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Sun and Saturn Conjunction

Sun and Saturn Conjunction

Sun and Saturn Conjunction Happens when both the planets occupy the Same Sign. In Vedic Astrology it is not considered a good yoga but it is not always as bad as it is Portrayed. Many Famous people and celebrity are born with this Combination.

Every year Sun and Saturn stays in the Same sign for one month and during that one month period whoever will born will have this Yoga. Everyone can not experience the same impact of this combination. The Result of this conjunction will depend on the House Lordship of both Sun and Saturn, the Sign where these two planets are conjunct etc.

Both Sun and Saturn planets are bitter enemy to each other. As per vedic Mythology, Sun is Father of Saturn and Saturn is betrayed/ignored by its father Sun. But this is the Mythological part. The Main reason for the enmity is Sun isndicates King whereas Saturn is Servant or Slave, Sun is Rajasik Planet whereas Saturn is Tamasik Planet. Due to these difference in Nature, both does not go well togethor.  

Importance of Sun

Importance of Sun in astrology

Sun is the king of the Planetary Kingdom and In Modern days it represents Government. It is Very Hot, Dry and represents Fire elements. No one Can dare to go near Sun. It is Full of Ego and Pride. It represents our Soul or Atma. It gives Honour, recognition, Power, Authority etc. It also gives us Vitality and important to have a Male Progeny. 

Importance of Saturn in Astrology

Saturn is cold and extremely slow Planet. It represents discipline,structure, Hard work etc. It represents Air Elements and Servent class people or unprivileged people of the Society. It is a Strict Teacher who teaches through Punishment and make one realize the purpose of Life. It also rules over the Karma. It gives us result of our Past Deed. No one can escape from the Hands of Saturn, not even God. So it also signifies our career. So a strong and unaffiliated Saturn will help to have a good progress in Career and Professional Life.

Result of Sun and Saturn Conjunction

If both the planets are 15 degree away, the effect of this yoga will be Much Less. So when the Yoga occurs between 4 degree to 15 degree, the results will be effective.

The results will equally hold true when sun and saturn exchange houses which causes a parivartana yoga between sun and saturn or both these planets are aspecting Each other.

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If Sun and Saturn conjunction happens in the Sign of Saturn or Earthy and Airy Sign, Saturn will have the Upper hand but if this conjunction happens in the Fiery Signs or Watery Signs, Sun will have the Upper hand.

The Result of this conjunction in any Horoscope is as below.

  • Sun and Saturn conjunction in any Horoscope can give difference of Opinion with Father. The thinking of Father and Son will not Match. There can be Ego clash between father and Sun. The person who is having this combination may choose a different Line of Profession than Father. If the 9th house, 9th lord is also afflicted, the Individual may even loose his father in early age.
  • There is chances of Facing Trouble from Government as well as Lower Class People. But if Jupiter is also with this Conjunction, You will get Gain from Government or it can give a High Ranking Job or Post in Govt.
  • Sun represents Self Confidence. When Sun is conjunct with Saturn, it will inhibit and lower the self confidence of the person specially when Sun is also debilitated. Depending upon house where this conjunction happens, that aspect of Life become a life Long confusion and contradicting dilemma.
  • When Saturn is associated with Sun, it causes haughtiness among natives. The Ego of Sun is hurt by the harsh reality of Saturn. They will feel that they are burdened with so many responsibilities or duties. This will also make the person mature at an early age. Sun and Saturn conjunction makes a native toil hard in Life specially for the house where this combination is occurred.
  • Saturn gives good results if Sun is ahead of Saturn. This is a Good combination to serve the society and Government. Lawyer, Judge, Government Officials even political Leaders have this kind of Saturn and Sun Combination in 6th house, 7th house or 10th house.
  • You may have received a highly ordered and strict parental discipline in your childhood if Sun is behind the Saturn degreewise. You matured rather early and were more disciplined than other children.
  • You will not Achieve anything easily or Quickly. Saturn will ensure that whatever you Achieve, it will be through Hardwork and Struggle.

Now We will Discuss the Effect of this Yoga in different Houses.

