendant and as Pisces is a watery Sign, Rahu is not comfortable in this sign. It can give you Judgemental tendency and you will come into conclusion very quick. Rahu can give Lot of traveling and good yoga for Foreign Travel. If Rahu is in Revati Nakshatra in this house or if it is in Gandanta degree in this house, it will give Serious health Problems.

Rahu in eighth house for Virgo Ascendant

Aries is the 8th house for Virgo Ascendant and Aries is enemy Sign for Rahu. So Rahu in 8th house for Virgo Ascendant will give troubled Marriage. Rahu in this house can make you very Rigid and inflexible. It also makes you prone to Accident, injury, Operation etc and can give Sudden death due to accident or any injury etc.

Rahu in eighth house for Libra Ascendant

Taurus is the 8th house for Libra Ascendant and Rahu is very strong in Taurus Sign. So Rahu in 8th house for Libra Ascendant is good for Professions related to Medical profession, doctor, healthcare profession etc.

The owner of Taurus-Venus is the Planet of Materialistic Urge and Passion. Rahu will amplify that Passion within you. As 8th house is a Negative house, you will always look for Pleasure and Luxurious life. You may not even hesitate to waste your wealth on this account. If this Rahu is afflicted, it can give you trouble from Insurance, Finance etc.

But Rahu in the star of Rohini can give you benefit from overseas journey.

Rahu in eighth house for Scorpio Ascendant

Gemini sign is the 8th house for Scorpio Ascendant and Rahu becomes exalted in the Gemini Sign. So Rahu can give gains through Share Market and Speculative investments if Mercury is well placed. But if Mercury is weak, Rahu will give Financial Loss in Share market. As it is a Sign of communication, it can give you a tendency to manipulate and you will also face problem and difficulty due to this. But many results will depend on the Position and dignity of Mercury.

Rahu in eighth house for Saggitarius Ascendant

Cancer is the 8th house for Saggitarius Ascendant. The Placement of Rahu in 8th house for saggitarius ascendant is not good as 8th house is ruled by Moon which is an enemy planet of Rahu. Cancer is a watery Sign and it can give you a habit of drinking. This is also not a good Placement for Mother. Your mother will be always worried about you. This Placement can give you Stressful Mind.

But if owner of Cancer- Moon is exalted or strong, Rahu dasha will give you beneficial results.

Rahu in eighth house for Capricorn Ascendant

Leo is 8th house for Capricorn Ascendant and placement of Rahu in this house is not good as Leo is enemy Sign for Rahu. But if Sun is strong and well placed Rahu can make a person Famous as a Researcher or actor or Doctor. Rahu in the 8th house is not good for Capricorn ascendant as it can give trouble or ego clash with In Laws. It will create misunderstanding with Father, Seniors in Workplace etc.

If Rahu is afflicted by Mars or if ascendant Lord is not Strong, it can give Heart problems. 

Leo is the sign of Fame, power and Authority. Rahu is amplification, Maya and illusion. So if 8th house Rahu gets beneficial aspect and the condition of Sun is also good, it can make a person Politician, Film actor, Photographer etc. It will give Lot of Fame and Authority to you.

Rahu in eighth house for Aquarius Ascendant

For Aquarius Ascendant Virgo is the 8th house and Rahu is strong in virgo sign. It will give you good ability to do research. Rahu in virgo gives fine aspirations. This position of Rahu is not good for Marriage and physical Love. Rahu in the house of dicrimination can make you highly critical towards your partner and In Laws which will affect your Marriage adversely.

If Rahu is conjunct with Saturn in 8th house in Virgo, it can give health problem. The health probelm will not be easy to diagnose.

Rahu in eighth house for Pisces Ascendant

Libra or Thula is the 8th house for Pisces Ascendant and Rahu is strong in Libra Sign. venus is the owner of Libra which is friendly towards Rahu. In this sign, Rahu will not create much difficulty and problems unless it is afflicted by Planets Like Mars or Moon etc. It can give you Love relationship outside of your own caste. It will make you interested in acquiring wealth and Money. Luxurious living standard and pleasure will be on your priority list.

Celebrities with Rahu in 8th Bhava

Name of few Famous people with this placement ? there are Lot of Successful People with Rahu in this house. 

Filmstar Rajnikanth- He is the Superstar of Tamil Movies and also very Popular in Bolywood. He started his film career in the Dasha of 8th house Rahu. 

Ranbir Kapoor- He is a Superstar of Hindi Film industry and a versatile actor. 8th house Rahu helped him to achieve Success in Film and given him excellent acting Skills. 

Albert einstein – Great Scientist albert einstein had Rahu in 8th house which made him great Scientist and inventor.

These are an overall result of Rahu in the 8th house and actual result will depend on the other planets and Navamsa position.

Debraj Ray is an Engineer by Profession and astrology student from last 30 years. More than three thousand people have consulted him. He has Vast experience in vedic Astrology, Nadi astrology, Divisional Chart Like- Navamsa, Dasamsa etc. you can reach him on debraj.1@gmail.com

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