Positive result of Sun and Saturn conjunction

This is a Good Yoga for Govt Job. If you have this Yoga in 6th house or 10th house or 2nd house, it can give you High Ranking Govt Job. This is also a Good Yoga for Judge or Judicial Work. This Yoga in these houses will help to overcome the Professional Hurdles easily. 

For Taurus Ascendant or Libra Ascendant , it can give fortune or Money after Marriage. Sun & Saturn in 7th house will bring Financial Gain through Marriage and Spouse.

The Sun-Saturn combination in Taurus or Pisces or Scorpio or Aries is good for medical profession. This yoga can make a person Doctor. 

Negative result of Sun and Saturn conjunction

Few things we must remember that while the results of this conjunction will vary according to Ascendant or House but the if Saturn is too close to Sun, it will combust. Saturn Should not be within 3 degree of Sun or Sun-Saturn Should not be in the Same Nakshatra Pada. A combust Saturn will give Problems and dissatisfaction from work. This is not good for Career Progress. 

Except Taurus, Libra and Saggitarius, this Yoga in 4th house will affect the Relationship with Mother and Health of Mother. 

This combination can also bring a Kind of Coldness between the relationship of Father and Son.

Impact of Sun-Saturn Conjunction in different House

Now We will see the Results for Different Ascendants and different House.

Sun & Saturn Conjunction in 1st House

The First Advantage of this Conjunction in 1st house is that it gives a Firmness and Determination. This combination often gives close contact with Top Braces in the Government. But it will not be easy for you to reach the Top Position in the field of Job or Business or Self employment or any other Work. Sun-Saturn conjunction in 1st house often makes you truthful, Fair Minded, Straight forward and Honest. But you can face unfair criticism and complaint from others.

Read: Learn more details of Sun and Saturn conjunction in 1st House

Sun and Saturn Conjunction in 2nd House

If Saturn and Sun are in close conjunction in 2nd House, the individual may face a lot of Health trouble. This combination may also affect the eyesight of the Native. This can also Affect the relationship with relatives and Family members adversely. 

Business related to iron, steel, placement services, petrol, diesel, lubricating oils, edible oils, machinery and machinery parts, leather, shoes and other footwear made of rubber, leather etc is Good.

People with Sun and Saturn in 2nd house can become very harsh and Argumentative during the time of fight.

Read: Learn more details of Sun and Saturn conjunction in 2nd House

Sun and Saturn Conjunction in 3rd House

As 3rd house is a Upachaya House, this is a Good placement for two Malefic Planets- Sun and Saturn. This is a Good placement for Financial Gain and Prosperity. This will make you bold and energetic. It is a Good placement for Self employment or Own Business. But they involve themselves in controversy and conflict especially during the period of Saturn and the Sun.

Sun and Saturn conjunction in 3rd house generally do not give younger Siblings.

Read: Learn more details of Sun and Saturn conjunction in 3rd House

Sun – Saturn Combination in 4th House

Sun and Saturn Conjunction in 4th house can give problem between father and Son on Property related matter. As 4th house is also the Family Happiness, Saturn-Sun yoga in 4th house can be detrimental for Family Happiness and Married Life. 4th is also the house of Education. So if Sun and Saturn conjuncts in 4th house and the are lord of Evil houses, it can break or create Problem in Basic Education.

This is not a Good Yoga for Mother as it can create chronic health problem to Mother. You should be very selective and careful with regard to friends, partners in business etc.

Sun-Saturn conjunction in 4th house can give you Legal Litigation related to Land or Property. If You have Rahu or Mars in the 3rd house, the possibility of Legal Problem related to Land will increase.

Read: Learn more details of Sun and Saturn conjunction in 4th House

Sun – Saturn Conjunction in 5th House

If Sun and Saturn do not own Good Houses or except for Aries, Taurus, Gemini Ascendants, this yoga in 5th house can give Problems and difficulty regarding childbirth. Sun and Saturn conjunction in 5th house will create obstacles in the process of Natural Pregnancy and you may have to go for IVF. 

This combination in 5th house is not good for Happiness from child and possibility of differences with Kids can increase. 

This is also not good for Love Life. In your Romantic Relationship you can face heart break or Disapointment etc. 

For Taurus, Libra, Aries and Saggitarius Ascendant, this is a Good Yoga as it will improve Financial Status and Position. This Creates Raj yoga for these Ascendants.

Read: Learn more details of Sun and Saturn conjunction in 5th House

Sun and Saturn in 6th House

Sun and Saturn conjunction in 6th house is a Good Yoga for Financial Prosperity and Work. It will make you Successful in your Professional life. It is also a Good Yoga for Govt Job. This Yoga will help you to get Success in competitive exams. 

This is also a Good yoga to defeat your enemies and obstacles. It will destroy your enemies completely. You will get easy win over court case or any kind of litigation.

This is also a Good yoga for Health. You will recover from any Health issues quickly. 

Read: Learn more details of Sun and Saturn conjunction in 6th House

Sun-Saturn Conjunction in 7th House

Sun and Saturn conjunction in 7th house can give relationship Problem with Wife/Husband. Two Enemy planet in the 7th house will destroy the Marital Happiness. If adversely Placed, it can give a sense of false ego which can cause separation in Married Life. This yoga can delay your Marriage too. For Saggitarius and Capricorn Ascendant it creates a Second Marriage yoga which will break the first Marriage. This is not good for Business Partnership too. 

Read: Learn more details of Sun and Saturn conjunction in 7th House

Sun & Saturn in 8th House

Sun and Saturn combination in 8th house can give Success in Partnership or Business if Beneficially Placed. But it is not considered to be good for Marital Happiness. Saturn and Sun both the Separative Planet, when they Occupy the 8th house it can create Serious trouble the Marriage life if other mitigating factors are not available.

You should read the Result of Saturn when Occupies the 8th Sign to know more.

But this is not a Good placement for Health, Injury or Illness. It can give chronic Health Problems. But it can give you Long Life. One of the important plus points of these two planets in the 8th house is that they ensure regular, slow and steady increase in the income.

Read: Learn more details of Sun and Saturn conjunction in 8th House

Sun – Saturn conjunction in 9th House

Sun and Saturn conjunction in 9th house can be detrimental to Father. If Sun is behind the Saturn degreewise, you can Loose your Father in early Age.

If these two planets are not in a Good sign or afflicted otherwise, it can create problem in Higher Education. As 9th is known as the House of Fortune and the strongest Trikona House, it is highly undesirable to have two such bitter enemies in this house.

For Taurus, Libra and Saggitarius Ascendant Sun-Saturn in 9th house is a Rajyoga which will give Good Career, Financial Success and Higher Studies. For Gemini Ascendant this yoga in 9th house will give Long Distance journey and Foreign Travel.

Read: Learn more details of Sun and Saturn conjunction in 9th House

Sun and Saturn combination in 10th House

Sun and Saturn conjunction in 10th house is Very Good for materialistic Prospect. Sun gets Directional Strength in 10th house and Saturn being the Significator of career, it is always good in 10th. You should read the detailed article on the effects when Saturn Placed in 10th house to understand the results better.

This Can give you a profession where you would like to fight for the social cause. This is also Good For Government Job. But this can also create some conflict with with Boss in Office and Mother-in-Law in family.

But this combination can bring Sudden downfall to career as well. Sudden fall from a Good Position is Quite Possible. 

Read: Learn more details of Sun and Saturn conjunction in 10th House

Sun – Saturn Yoga in 11th House

Malefic Planets give good Result in 11th house. Sun and Saturn Conjunction 11th house is good for Financial Gain. But the Source of earning may not be clean always. It can create differences with Elder siblings. This is Good for Health and Physical Wellbeing.  

Now I want to clarify one thing that, while Judging the result of the Conjunction, we should not forget about the Lordship. If sun and Saturn is the lord of Good Houses Like (1st, 4, 5, 9, 10), the Negative results will be less and positive results will be more. 

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I have tried to give you some information about Sun-Saturn conjunction in different houses as well as sun and saturn mutual aspect in vedic astrology and parivartana yoga between sun and saturn. If you Have anything more to share, please comments Below. If you have this combination in your chart, please do share your experience.


Debraj Ray is an Engineer by Profession and astrology student from last 30 years. More than three thousand people have consulted him. He has Vast experience in vedic Astrology, Nadi astrology, Divisional Chart Like- Navamsa, Dasamsa etc. you can reach him on debraj.1@gmail.com

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